more questions


sorry to ask so many questions...I am still waiting for my copy of Christine's book to get here.
can anyone recommend a good position for nursing a toddler? Usually I sit on the sofa and lean back and he nurses while climbing all over me. I've noticed my pelvis is in a horrible posterior tilt when I'm sitting that way.
what about running? I used to run on a treadmill, but stopped about a year ago due to a bursitis. The bursitis is gone (thank God!) and I want to start up again. I see a few women here are swimming, but I don't enjoy swimming. Is running not recommended?
and this last one falls into the tmi category so just skip it if you want, but does anyone else feel a whole lot less sexy with this going on? I try not to think about it when dh and I uh, you know, but its hard not to and it kinda ruins the mood. I hope its ok to post things like this here. If not, just let me know.

Hopefully you

thank you,Christine for your upbeat response. I hope the book comes today.

Hi granolamom, Don't know where I read this, but I did! Sex is good for the prolapse! I don't think your partner will be able to tell differently, but that is really a good work out for you. Do it, and be glad you have the ability. I've read about 12 books including Christine's, and in one of them, I remember seeing that it's good to do it! Don't ever be embarassed by your questions, I've asked some wild ones myself. That's how I learned and I'm sure others also! Isn't it nice, we can't see your face blushing :) Keep at it, the exercises on the video and in the book. Your are lucky to be so young. Just take it easy and concentrate on your kegels when picking up the kids. Don't know if you tried the sea sponges yet but they work most of the time for me. And keep us informed on the progress! Nancy

thanks for your response, Nancy. Dh says he can't feel anything different, I can't tell if he's just saying that, or if really he can't. Either way, it hasn't affected his libido. You say I'm lucky to be so young, and I truly thank you for pointing that out. Here I was feeling so sorry for myself that I am stuck with this problem at so young an age. I really needed an adjustment in perspective. I got Christine's book today and read the whole thing while the kids had free reign of the house (now I have a HUGE mess to pick up!) but I just could not put it down. I am so thankful I didn't pursue a surgical 'solution' to this and now I am certain that I won't.
Tell me more, if you don't mind, about these sea sponges? I'm assuming they are worn like a tampon? Is this something you'd do to alleviate symptoms or to promote healing or both?