Rectocele Surgery


Hi, I'm new and feel like I really need other women to talk to about all that's going on with my body.

I am 40 years old, very healthy with 4 amazing children!

Back in 1999 I had rectal prolapse surgery, the most painful thing I've ever been through. This past Monday, I had surgery for rectocele. We, me and my husband, joke about my body falling apart but when I really think about it it's depressing. I have always been very physically active. Now I'm told I can't ever do leg press or squats again. I'm willing to take this advice if it means never having to go through this type of surgery again.

Does anyone have any exercises to recommend. I've been thinking about getting into Palates. What do you think?


Just wanted to say welcome - I know nothing helpful about surgery I am afraid as I avoid doctors like the plague lol

From what I do know about surgery make sure you are not constipated and eat healthy etc. I am sure someone will come in and tell you something helpful :)

I have never heard of not being able to do leg presses tho or squats - Hmmmm

Look into the eyes - They hold the key!


I've not had the surgery, but I do have the rectocele and the exercise I find most helpful follows:

As if you were taking a giant step forward (both legs going in the same direction about 3 feet apart) stretch up with both hands in a prayer position keeping your arms straight. Pull up not in as you tuck your chin and roll down until your hands touch the floor on either side of your front foot. Keep your legs straight, and make sure your hips are facing forward. While you are down, try doing a super kagel aimed at your bottom. Pull the kagel back. As you practice this, you will notice there are several groups of muscles that you can play with here. Squeeze, pull up, up, up and hold.

I do the kagel part in the car when I'm driving.

When you come up to a standing position again, try to pull everything tight and up and keep your arms out as you rotate back to a standing position.

Hope this helps!


Change what you can change; be happy with what you cannot.

Hi Dew

I am scheduled to have this surgery on Friday. Could you please tell me what your experience was? Was the recovery lengthy? were you glad you had it done?


Hi KT,

I pretty sure I'm glad I've done it. I had it last Monday, I'm still pretty uncomfortable. But I already feel a big difference going #2 :o)

Good luck!!!


Dew - how long did you need to take off? If I have surgery on Friday is it realistic to think I will be back at work on Monday? Also, I am going in as an outpatient. Did you stay in over night? I have read that you mostly do, but I am not and I wonder if thats ok. Also, was the repari done through your rectum?


I don't work outside of the home but I don't think it's realistic to think you will be back at work on Monday. I'm on day 8 and still finding driving to be uncomfortable and am still on pain medication. And each #2 is a bit uncomfortable, I wouldn't want to be away from home.

I did it as an outpatient. I didn't want to stay, I have a small child at home and wanted to come home no matter what. Make sure you have someone to take care of you, my husband was awesome. He took the whole week off to take care of me.

I had the repair done through my vagina. My surgeon has done it both ways and said that through the vagina is much more successful.

Please let me know what you decide.


When I woke up in recovery I was in pain. They gave me pain medication immediately, they gave me more before I left and sent me home with a prescription for more.

The bleeding is quite significant, wear something comfortable and don't forget panties, you will need a sanitary napkin, you might want to have some available at home too. I bled for 2 days.

Urinating was VERY difficult. At the risk of giving too much information, I could not urinate on the toilet. I had to run the bathtub with warm water and get in to be able to go. If I held my bladder too long I was in a lot of pain. KT, this surgery isn't easy, I thought it would be, I had rectal prolapse surgery in 1999, that surgery was a nightmare, this one wasn't as bad but it wasn't a piece of cake either.

All this said, I'm still glad I did it, for the reasons I stated before.

Let me know what you decide.
