Maya Massage


I want to thank whoever it was who posted some time ago about Mayan Massage. I can't find the original message but it lurked in my mind for a while before I finally found someone to show me how to do this for myself. I went to see a therapist in Surrey (I live in England) on monday and after seeing her I felt so good all day. unfortunately I didn't have time to post until now!
I wanted to share with you all how much I think this can be of help with the prolapse. Lying on the back with knees on a pillow using the ends of the fingers you kind of scoop down into the pelvic area from the pubic bone up towards the navel. I can't properly describe it but you probe quite deeply essentially looking for the uterus and pushing it up the body. After doing this there seems to be more space between the top of the pubic bone and the uterus and then you can tie a long scarf around the hips with a large knot possitioned over this space to help support the uterus. ( I haven't actually got a scarf yet but it sounds like it might be really helpful especially on difficult days).
I have been doing the self massage every evening since then and when I find time will start doing some in the afternoon as well. It really feels like a positive thing we can do to help with the posture, diet etc.
On a slightly different tack this therapist also said something to me that had never occurred to me before about lifting and other heavy work. She suggested that since it is usually unavoidable to do some lifting at one time or another, I should consentrate on avoiding such lifting for a few days before my period and during the first 3 or 4 days of it. (I have 10 to 11 day periods at the moment).
This makes perfect sense to me as I always have more sensation of the prolapse during my periods. I don't know why I never thought of it myself!
Hope this is of interest to others.

Hi Caz
It was probably me who mentioned the Mayan Abdominal Massage, I also had mine in Surrey, with a lovely lady called Hilary Lewin. I wonder if you also went to her? There are only three practioners in the europe and they are all in Britain. She makes you feel so good, after the massage you feel wonderful. I also do the self care every morning and sometimes at night. I'm sure it is beneficial, with the posture and exercises. You are obviously much younger than myself and I think you should have shorter periods with only fresh blood (no brown) if you keep up the self care. The periods business is finished for me, one of the joys of getting older!

Thank you Brigid,
Yes it was Hilary Lewin that I saw. What a wonderful woman. She was helpful in so many other ways... (there's nothing quite like being asked to describe the births of one's children for releasing pent up tension!) Hilary did say that with vigilant use of this massage I should be abled to reduce the length of my periods. Infact she expects them to be nearer to normal by the time I see her again in 2 months!
Have you tried the scarf idea? Sorry I can't remember the correct mayan name for it.
Anyway thank you so much for the tip-off to try it I have very high hopes and have definitely felt better ever since I met her.
Gratefully, Caz.

Hi Caz
I think the name of the scarf thing is "fathia" or something like that, it starts with an f anyhow, I made one, I sliced a sarong in half lengthwise and sewed the two halves together at the narrow end to make it like a really long scarf about a foot wide, you wrap it around the front of the tummy tight and loop one side over the other at the back and tie in the front right under the uterus to provide a good thick knot to support the uterus, if you have some material left, wrap it round the knot to provide even more support while you walk or work around the house. It can be used under your clothes or over, maybe start a fashion trend! Hilary is wonderful, I hope to return to her for more treatment, she met me at the airport and took me to her house, made lunch for me and my friend. Sorry to go on, our american friends are probably bored but it is nice to have our own support system this side of the atlantic. Thanks Christine for making that possible. Caz, I know how you feel, like I did after my session with Hilary, it gives you a great lift and you feel you can conquer the world not to mention a prolapse.

P.S. By the way, Caz, when you see Hilary, please give her my regards, tell her Brigid from Ireland sends her regards. Thanks.