Problems with trapped air


Sorry for asking many questions but finally I have some people to ask them too.. (I am still waiting for Christine's book to arrive.)

Does anyone have problems with trapped in their vagina? Apart from the feeling of fullness from the rectocele the only problem I am having is this. I actually discovered that something was wrong because of this. It is not vaginal farting because the air does not gush out by itself. Rather, it feels that air bubbles inside cause discomfort and I have to squeeze them out regularly.

This problem almost went away when I stopped going to PT but I bought a Kegelmaster a week ago, used it for three days and then it came back big time. I stopped using the Kegelmaster since...

I have two doubts regarding this:
1. Is it a sign that something is getting worse rather than improving?
2. I am worried that the squeezing/pushing out the air makes my prolapses worse.

Do you have any thoughts on this? (On my background: I am 4 months postpartum, cystocele and rectocele diagnosed 3 months ago.)

Many many thanks,

You did a good thing by stopping the kegelmaster! After the birth of my daughter I got prolapse and I had the trapped air in the vagina that you are talking about. It was really annoying. Once I started the posture it gradually got better and better and now I rarely have it. Just a side note, I found the kegelmaster before finding this site unfortunately and tried it. I felt a big improvement in my cystocele but after each time I would get more pressure in my behind. I finally listened to myself and stopped however my rectocele is worse now and I am sure the kegelmaster made it worse.

Hi Reka:

Welcome! I asked a similar question on my post yesterday. I am curious as to what the other ladies have to say.

- Lilly Anne

Hi ladies,

I'm glad to see this topic brought up as it is unfortunately near and dear to my heart. I don't have any answers, just more questions in case anyone does have answers...

My issue is trapped air during yoga class. It seems to occur when I do downward dog, then when the next pose involves lifting one leg up to the sky. As I lift it up, I feel my organs move (which doesn't hurt or anything, I just feel them shift). Then, when I move back to a standing pose, great expelling of trapped air, resulting in basically vagina fart and people looking around thinking "what was that!". I'm always tempted to look hard at the cute person next to me, who probably doesn't have to deal with a prolapse, and send everyone else her way! At any rate, it doesn't make for a relaxed yoga class for me! I've found that as long as I don't do that pose, I don't have the issue, so that's what I've been doing, but if anyone else has any ideas, please let me know.


Ya I get them sometimes when I exercise too- same situation as Carolyn- So I only do those types of poses at home-
and also some intimate positions do this too.