Advice please


Hi, I have recently been diagnosed with a moderately prolapsed uterus, a severe cystocele and a rectocele. I also have pudendal nerve damage and incompetant internal and external anal sphyncters following an unrepaired (no one noticed!) 4th degree tear in 2004. I have had physio for the sphyncters (with no success) and have been referred to a surgeon who plans to repair the sphyncters and rectocele this summer. I am currently breastfeeding my second child who was delivered by section 10 months ago.

I was told that nothing can be done for the cystocele and the prolapse except a hysterectomy (I'm 32). I stumbled on this website (hooray!) and thought I'd check out what you thought as it seems I'm not the only one who has this array of issues, just the only one who has been given no information or choices. Not being able to do anything is making me feel very scared of doing anything (excercise, sex etc) and I'm becoming more and more depressed which is not like me at all.

I saw an advert for the Athenafem and was wondering if this might help? Has anyone any experience of it? Also any other advice would be really appreciated. I have to eat a low fibre diet to help with the faecal incontinence, but anything else I'll try!

Thank you!

welcome to the forum!
not only are you not alone with these issues, but many of us were not given information or choices by our health care providers. I'm so happy you found this site, read through the faq's on the home page and ask any questions you may have, you're sure to learn alot!

I don't know much about sphincter damage, but I do find it horrifying that no one noticed a fourth degree tear! I tore with my first baby too, and the dr didn't notice, but those tears were no where near 4th degree. how do they repair that surgically? make sure you find out before going under the knife, you want to be prepared for what you will find when you get up.
as far as rectocele repair, many women here are managing pretty well without surgery, so if that's something you're interested in, you can do a search and read through the gazillion rectocele posts.
for many of us, high fiber diets are key to managing rectocele, but that doesn't seem to be an option for you right now. I never heard of Athenafem, so I can't comment. what is it?

regarding your uterine and bladder prolapses, read up on the posture and if you can afford to, get christine's book (the new edition which can be ordered from this site). the book really explains how prolapse develops and how posture and movement can affect prolapse. a very empowering option to hysterectomy!

Hi Granolamom,

Thanks for your reply. The surgery they are proposing will be to overlap the two anal sphyncters (internal and external) so they are continuous rather than horse-shoed, stitch up the fistula and tighten the muscle to pull the rectocele back into place. The athena fem provides electrical stimulation to get the muscles working again (a bit like slendertone for your abs!).

Is there a specific FAQ section to the site? I am not to internet literate and couldn't see one! The book sounds amazing and right up my street.

Thanks again.

OK, so I found the home page. Sorry!

Hi Marigold,

This is one of the most difficult and profound issues in women's health today. The subject is really worthy of a book in itself, but I am doing the best I can to create a lengthy post on the subject. Look for it in my blog no later than early next week.
