New to all of this


I have felt some difficulty passing urine for about 1 year, I often feel that I am not completely emptying upon bowel movements, and most recently am feeling rectal pressure during intercourse. My last pregnancy was seven years ago!! I went to see my gyn. who diagnosed me with a rectocele and a cystocele. He wants to avoid surgery unless I can't live this way b/c he feels that surgery is not benefecial unless there are NO other alternatives. My biggest question is that I have now started feeling slight pressure under my tailbone. I have no negative symptoms from the cystocele, other than I have to push slightly to completely empty my bladder. My rectocele gives me trouble only if my bowels are not moving easily enough. But this tailbone pressure is uncomfortable at times. It feels like there is a balloon under my tailbone. My doc doesn't think it's related to the rectocele, so what the heck could it be? He did an ultrasound and everything looked fine. It comes and goes, so I'm wondering if it is some bowel that is irritable and sort of full of air. Any suggestions? I'm scared and worried, but trying to keep on the light side. After all, this won't kill me! I don't know how careful I need to be. I'm afraid to curl up on the couch and relax. What do I need to do to keep from getting worse. I feel like I don't know my body and its limits anymore and that's a very scary feeling.



Hi Brooke and Welcome to Wholewoman!

The description of your symptoms reminds me of what I experienced during the very worst times of my severely prolapsed years. One time I was walking out to my garden and I experienced a dreadful and scary sensation...the only way I can explain it is that I could feel my tailbone pulling down my entire central nervous system. Not only did I have pain in my tailbone and rear pelvic floor, but I could sense the terrible repercussions that were going on throughout my body. It was only then that I could "see" the role my spine was playing in all of this and from that point on my perspective on prolapse and posture began to evolve.

I can't know for certain, but yours sounds like a very classic case of "global" prolapse with the bladder and rectum leading the way.

Because all of the pelvic organs: the urethra/bladder, uterus, and lower bowel have the same axis (direction) within the pelvis (they all begin by going straight up, turn to travel toward the lower spine, and then take a radical flip to end up situated more toward the front of the body), the postural dynamics we are working with here help to reposition them all. There cannot be exercises for cystocele, UP, or rectocele specifically as they all are directed and move as a unit.

I'd say relax, Brooke. If you do this work you are likely to be amazed at the resources of the inherent design of your very own bones to bring you back to health.

Wishing you well,


Thank for the vote of confidence. I am NOT in a lot of pain, I just feel weird around my tailbone. This is gross, I know, but I almost have a sensation of that area feeling wet. No, nothing is leaking, but on the left side of my tailbone, I feel as though it's wet. This sounds crazy I know.

Get up and move Brooke, seriously...print out the posture download, place and try to balance something heavy on your head and start walking. If it's only across the room a few times a day it will begin to make a difference enough for you to see and believe the latest post from Julie.



Well, from STWW you will learn a lot about how we got here and why the surgeries don

Thanks Christine for all of the info. I REALLY appreciate it. I have been moving my body. I've not done the exercises you recommend yet, but I've been elliptical training everyday and being careful not to bear down at any point in the day.
