incontinence after childbirth


Hi I am 9 weeks postpartum. I had my first baby and he was 10lb10oz and delivered vaginally. I had a third degree tear during delivery and pushed for 3 hours. i have had urinary incontinence since then. Has anybody else had this and what did they do. It feels like my urethra is lower. I also feel like I have to go to urinate more often but the feeling is mostly in my urethra

welcome and congratulations on the new baby!
I wanted to respond to your question, but my little one is calling me.
will try to get back tomorrow

To add to my previous post I wanted to say that being a new mom is life-changing, having your body change as a result in a negative way(urinary incontinence) makes the challenge even harder. I am scared that I will not be able to return to my physically active lifestyle, nor chase after my little one as he gets older. I have done Kegels but they do not seem to work. There must be other alternatives, other than surgery.

hi anjiaa, I'm back

guess what, you ARE changed forever. that kinda hit me like a ton of bricks when I had my first, and I didn't even have a prolapse back then! becoming a mother really and truly does change you. forever. and I'll be completely honest here, that was something that sent me into a grieving phase too. I didn't expect it and I didn't have anyone to admit it to, and no one was telling me that they felt that way so I was convinced I was not only nuts, but a bad mother to boot.
my heart goes out to all the new moms here who find a prolapse. you must be strong now, when you aren't feeling so. {{{{{hugs, hugs and more hugs}}}}}

now, the urinary incontinence and kegels. here's the story in a nutshell. some of it is plain old childbirth related, trauma to the tissues and nerves. that usually sorts itself out pretty quickly, from my understanding (but I could very well be wrong).
UI could also be a symptom of a prolapse. what kegels can do for you is to momentarily increase the pressure at the bottom of the urethra when you increase the pressure from above the urethra (by say, sneezing or coughing) and will prevent that increased pressure from above push out some urine. make any sense?
kegels will not reverse or stabilize a prolapsed bladder, rectum, or uterus.
the good news is that there IS an alternative to surgery, and you've found it
try to get your hands on the book 'saving the wholewoman', the new edition, its available on this site. in the meantime, read up on the faq's here and try to start the posture asap.
the posture helps reposition things so that your pelvic organs are held over bone rather than over the open vagina.
I've been here two years or so and I am back to my normal active lifestyle. I'm not, and have never been, an athlete or one to split my own wood, but I go for walks, play with my kids, mop the floor, wear my baby, etc. pretty much whatever I want to do.
so there is reason to remain hopeful.

I've not had to deal with urinary incontinence so I can't really advise there. try a search and I'm sure you'll pull up lots of previous posts on the topic.

Hi Granolamom

Thanks for your post. I have been grieving and I look at other new moms and think I am the only one. I have also been angry at my midwife (which I know is not reasonable) but I still feel that way. They knew my baby was going to be big but did not think an u\s was necessary and I wonder if I had been given all the information about how much trauma a big baby (10lb100z) to a first time mom could cause I might have decided for a c-section. This is a big deal for me to say because I am a very natural woman and went natural all the way with my birth. I was really considering surgery to fix this problem because I became disillusioned after my birth about natural ways to do things maybe its a good thing I found this website. I will try the posture and look at the book. Thanks