recently diagnosed with questions


After having my first baby 7 months ago I immediately had a lot of pressure but the nurses told me I had a lot of I went home thinking what I was experiencing was normal and would go away eventually. Boy was I wrong! I finally said something to my mom about what I was feeling at 4 months postpartum and she said "no, that isn't normal" I went to the doctor, who told me I had prolapse and there is nothing I can do until I am done having kids when he can do a hysterectomy. I was devestated and angry for his insensitivity. I have read a few times that postpartum prolapse corrects itself with time, however I am 7months postpartum and I still have a lot of pressure. I am also breastfeeding. Is it too late for me to heal my prolapse since it has already been 7 months since it started? I was completely shocked when I started to get these symptoms because I had absolutely no pressure during my pregnancy....I am assuming it is from vaginal birth?
Thank you. I am feeling very distressed about this.

Dear Mommynow,

I know it's distressing at first, but never believe that your body has failed you. Rather, your body has not been supported in its original design and function.

Hysterectomy is a terrible response to prolapse.

By learning to support your natural design your symptoms will likely recede to a very satisfactory degree. All the pressure, backache, etc. are related to your greater musculoskeletal framework and you will become stronger and pain free with this work.

The video has all the information you need to get started.

Be strong and have faith. We are all living very well with prolapse.

:-) Christine

Thank you so much for being such a wonderful advocate for women!!

Should I order the book and video now or wait until March when the new version is available?

I would say support Whole Woman and order the DVD! :-) It contains all good information, a useful little exercise program, and the posture! The book I'm trying to redo (actually, just the anatomy and movement chapters) by March, but it will be several months before I'm able to do another video production.

Ok. I will definitely support you :)

I just wanted to say that it has only been 2 days since I starting standing, walking and sitting like you staid and my back is aching from the muscles working BUT and a big BUT!!!!!!!!!! I can not believe that today when I went to go swimming with my daughter I walked from the parking lot to the changeroom and didn't feel any pressure!!! Oh my gosh, can the change be this immediate??? I am in disbelief!!!

I'm betting that in a year you will have forgotten your prolapse entirely.

I second Christine's comment. And I have universal prolapses.


Wow!! That is so great to hear. It really is amazing the difference such subtle changes can make. I experienced quite a lot of lower back pain when I initially amended my posture, but suddenly a week or two ago I realised that I was no longer getting that pain I had initially experienced. So I guess it probably took about 8 weeks for the adjustment to become more or less normal.



Well it was short lived :( I felt the pressure again later that day and then the next day??? I guess it will take more time which is understandable. I actually feel kind of worse because not only do I have the prolapse symptoms but my body is adjusting to the new posture and my back aches. I am soooooo tired from sitting correctly instead of lounging in my recliner....however, when I sit back in my recliner I can feel the pressure so I know that is not a good way to sit. Is it okay to lay on my back?

Yes...if it were such an instant fix I'd be famous! :D Rest is extremely important in this process and you can lay around in any position that feels good to you. The major work gets done when we are on our feet, so just relax and take it slowly.

Thank you Christine. I think I am overdoing it! I used to be so active before this and I am VERY IMPATIENT! I know this is an area I need to work on. I just read that you suggest to rest during nursing. I was trying to sit properly at that time also. I used to look forward to resting during nursing so I haven't been resting at all until I go to bed at night. I have one question. I read that you walk/run everyday and dance etc. I can't even imagine doing that right now because I am so uncomfortable from the pressure/falling out feeling (feels like my organs are bouncing if I run....) Will there be a time that I can actually run without feeling like my insides will fall out after doing the posture/healing or do some people just walk/run with that feeling? Thank you so much for your support.

All I know for sure is there will come a time when YOU will know that your condition is completely stabilized. I can't promise or really advise you how running will affect your prolapse, and I need to tell you that the medical profession believes running and all other "jarring" exercise to be damaging. I can also tell you that I run, jump, and leap with only positive benefits because I am always holding my organs over my pubic bone where they are out of the way of intraabdominal pressure. ;-)

Hi, I haven't written in months, but I have been reading a little lately! When first diagnosed, I was also devastated, but after a few months of care, my condition has improved! There are still days when I need to lay around (or should anyway) but not as many as before!! When I really needed the support of friends, this website was right here to cheer me along and give me all the courage I needed. Hang in ther and try a different diet and sea sponges!
Christine, I've had a very hard time with life the last few months. As you remember I started a part-time job in September! Well that is still working out well, but my Mom passed away in November just before Thanksgiving. I couldn't even write you without breaking down and it's still hard. We were very close!! Then when I did think I could do it, I had a hard time signing on the site. It was always my fault, I'm sure, and didn't have the patience to keep trying. Now I've written down my password and don't rely on my memory! After all, I will be 62 soon, so it goes with the territory, right?
To all the new members (since November) WELCOME!! I was about #475, and now I see we've grown to over 600! Great, Nancy

Thank you for your encouragement :)

I am so sorry about your mother passing.

Dear Nancy,

I, too, am sorry to hear about your mom, although there is some relief in the fact that you are both now freed from her struggle. I know those last months were terribly difficult. Nancy, how wonderful that you had a mother for over sixty years!! I think we all pray we can be here for our daughters for that long!

So now it is YOUR time. Pretty soon will be Groundhog

Thank you both for your kindness! Christine, you are so right that getting out to a job is good. I see and help other people on a daily basis, and I like that very much. My Mom would be very proud, and every time I help someone, I feel I am honoring her!
The brace from Birth Joy helps also, when I'm having a low day! And it's comfortable!! Nancy

Hi Nancy~

I will be 60 years young, coped with prolapses since 2000 and pretty much am not aware of it. I do wear the birth joy v-brace when I feel "low" but that is usually after I have been quite physical. By the next morning, I am as "good as new." Ready to tackle my office job as a medical records supervisor. In one way, a sit-down job has stablized all the prolapses but would probably do better if I were more physical. I do ride a stationary bike most days while watching the evening news and that helps firm up those "tushy" muscles.

Christine did right by all the ladies who have dropped by this forum. It works. It just takes patience.


Thank you for all your help, Sybille. :-)

Dear Mommynow

Just re-reading some recent posts since the start of the new site, and I remembered that feeling of all my organs slopping around inside me for some time after the birth of my third and last baby who is almost nineteen. It was so long ago that I cannot remember how long it lasted, but it was not a pleasant sensation! All I know is that it went away many years ago all by itself. Hope it goes away for you too.