

Thank you and Christine for showing such an interest to my condition.

I did go to the doctor to have the pessay out and I have to say I feel better without it. However, I thought that perhaps the pessary would help keep my cervic/ligaments from stretching more but I resigned myself to the fact that it is not good for me.

After he took the pessary out he noticed my rectocele! He had not mentioned this at my previous appointment. Perhaps the pessary added this complication.

Anyway, I have ordered the v-2 brace for some comfort, just hope it doesn't squeeze my insides out.

I have been working real hard on the posture and I seem to be showing progress, however, I am soooo stressed out that I am still not fully handling my situation to the best of my ability. I am eating very healthy and that has dropped my weight by 25 lbs. (most of it is stress related.)

The video should be arriving any day and I know that will give me the courage I need to help myself.

Thank you,
Marie (Little Marie)

"Little Marie"

All of this takes time. I have been at it for eight months and I can assure you that the good days will far outweigh the bad days. Right now, I am at a point where I don't feel any prolapses as long as I do my exercises (1), massage for a few seconds in the evenings and constantly adopt the new way of walking and sitting.

As for your rectocele, I am a firm believer, the pessary caused mine. Keeping things moving along will help in that department, even if it means to take a stool softener on a daily basis.

You have to adopt a mind set that you are not going to be "normal" as you remembered but will be a new normal and that is one of acceptance and adjusting. The "wandering womb" is talking; you just have to listen and tell it who's boss.
