When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
Technology never sleeps, however, and we have better tools today for controlling spam than we did just a few years ago. So I am very excited and pleased to bring the forum back online.
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Remember, the forum is here for two reasons. First, to get your questions answered by other women who have knowledge and experience to share. Second, it is the place to share your results and successes. Your stories will help other women learn that Whole Woman is what they need.
Whether you’re an old friend or a new acquaintance, welcome! The Whole Woman forum is a place where you can make a difference in your own life and the lives of thousands of women around the world!
Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
December 27, 2018 - 12:55pm
deep breath...
Hi Rutherford,
We are part of the nationwide Centurylink outage, so I will have to do the best I can to respond to your post on my cellphone.
Your story is very poignant and I’m sure reminds a lot of women of their encounters with the medical system in the diagnosis and treatment of prolapse. First of all, take a deep breath and try to relax, as you’re going to be just fine. The body is a miraculous self-healing organism, if only the mind will help it along.
Okay, now reach around to the back of your body and locate your anal sphincter - it is clearly at the back, correct? Now look at a few defecography videos and notice how the position of the anal outlet is portrayed. In order for the sphincter to be in that position, you would’ve had to have sat on the defecography chair with knees to chin and pelvis rotated >45 degrees backward. Software rotates the image into a fictitious orientation agreed upon by some governing medical society...
to be continued (so I don’t lose the post)...
December 27, 2018 - 1:07pm
...one very useful piece of information you may gleen from some of those images however, is how seriously the male bladder is pushed toward the back during defecation. In such cases ribbon-like stool must be squeezed out between bladder, prostate, and front rectal wall. Your doctors confirmed rectal wall pouching, but did they ignore cystocele? You may want to request to view the test yourself.
The bottom line, however, is that these tests and procedures are unlikely to help because they’re coming from a place of anatomical misconception and even deception, as mentioned....
December 27, 2018 - 1:25pm
...you are a horizontal creature from the hips down, and vertical from the waist up. Have you ever see a horse lift its tail and poop out the back? Your back passage is no different. Now understand how a sqatty potty rotates your pelvis backward into a position that is unnatural. In your previous posts from August you describe success with leaning forward to empty. My instruction in all my videos is: “you don’t have to hover - your skin can even stay in contact with the seat, but get your weight off.”
You also described improvement when you relaxed your lower belly. Search images for “signing of the Declaration of Independence” to see Whole Man posture. Every one of those men has a forward placed abdominal wall, strong shoulder girdle, and chin that is pulled in and down.
We have no way of knowing, but your symptoms sound like the classic effects of a chronically contracted abdomen and poor toilet habits.
WW breathing is foundational to the WW (WM) work. I will create a new blog post on this subject today.
Wishing you well,
December 27, 2018 - 10:36pm
Thank you
Dear Christine,
Thank you for your kind and informative response! I apologize for the delay in getting back to you; I was visiting with family since noon today.
OK, so I took a deep breath as my first step :) trying to be positive. I think I might see what you're saying about the fictitious orientation of defecography images, and I'll get in touch with my doctor's office to see if they're willing to send me the actual images from my test.
What you're saying about stool having to be squeezed between the bladder, prostate, and front rectal wall also makes complete sense - thank you for pointing this out! I don't know if they're ignoring cystocele, but I think they might have mis-named it in my test results as "anterior rectocele". They said I had both anterior and posterior rectocele, but I think what they might have meant was that I had cystocele and posterior rectocele (anterior prolapse being another term for cystocele if I understand correctly). Is there even such a thing as an anterior rectocele? I'll have to clarify this with my doctor, though so far they haven't responded to any of my questions in their medical portal :/
I think you are correct about poor posture and poor toileting habits contributing to my condition. I've had something of a sway back for some time, with my pelvis placed more forwards than it should be and my upper torso leaning backward somewhat from the pelvis. Is this what you mean by a contracted abdomen? I see that in the Declaration signing image you mentioned, the founding fathers are all standing with pelvis back(so that the butt is stuck out behind them more than mine is), bellies out, chin in close to neck (as if shielding the Adam's apple), and shoulders back (sorry if it sounds like I'm just rephrasing what you said; I just want to make sure I'm understanding your terminology correctly). Does this sound correct to you, or am I missing anything about the Whole Man posture?
Today I tried throughout the day to hold this posture. It feels very different from my normal posture. It's not too hard to maintain the posture while standing, but it's a lot more difficult for me to maintain when walking...tomorrow I'll put it to the test on a long walk in the woods. That will be good practice.
