When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
Technology never sleeps, however, and we have better tools today for controlling spam than we did just a few years ago. So I am very excited and pleased to bring the forum back online.
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Please review and agree to the disclaimer and the forum rules. Our moderators will remove any posts that are promotional or otherwise fail to meet our guidelines and will block repeat offenders.
Remember, the forum is here for two reasons. First, to get your questions answered by other women who have knowledge and experience to share. Second, it is the place to share your results and successes. Your stories will help other women learn that Whole Woman is what they need.
Whether you’re an old friend or a new acquaintance, welcome! The Whole Woman forum is a place where you can make a difference in your own life and the lives of thousands of women around the world!
Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
October 21, 2007 - 4:11pm
you are going to be fine!!!
I'm 28- have 3 kiddos in 3 and a half years and tore badly each time. I have a rectocele- I also had a cystocele that developed a few months after I discovered the rectocele but it is completely gone now. I feel great. In the next year or so I hope to get pregnant again.
If you can, go to the main site and look at the FaQs and also search the search function on the left of this screen.
For me it is always better if I don't carry around my little fat man a ton. So it might be a good idea to let the housework go a little or hire some help or take others up on it when they offer.
I think if your symptoms get worse with each pregnancy then they will with your next one- but you will recover so it is probably worth it if you want another baby.
Before I started the posture my tailbone hurt all the time and now it doesn't.
You will stabilize and probably improve.
and I am sorry your doctor is such an idiot. A lot are.
Prolapse isn't life threatening- and for me at this point it isn't even inconvenient. If anything I have improved the quality of my life since discovering my bulge.
Start the posture, read some old posts, maybe buy Christine's book or DVD- you will be fine.
congratulation on your babes.
October 21, 2007 - 11:01pm
My prolapse problems
Hi Life
Sounds like you have just made the dreaded discovery and you really don't know what to think.
Alemama is right. It will get better, but a lot of carrying two babies who are now quite a size will not be helping matters down below right now. No doubt they will both be walking soon, so you won't 'need' to carry them quite so much. So you are probably the worst you will ever be.
The damage to the supports of your pelvic organs has already been done and cannot be fixed without causing more damage. Yeah, you heard me. Surgery doesn't fix prolapses; it just makes the organs stay up out of your vagina until something else moves down and fills the space. Removing the uterus and reconfiguring its supports will mess up the basic structure of the internal supports inside your pelvic area, leaving even less of the soft, movable supports that keep everything in place. That is why so many women who have hysterectomies and repair jobs keep having to go back for more surgery for the rest of their lives. Surgery sets up unnatural stresses on organs and fascial supports and causes scar tissue to form. All this often causes a lot of chronic pain and further worse problems using the bladder and/or bowels, depending on what sort of surgery is done.
Alemama mentioned posture, which you will find out about on the main site. This is the backbone of Wholewoman work, carrying your body in ways that reinforce its natural form and protecting it from further damage. Start this now, yes today, and you will start to get benefit immediately.
There are two parts to living with prolapse. The first part is learning to look after your body and learning to do some things differently to avoid further damage and reduce the symptoms. It is a little like having another baby in a way because your life just changes in a few different ways.
* You don't become any less capable.
* You learn to work around it.
* It is for ever.
* You can make friends with it and use it to gain better body awareness, which can lead to a more sensual life, better sex and a fuller appreciation of the goodness of your femaleness.
* You will never take your body for granted again!
The second part is learning to have confidence in your body's ability to live with this malpositioning of organs (which is all it is!). You will have ups and downs, literally, and learn when they can happen, but you will gain confidence that even if your organs are feeling low this week, they will move up again, and you don't have to go into a cycle of despair about it. Through the knowledge you will gain here and from Christine's book (Which is a good investment) you will learn to understand what is happening in your body and cease to fear it so much. Over time you will probably get used to the odd bulge that appears in your vagina every now and again, and think of it as what it is, rather than a threat to further pregnancy, good sex, attractiveness etc. You are you, not your prolapses. Everyone will still love you.
