Suspender belts


I am sick to death of not being able to get thick tights with a big enough panty part! And sheer tights that fit in the legs and in the panty part!

I just hate having tight pantihose that grabs you all over, and is tight in the crutch, and compresses my belly (Firm and flattering I think they call it! ROFL)

Now, let's go back in history, pre-pantihose. I never did like the feel of pantihose as a teenager, but the alternative was not acceptable at all, and I wouldn't be caught dead wearing stockings (which weree so passee!). Pantihose were oh so fashionable, and oh so simple, oh so light, and oh so bl***y uncomfortable. A bit like margarine actually - a marketing coup. It still takes like S*** after all these years! LOL

So off to the sex shop, off to the department store. Problem, no suspender belts in skin colour unless they are size 10 and very skimpy. What I needed was a 'generously cut', non-lycra suspender belt that will allow my belly to expand below it, and is adjustable depending on what time of the month it is.

So off to the sewing machine with an old tricot petticoat, a bit of ribbon (for fastening and trim), a bit of lace for trim, a bit of elastic for the suspender bits, and some suspender belt thingies from the haberdashery dept. Voila, one suspender belt, made to measure.

It is winter here at the moment, so out with all the winter tights. Chopped the panties bit off and I now have warm stockings galore. Add a petticoat for a bit more warmth, or knee-hi dance pants and I can wear skirts with stockings, a bit more feminine than slacks all the time.

You could look there for roomy tights

I second alemama
I'm still wearing my maternity hose, very comfy