is swimming safe?


I have a very prolapsed uterus and was wondering if it was safe for me to swim in our chlorinated
pool this summer? It doesn't seem like a good idea because of the chemicals and all. I do love to swim with my kids, but don't want to take any chances as my prolapse is always bulging all the way outside of me. Also, I worry that the chemicals in the water would not be good if I became pregnant. Thank you for any thoughts or opinions out there.

Because it is your home pool- you can probably get away with very minimal chemicals.

When I was pregnant I was teaching kids swimming for a few hours a week. I asked my obstetrician about the chlorine and he advised me to give up the swim teaching. He said that there has been no research to suggest it is dangerous to the unborn baby, but as the pool I taught at was heavily chlorinated, he thought it wasn't worth the risk.

I would imagine swimming in low levels of chlorine in your own pool for short periods of time while pregnant would therefore be okay. But maybe check with your ob or GP to be sure.

Hi Titus2mom,

Chlorine is really hard on the body so you might want to think about a salt water pool. (We put shower filters in our bathrooms to dechlorinate that water). There are companies out there, I just read on, that offers a product to change over to a salt water pool. It looks like the average price is around $900, so if that's within your budget, it seems like it would be worth looking into. I just saw a program on tv about a salt water pool and they were talking about how much healthier it is than a chlorined pool.

Best of luck.
Grandma Joy