Weight loss and prolapse


Hi Everyone,
Four years ago, I was diagnosed with uterine prolapse,did a bunch of Kegels, and had the problem disappear until 4 months ago.
At that time, both my family doctor and my gynecologist suggested that I lose some weight as well as doing exercises to strengthen my pelvic floor. I wasn't obese, but about 20-25 pounds more than I should be.Since then, I have lost 22 pounds through diet and exercise.
Everything was going quite well; I have been doing many of the exercises in Christine's book, along with the posture and some Kegels for good measure.
The last month or so has been tough; it seems that everything changes every couple of days. My uterus is usually quite high up now, but the rectocele was bad until a couple of weeks ago, and now the cystocele which has never been a real problem, is driving me nuts.I have also had my period 3 months in a row (I'm 52), after having it only every 3-4 months in the last year.(I'm always worse after my period.)
I wonder if the ongoing weight loss could be changing things?
I feel much stronger, and my pelvic floor muscles seem to be really firm, but it feels like something is sitting loose in there,on top of the pelvic floor, and kind of slithering around when I move.
Has anyone else had a similar experience? Any ideas, Christine?
I think that ultimately, the weight loss will be a good thing for me, but I need to find a way to adjust to it.
I have ordered some sea sponges, and will see if they help, but I was hoping to do this "au naturel"!
I'm also looking forward to receiving the video; I'm committed to making this work.

Hi Rhonda:-),

My immediate response when I read your post was SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT. You and I are the same age and are going through similar perimenopausal times. I thought I was done with bleeding a year ago but then had three periods in a row, too. It's been about three months again since I've bled.

You know, the "stuff sliding around" feeling is just part of the deal. I can't imagine that your weight loss could be anything but beneficial. I hope that you will do the walking part of this program and please include a few moments of "winging" your arms. I'm always amazed at the effect this has on the position of the pelvic organs.

I want to remind you of the importance of squatting, too. If there are occassions when you can squat rather than bend over, try to squat. The pelvic surgeons really DO have all the answers...they just come to such grizzly conclusions!!! Here's something of interest from Nichols and Randall's "Vaginal Surgery", third edition..."Zacharin has studied possible causes for the relative infrequency of both genital prolapse and urinary stress incontinence among orientals. His dissections of Chinese cadavers at the University of Hong Kong revealed that their primary urethral suspensory mechanism was almost vestigial (underdeveloped), in contrast to magnificent development of their levator ani(pelvic floor) complex - the opposite situation of the usual occidental female. Unanswered, yet, is whether this better development of the levator ani is an inherited characteristic or one acquired from their traditional way of life and lifelong habit of sitting and of defecation in the squatting position." DUH!

Keep us posted, Rhonda,


Well...it's just swinging your arms in a controlled way...up and down like you're going to fly. I find the results so magical...there's a several-layers-thick sheet of fascia underneath the upper and lower back muscles. When we walk, taking long strides and holding our body in natural posture, then swing our arms in this way...you can experience the "thoracolumbar fascia", or TCF, pulling everything, including the pelvic organs into place. It's easier to demonstate it than to describe, but hope this helps!

Thanks Christine!
I have noticed that raising my arms does feel good; kind of like having a good stretch in the morning, or after a nap; the arms go up, the back arches, and you just feel everything getting a workout, head to toe.