New to group


I found this website a couple days ago and it has been very helpful. By way
of introduction, I'm 72 yrs old and in good health. I have had two vaginal
deliveries. Recently, I've had a urinary tract infection that hasn't resolved
after two courses of antibiotics so my doctor thought it advisable that I have
a renal ultrasound, which I had over the weekend. No results from that yet.
A couple days ago while in the bathroom I discovered what I now know is a
prolapse. At this point, I'm unsure of which type it is. It is a rounded
protrusion inside the vagina. After reading a lot of the info on this site,
I would guess that it is a cystocele, but haven't been to my gyno. as yet, to
get a diagnosis. Is this something that can happen spontaniously, or do you
get subtile symptoms over the years, and just not realise what is happening.
I have been trying to do the posture walking and sitting but unsure if I'm
doing it correctly or not. I do plan to order the book so that I can become
better educated about this. One of the problems that I've had was not being
able to empty my bladder completely. I was able to use one of the tips on the
website to help with that and I also purchased the d-mannose supplement to help with the uti. I am very glad that I found this group and hope that I will
be able to take care of the problem without surgery. Thank you for being there.

Mary K

We're very glad you found us, Mary, and yes, your symptoms do sound like classic cystocele. This is so common we might as well say it happens to just about all of us eventually. Urinary retention and associated UTIs are part of the syndrome. The organs fall over time, but because the early stages are asymptomatic, the final drop does often seem sudden. As you have probably gathered by now, we don't believe gynecology has much to offer in terms of prolapse treatment. However, you will likely see improvement after changing your outer framework (posture) to allow your organs to move toward their original positions. We are also experimenting with anti-inflammatory diets, which appear to help as well. Like our member Flora, you might benefit from using a ring-with-support pessary. These seem to work best in women with primary cystocele and would certainly be worth asking your doctor about. The surgeries are truly terrible.

Welcome to Whole Woman!


Thanks for the Welcome. Since finding this group and reading some of the
comments from other women, I've gained some helpful information. I'm waiting to hear some feedback from my doctor regarding the results of the renal study that I recently had done and then will probably make appt. with my gyno. I'm interested in hearing more about the use of a pessary. I'm not overjoyed with the prospects of having to have one but it sounds like a better alternative then surgery. Also interested in the anti-inflammatory diet. I welcome any and all comments and look forward to hearing from you.

Mary K

Mary, I couldn't recommend Christine's book more highly. I wish every woman could read that book before even considering pelvic organ surgery.

I have the same problem with not emptying my bladder completely. I have a pessary that I don't wear all the time. When I do wear it, it does seem easier to empty my bladder, however, it also makes me prone to leakage at other times. Everyone is different and you would have to see how it does for you if you got one. Sometimes the pessary makes me feel better, sometimes not.

I highly recommend the flannel "mini-pads" for the bladder leakage (if you have it or get it). Even not wearing a pessary, I leak when I sneeze or cough. I wear these pads all the time and they free me from worry. They are more comfortable than plastic disposable, cheaper in the long run, and very easy to wash. LunaPads is one brand, Party in My Pants is another. If you go to their websites, find the "panty liner" size, you do not need the bulkier ones for periods, or the ones with period insert pads. They seem expensive, but compared to disposable ones, it's cheaper. Just 7 of them will last a long time; the ones I have been wearing for two years are still in great shape. I ordered 3 or 4 different types and sizes, then ordered more of the one I liked best.

The doctors always warn me that retained urine from cystocele causes urinary tract infection, but I have not had a single infection all the years I've had this cystocele. But I did have a few when I was young before I got a cystocele. Maybe the retention caused your infection, maybe not - just do not let them talk you into surgery based on that, because they can't really prove that surgery will stop the urinary tract infections, but surgery will almost certainly open you up to all kinds of worse problems. It is true you don't want it to ascend to the kidneys, but your doctors are on top of that.

I would highly urge you to stay here and if you have any confusions or the doctors want to do anything you are uncertain about, run it by Christine and the other ladies.

Hi Mary

By all means visit the gyno, and even get fitted for a pessary. I see pessaries as another option you have. Just make sure that you are happy with the way they fit it, and make sure that you end up with the right size and type. Getting the wrong size means a lot of disappointment and having to go through the fitting process again. Some practitioners are gentler than others.

I was fitted for one about 15 years ago, but never found it satisfactory. Hopefully you will be able to manage without a pessary or only use it when necessary. Getting it well lubricated for insertion and preventing the discharge from having it sitting in your vagina for long periods can be challenges in themselves, but some women find them OK.

I think you will find the book quite illuminating. Once you *understand* what is happening to your organs you will be in a much better position to understand the sensations and the symptoms and do something about them.

I had one of those transvaginal ultrasounds at the beginning of the year. It showed nothing more sinister than the POP's that I told them I had. And it showed that I was able to empty my bladder satisfactorily, which has meant very few UTI's in the last few years, since I started on WW techniques.

Looking forward to hearing more from you.


