Daylight savings time


Hi ladies, This is somewhat off topic, but I think it relates a little since we're talking about health and doing things naturally. I Found this site and thought it was interesting: I've had a problem all this summer with
daylight savings time because my preschoolers don't get settled down
and ready to go to sleep until an hour after the sun has set--that
means at the end of June they weren't down until 10:30 pm! I have had
the worst summer of sleep deprivation and I've been on vacation from
school! I'm actually looking forward to school starting, thinking I
might be able to catch up on my sleep then! Anyway, thought I'd share
this for anyone else who has complications caused by daylight savings.

I love this kind of info Jane, thanks. I

Hi Girls
I think this is an interesting topic, at first I didn't know what you were on about, until I went into that site and realised you are talking about the clocks going forward an hour in summer, we call it "Summer Time". I knew a farmer when I was young who refused to change his clock, he lived and worked by his own clock which was an hour behind everyone else in Summer! Maybe he had the right idea. Summer Time was only introduced when I was a child and I remember that farmer rebelled against it. I had the same trouble with my children when they were off school for the summer, I was quite relieved when Sept. came and they were back into a routine. It is really tiring for us Mums when we have to work outside the home or even working in the home, there is so much more to do to keep children occupied when they are off school.