Has anyone seen a physiotherapist?


I was wondering if anyone has seen one for them to teach them how to do the pelvic floor exercises. Did seeing them help any and was it a benefit? Thank you, Adriana

yes it seems several of us are or have done this. i am 4 months postpartum and have gone 6 times so far. i don't know if it was the therapy or natural recovery postpartum..but i was somewhat incontinent of urine, had problems with flatulence and couldn't stop my flow of urine when urinating. all of those things have improved. still a long way to go..but worth trying.

hi adriana
I personally have not seen a PT (though I am one, or was in my pre-mommy life)
learning to do kegels (pelvic floor ex's) properly can help somewhat with stress incontinence. works like this, in stress incontinence, you lose urine when the pressure above the bladder is greater than the pressure from below. when the bladder is properly situated, the anatomy itself provides the pressure from below. once out of place (ie prolapsed), a sneeze or cough easily overcomes the less -than- optimal pressure from below and you leak. squeezing a muscle below while you sneeze (a kegel) will increase the pressure from below and prevent leaking.
PT might also be useful in muscle reeducation following trauma (such as childbirth) when nerves are stretched.
I am still not convinced, however, that pelvic floor ex's will put a prolapsed bladder or uterus back in place. those muscles are really for allowing things out, rather than holding things up.