I will go back to the leaning forwards approach for bowel movements and see if I can get the hang of it again. I think I fell off this practice because I began believing that my symptoms were a result of a non-relaxing pelvic floor only and not a result of prolapse...but now that my test results are in, I know better.
I will look for the blog post on WW breathing! Thank you again! Which of your materials would you suggest I start with after this?
Also, do you think it's safe for me to be doing things like lifting 35-40lbs, or standing with a 10 lb guitar on my shoulder for 2 hrs at a time (in Whole Man posture)? I have no trouble doing this, and feel no effect on my pelvic floor, but now that I've been diagnosed with these prolapses I'm concerned that I could be doing damage without even feeling it...I am a musician so I am often carrying amps and gear between gigs. I am even beginning to wonder whether running is OK, or hiking with a backpack. There are so many activities that I've always taken for granted...none of them of give me any physical trouble right now. I wonder if it would be safe to continue them as long as I adjust my posture to that of Whole Man.
Might anyone have any insight on how to drive/sit in a car in Whole Man/Woman posture?
I apologize for all the questions. I hope I'm not overloading my posts. All this is just so new and scary to me. Thank you again for your kindness and help.
Best regards,
December 28, 2018 - 11:08am
you are very welcome
You are very welcome, Rutherford,
Rectocele is a bulging forward of the anterior rectal wall. “Posterior rectocele” makes no sense to me, given the rectum is met at the back with the sacrum, coccyx, and powerful tendons to keep it in place. My guess is that the back of your bladder (front is tightly adhered to abdominal wall) and front rectal wall are bulging toward each other when you bear down to have a bowel movement.
Hoping you can see that leaning forward tips your bladder into place and also tips the heavy sigmoid colon to pull your rectum into alignment.
Yes, by all means we want you lifting and running! However, you need to pull into WM posture every time you’re on your feet. Carry your guitar high on your thoracic spine, which in men is built for heavy lifting, all the while keeping your “heart” (below collar bones) lifted toward the sky and chin pulled in.
If you don’t run forefoot-first, perhaps you would give that a try. You might even want to experiment further by walking ball-of-foot first. It gives a particular lift that counteracts all the years of leaning your torso back. Yes, I imagine your gut has been chronically contracted.
I would say you’d probably benefit most from our Save Your Hips program. Most especially it will give you a good look at how dysfunctional medical imaging really is.
Keep eyes peeled for new blog…it’s being formatted as we speak.
:-) Christine
December 28, 2018 - 1:16pm
Making sense
What a relief to hear that I should still be lifting and running! I'm so grateful to hear this, and grateful for all your input. I will be mindful of maintaining WM posture in all my physical activities.
This morning I went for a long walk doing my best to maintain my WM posture. It's feeling kind of stiff and unnatural at first, but I'm sure this is just because I've been in the wrong posture for so long, and my body is not used to holding itself like a Whole Man would. I'm feeling a bit of stiffness and soreness in my lower back from trying to keep my butt back and my pelvis beneath my torso - but I imagine this is only natural and my body will adapt. My left leg also feels pretty tight - all the way from the top of my foot through my shin along the IT band into my hamstring - but this was already the case (to a milder degree) even before adopting WM, and I think WM is just revealing how tight my leg truly is. Hopefully it will stretch and heal with WM maintenance!
Overall I think I'm beginning to get the hang of this posture! It's amazing how the position of something like the chin, way up towards to the top of the body, can impact the position of the pelvis. But this is making sense.
I'll keep my eyes peeled for the new blog! I just read your blog on "Stabilizing and Reversing Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urinary Incontinence, Chronic Hip Pain with Correct Toes®" in an attempt to better understand what you mean about walking and running forefoot-first, on the balls of the feet. I get how losing one's arches causes lumbar curvature to flatten and the pelvic organs to shift backward, but I'm not sure I get how to walk correctly on the balls of one's feet.
In the past, I've always walked so that my heels hit the ground first, but I've always had more weight on the balls of my feet when standing in one place. Getting into WM posture tends to shift my weight back onto my heels when standing in one place. I tried walking balls-of-feet-first for about 20 minutes, experimenting to see about what kind of effect it had. It makes me feel almost like I'm walking in high heels...but I was under the impression that walking in heels created short tight pelvic muscles, and that we're supposed to shift our weight more onto our heels (which is what WM posture does for me), so I'm a bit confused here.
Do you think that flat shoes with minimal heels would be best? In any case I'll look into Correct Toes!
But on another positive note, I tried the leaning-forwards-approach for my bowel movement this morning, and had success with complete emptying! The stool was still flattened but I'm sure it will take time for my organs to re-align properly so they're no longer obstructing and flattening my stools.
