I think I know what helped


I posted on someone's thread that despite being so sick with this pregnancy and not eating well, I wasn't feeling my prolapse as much. I thought it was the pregnancy.

After a few days I started to feel worse again so I tried to think about what was different. I realized that when I was so sick I ate a lot of unhealthy food but no meat because it really turned me off. Then I started to feel better and was eating some meat again.

I am really starting to think that meat makes my rectocele feel way worse. I had tried no dairy, no wheat/gluten, lots of fruits and veggies etc. and nothing helped but I never tried no meat. I am really hoping that this could make the big difference for me. The weird part is that chicken always seems to make me feel way worse the next day but not red meat??? I thought it would be the other way around.

Anyway just thought I'd share in case it helps someone else troubleshoot.

I’m reminded of the Montana cattle rancher (can’t recall his name) -turned vegan- who was sued along with Oprah by the cattle industry for defamation or something. We also heard him speak at that same conference a couple of years ago. He’s radically against eating red meat, but he said something to the effect, “If I had to make a choice between which to give up – chicken or beef – it would be chicken.”

really I am.......I can tell you that after drinking alcohol and eating meat during a recent camping trip I feel awful. So back on the no meat no alcohol wagon for me. Lets see how long it takes this time for me to feel better.

I do eat chicken and find that red meat is the thing which makes my bowels feel generally sluggish and heavy! Do you know Christine why this rancher thought chicken was worse?

dh and I have both noticed that we feel seriously ill after eating chicken (we eat chicken once a week but are now thinking of eliminating it completely). we don't feel sick after eating beef, but the meat does have a worse effect on my rectocele than the chicken does.

I don't know what it is about eating chicken, but I have always found it so interesting that practically every woman I know who's been pg with food aversions, has been sick to her stomach from eating or preparing chicken, but not meat.

things that make you go 'hmmm...'

Michelle...He then went on to talk about the extreme suffering and toxicity associated with the industry. Also the fat issue…even skinned chicken is hardly fat free.