You can always call back here and have a whinge about it too! We all do that periodically, and we know that the women here know exactly what we are going through.
BTW, I don't think your doctor is an idiot. He is just a bit ignorant. Most of them are. It is the way they are trained. You can be his teacher. At least he knew that he had to do a standing test to get a proper picture of the degree. At least he didn't say you needed surgery now. And the good news is that you won't need surgery. Many women want it, but few need it. Once you know more about how our body works I am sure you be amazed that you even considered surgery.
October 22, 2007 - 10:33pm
So, which book?
Thank you so much alemama for the encouragement! And thank you Louise for all that information! You both have given me so much hope and so much info to go on now! I feel so much more at peace. Thank you! No matter what I was going to postpone surgery for as long as possible, but now I think I am not even going to think of it as an option! I do not want to go down that road. I love my body and hate to have to "alter" it!
One more questions: Which book should I get? There is the one on the web site with the blue cover, then there is a yellow cover (the 2004 edition) that I can get on Amazon. What is the difference? Should I be reading one over the other. As soon as I know I am going to go out and get the book right away and get started on my jouney of living with my prolapse. It is not that bad right now and I want to make sure it does not get worse. At the point it is now, it is definately something I can live with!
Thank you! Thank you! This community has been a God-send. I have been searching the internet and only finding things about surgery and the pain and that there is nothing I can do but either deal with the pain or have surgery! I am EXCITED to try the posture and to implement life-style changes that can make this a condition I can live with. I have already started the process of losing weight. I am only about 20-30 lbs heavier than the midpoint of my ideal weight. Not too bad, but it would probably help to relieve the extra pressure from the extra weight!
Let me know if you have any insight on the books. As soon as I know I am going to be ordering!
27 year old Mom of 4
October 23, 2007 - 1:43am
The book
Get the book on this web site with the blue cover. Christine updated it and it has more information than the first one. It also has the fire breathing exercise that many find very helpful.
Best wishes,
October 23, 2007 - 7:17am
So, which book?
Hi Life
The blue covered book also has a lot more illustrations of pelvic anatomy to help you understand your pelvic area, and it has the full ballet workout as well as the firebreathing. I have both. I never open the yellow one these days, though it is very well thumbed and annotated, as it rarely left my hands for the first couple of months I had it.
October 24, 2007 - 8:17pm
So, should I but the DVD too?
The package is expensive for me, but still a heck of a lot cheaper than surgery. Will the DVD and nutrition book help me too? What exactly is on the DVD? What exactly is in the nurtition book/folder thing? I am so excited to place my order. Just wondering if I should order the whole "shabang"?
Thank you all for your input and advice. I treasure it! It has lifted my spirit and given me hope!
27 year old Mom of 4
October 24, 2007 - 9:14pm
I just want to put in a good
I just want to put in a good word for the diet book! I am eating a bowl of soup made from it right now actually. Since coming here I have given up meat completely, though still eat some fish occasionally. The diet book is vegan which I obviously am not as I do love my cheese and eggs quite apart from the fish, but I cook at least one meal a week from it and the recipes are great. I tend to make a big bean stew or something similar on Monday's and it lasts for several days. My DH isn't very liberated when it comes to beans though I am working on him, but the girls eat it too. The recipes are really simple, mainly one pot meals which I love, and feel great to eat, nutritious and healthful. There is an emphasis of course on fresh, healthy ingredients including pulses and other grains, many of which I had not cooked with before. This has definitely increased my veggie repertoire and introduced me to many new flavors and I love it! There is also lots of info' on organic growing, general nutrition, and an entire meal plan for a month if one is so inclined. I saved for a while to buy it and it was well worth the money! :)
October 25, 2007 - 12:02pm
book, dvd
Hi Life,
Support wholewoman.com and order the whole “shabang” :-)
The book is the only one of its kind and tells the true story of prolapse.
Many women have found the dvd useful. It contains a long anatomy lesson, a short, strategic exercise routine and other information on diet and lifestyle.
Hope this helps and someday soon we are going to have all this information in a much more easy-to-access form!