Your knowledge and wisdom and its positive impact on this online community is giving me hope. :)
With gratitude,
December 28, 2018 - 2:37pm
making sense :-)
Importantly, we don’t try to stick the bum out the back because that creates a lot of stress in the sacroiliac joints - probably the discomfort you are feeling. Sticking the bum out, putting most of your weight on your heels, or pulling your thighs back (an old yoga instruction) will all get you to that same unanatomic place. We do not agree with others who teach to “walk the pelvis back” and place most of the weight on the heels, which aligns you to an antiquated model of a straight plumb line from ear to ankle. The ear and ankle should be aligned, but the Golden Spiral in between is key.
Completely relax the pelvis, lift the chest, and tuck the chin. Walk with toes pointing straight ahead and you’ve got it! Yes, the posture will reveal to you structural misalignments, which usually involve an entire side of the body.
Changing your gait is a bigger deal than it seems, so just play with it and see what you discover over time. “Barefoot” running is a great place to start. Forefoot-first is not at all like walking in high heels because the arch has great mobility, and is working like a coil to dampen every step. This type of walking allows the calves their full ability to pump, which acts as a “second heart” to optimize venous return.
So glad you're seeing results!
December 28, 2018 - 6:11pm
Alright! :)
Alright, I'll be persistent with walking forefoot-first! And I'll make sure to align my toes straight ahead as well. Do you use minimal shoes like Vibram Five-Fingers or anything like that for "barefoot" running?
It's a good thing you told me not to stick my bum out, or I'd have been doing WM all wrong! When I relax my pelvis completely, it does tend to shift forward in a sway-back kind of posture...but I'll try to strike a balance, not letting my pelvis thrust completely forward, but not sticking my bum out either. It seems like the key to this balance will be maintaining the other elements of the posture you described...a belly-out, forward-placed abdominal wall, tucked chin, and lifted chest. Hopefully focusing on these elements of the posture will prevent my pelvis from thrusting forwards.
Is it common for rectocele to be accompanied by a tight, non-relaxing pelvic floor?
I'll update this thread with my findings as I progress with the approach you've outlined! Thanks again! :)
December 28, 2018 - 7:55pm
Your pelvis is already tipped all the way forward, and your pubic bones underneath you like straps of a saddle. Undoubtedly, your “swayback” is a low, sharp curvature at the base of your spine. The correction is not to try to change the position of the pelvis, but to simply relax the pelvis and lift the chest. The low curve then becomes a natural wide-radius curve comprising all of the lumbar spine. You can’t hyperextend the upper spine because you are keeping your shoulders down and chin pulled in.
Yes, five-finger shoes or other wide toebox shoes or moccasins are necessary so you can spread your toes out. Most of my shoes are unsuitable for forefoot-first walking. It really is a much bigger change than one would expect, and should be considered carefully and worked with slowly.
December 29, 2018 - 9:24am
OK, I think I get it! When I lift my chest and pull my chin in while keeping my shoulders down, it seems to correct my pelvis synergistically, without my having to deliberately shift my pelvis backwards. Awesome! Looking in the mirror I can see the distinction between the low, sharp curvature of my previous posture and the wide-radius curve of WM.
Right now I'm focusing pretty intently on the upper-body aspects of the posture, to make sure I really integrate them and get used to them. I'm sprinkling the forefoot-first walking in little by little, and hope to increase it as the other elements of the posture become more natural to me.
I'm also going to start doing pull-ups to increase my upper-body strength so that I can lift more safely, so that I can rely more on my upper torso and put less strain on my pelvic muscles when lifting. I figure this will also help me lift my chest skyward more naturally. I'm a pretty skinny guy - about 120 lbs at 5'6" - so supporting my pelvis with a more substantial musculature on the rest of my body will probably help me in the long run.
It means so much that you've taken your time to offer me this guidance :)
December 30, 2018 - 4:57am
Forefoot running
I am not a runner, and in the dead of winter I don't walk outside either. And incorporating forefoot walking into my life is still a work in progress, to say the least. But I know it works, because I am finding great benefits from just 5 or 10 minutes daily of simply running in place on the forefoot, combined with running back and forth from room to room. And throw in a little bit of gentle jumping. I don't like jumping jacks because they tend to make my toes turn in (when landing with feet spread apart). But jumping in excellent WW/WM posture, landing on the forefoot with plenty of room for toes to be spread, is another one of Christine's proven tips.
All of this constitutes an easy way to experience everything that she talks about in this thread. - Surviving