Argh, I hate this.


Yesterday, I was out shopping with DS when he needed a diaper change. I decided to do it right there in the parking lot. I got his diaper (cloth) all ready, and then I stood him in front of me, with him standing between me and car (trying to block view of his body from people walking/driving through the parking lot). I then helped him get undressed and put on the new clothes. After several seconds of standing bent over forward in this position, I stood up and got a strong pelvic pain - mostly central and somewhat higher than my c-section scar. My immediate thought was that I must have made my cystocele worse, followed by the thought that maybe I made some other prolapse worse. But there are other possibilities, I guess. It could have been related to how my c-section healed. I think surgery screws up the nerves a bit. It also could have just been some weird cramping, since I was on CD3. But I never used to have cramps like that before pregnancy, birth, and the following prolapse mess. *sigh* I feel like my whole lower abdomen is so unstable!

Ugh, now I'm having some weird pain there today, especially if I sit slumped at all (which I know, I'm not supposed to be doing anyway). I feel like I need something to help hold my belly in. Not a nice feeling at all.

I hope you feel better soon