need support


hi. i have been browsing this site for a few weeks. i am 41, 10 weeks postpartum and have a bladder prolapse (not told stage, but is not falling out of vagina, but hanging at opening). i don't know if there are stages of coping with this/ i am not generally an angry person, but i am terribly angry and depressed that this has happened. my baby is an IVF there was quite a stressful period prior to pregnancy. then at 7 months pregnant i was walking across a sidewalk and hit by a taxi. i suffered a fractured knee and was homebound and dependent on others for my entire third trimester. i only now am starting to walk. i was excited to finally become almost normal when i discovered this prolapse. i have seen a specialist and i am undergoing biofeedback/physical therapy. it was an induced labor and forceps delivery. i feel like we are not warned that this could happen. i could have had a csection because of my leg injury, and would have done it if i knew there was a chance this would happen.
i understand some people recover from this with time. but what does that mean? how much time? what is recovery??? does anyone return to their old selves or do we just reach a point of adjustment to this condition? i am looking for hope to recover to a point where i don't have that hanging sensation. i can deal with stress incontinance. also have no control over flatulance...not so great, but can cope with that. but the feeling i have a billiard ball that i need to hold in is unbearable. i am breast feeding, so have heard things will improve after i stop...

congratulations on the birth of your baby! I'm sorry though, that you wound up with a prolapse. kinda takes the joy right out of things, which is awful when you should be kicking back and enjoying your little one.
your instincts are right, there are stages of coping with loss, and this qualifies as a loss alright. so yeah, I was flippin mad when I found my prolapse. angry, depressed, the whole thing. and you're right, it comes from left field, who knew you could end up with this after having a baby? not me, that's for sure. maybe it would've helped to know that its somewhat normal/common or maybe not, but at least I wouldn't have felt so freakishly damaged.
course, its not like you had many options, baby had to be born and a c/s doesn't always prevent this from happening either.

so what does 'recover with time' mean

well first of all, your body's been through a heck of a lot with pg and labor and delivery (car accident too!) and alot of healing takes place in that first year postpartum as everything is moving back to a familiar state of equilibrium. your hormone levels are still not back, ligaments and other tissues have been stretched and need time to get back to the way they were (or something close to it anyway).

in terms of prolapse, there have been some women here pp who've seen complete reversals and some (like me) who haven't seen complete reversal but some improvement and stabilization.

how much time varies. took me a loooong time to start seeing change (a year maybe?) but others sometimes see improvements in weeks.

I am not my old self anymore. I may have a prolapse (or two) but it doesn't bother me most days and I pretty much can do anything I did before hand. the big difference is that the rest of me is stronger. learning to manage this has really made me a better person. sounds so corny, but its the truth. not only have I learned to live well with my prolapse, but I've learned to enjoy life more too. so odd how that happens.

since you've been reading the posts here for a while you know what I'm going to say next:
read through the faqs
get the book
start the posture
and remember, there is good reason to remain hopeful.

stick around, ask any questions you have, lean on us for support. its really hard, really really hard, to come to terms with POP. you don't have to go it alone


Hi Jsync

Oh yeah, I can understnad your anger. My first baby was conceived via infertility treatment. I got pre-eclampsia and was hospitalised for the last week. Labour consisted of a big epidural to numb me up to the breastbone (also to lower my blood pressure), legs up in stirrups, a forceps delivery and episiotomy (as a result of the lying down with legs in air position and forceps). As if I could have birthed him myself tied up like that? But for a very precious baby ...

I understood that the epidural was compulsory because of its blood pressure lowering effect but was really annoyed when I found out from this site 22 years later about the effects of episiotomy on the stability of pelvic organs. We can only really trust doctors in these situations. I was really looking forward to birthing this baby myself, upright and simple. Very disappointng, but I have come to the conclusion that caesarian section has its own problems, apart from being major abdominal surgery with its own scarring.

Second pregnancy was also infertility treatment which resulted in hyprstimulation of my ovaries that blew my abdomen up like a balloon and stuffed my pelvic floor muscles before I was even 8 weeks pregnant. Still, I managed to get them to work again a few months after the birth with some physio, and they are fine now.

Prolapses took a few years to develop gradually and finally took me to the gyno for an opinion. Three years later the prolapses are still there and always will be, but I don't notice them a lot, as changes to posture, exercise, food and clothing have enabled me to keep them from getting worse, and it has allowed my body to support them in a different way so they are no longer trying to exit. I see no problem in going on like this for ever. Here's hoping.

The moral of this story is that we both have had lovely healthy, and much longed-for babies, but our bodies are a little worse for wear. You are just starting your prolapses journey, whereas I am a bit further along the path. Here's hoping that your endeavours will enable you to have the same sort of success as I have had. Your journey will probably be a bit different to mine; just make the most of the opportunities this website offers.

I have come to the conclusion that surgery often enough simply replaces one set of problems with another, and I figure there has to be a pretty good potential outcome for me to submit to a scalpel that will change the way my body supports itself. The surgical option just doesn't give me the certainty of that good outcome.

Good luck, and congratulations on the birth of your baby.