Hi Louise,
Do you know if the impending prolapse(I didn't actually feel it til 24hr after)would show up on the renal ultrasound? I am still waiting to hear back
from my doctor on the results.

Thanks and I'll keep in touch.
Mary K

Hi Annette,
Yes, that is a problem for me and I believe that I've helped to keep the Poise
and Tena pad company from going under over the past years. I'm not familiar
with the names that you mentioned but will check them out.
I feel very fortunate to have found this group as it was just a random click
of the mouse that led me to the site. You have all made me feel less anxious
about something that I was unaware was so prevalent with women. As questions
arise with me I will ask. Thanks for the warm welcome.

Mary K

I dont know if it would show up but I suspect evidence of it would be visible. I say this because the doctor who ordered my transvaginal ultrasound knew the prolapse had happened but wanted to check that my ureters were not being stretched, and impeding kidney function as a result of the bladder being lower than normal. Not sure about the mechanics of it but I did ask what they were hoping to find out and that was the answer I was given. They also wanted to check that I was able to completely empty my bladder. No, there was no stretchilng of the ureters, and yes, I could empty to a point that was within accepted norms. There was nothing wrong at all. I knew that, because my bladder is not carried low all day, though I can tip my pelvis back and down she comes, any time I want a TMI party trick for a doctor. ;-)

Anyway, gotta keep the doctor happy, and I have extra benchmark information to boot. This doctor was a general practitioner, not a gyn. It was the most thorough investigation anyone had ever given me, and it was interesting what they found.

Having said that, my test may not have been the same as yours. These questions you ask are valid questions to ask the doctor when you get the results back. I am not a doctor.



I'm new here too (36yo) so don't have real advice but want to share my moms & grams experience
My grandmother just had some suspension sugery done for a bladder issue and boy did it make it worse. She went from incontinence (at 89 yrs old) to not being able to empty her bladder and having to catheter several times a day. She had to have another surgery to correct the surgery that was just done.

My mother had a hysterectomy (sp?) when she was 35 and has had pelvic and bowel problems as long as a can remember... since the hysterctomy she has had 2 bowel resections and 2 vaginal repairs. Her surgeon nicked her bowel 4 times. She now (at 67)just a few years later is having extreme pain with intercourse and bowel movements and the prolapses are back full force. She can feel a thick ridge of scar tissue that she believes to be the major source of problems. The surgeries completely failed and have created greater problems.

I write this to caution that your GYN as my grams and moms did will assure you that the surgery correction is minor and has little risk but both my Mom & Gram have had greater problems than what they started with.

This is why with my post partum prolapse I have come looking for another option. I don't want to travel the road as my mom has.

Sorry to hear about the problems that your Mom and Grandma had with surgery.
The more I read on this site the more I am positive that I don't want any
surgery for this problem. From what I can tell at this point, my prolapse is
minor and in the early stage. I had my children more then 40 years ago and in
those days it was pretty common to do episotomies. I was surprised to learn
that that can contribute to prolapse. I guess there will be much more to learn as I go along. Good luck with your new baby.

Mary K

Hi Louise,
I did finally get the results back on the renal ultrasound that I had, although I did not speak to the doctor. His office has gotten quite hi-tec
so all I got was a recorded message from his office girl that the renal studies were normal. He does not know at this point about the prolapse. His
nurse did not mention anything about the urine specimen that I took to the
office a week ago, except to say that they were waiting for the culture results to come back. Their message to me was, "Please be sure to empty your
bladder completely, don't hold the urine inside!!! Also drink prenty of fluids." I'm sure they must see their share of senility with patients, but I
couldn't believe this was all they had to offer. I think that I will probably
have to go back to the doctor as I can still feel the infection. I don't know
if uti's can resolve on their own. This cultured out as a Beta Strep bug the
first time I went to see him.

Mary K

whlst you wait, have you tried any natural remedies to shake it? lots of people swear by cranberry (be sure it's unsweetened! sugar will feed the infection). also 1/2 tsp baking soda in a glass of water to change the PH can help. might be able to get rid of it on your own, though still good to follow up to be sure it's gone as don't want it to turn into a kidney infection.
thinking Strep B, i was cultured with it recently and the homeopath gave me something for that if you see a homeopath....

Thanks Kiki,

I haven't tried the baking soda remedy but have been on the d-mannose
supplement for 3 days now. I have regular cranberry juice here which has
sugar so will have to get some unsweetened when I go out again. I am starting
to have some vaginal burning now, so wondering if my urine is stronger. This
is all such a pain in the.........:(

Mary K

other option, could you have a yeast infection from the antibiotics?
yes, definately a pain! so so sorry. unsweetened is pretty intense but definately no sugar.
keep us updated....

Hi Mary

Sorry to hear that you are not getting much satisfaction from the doctor re the results. I would think that the test that you had would give much more information than they are letting on. As you paid for the test I think you are entitled to know the full results. I would suggest that you go and see the doctor again and ask what they found out, and ask for a copy of the results as well, for your records. Otherwise you have little to show for the inconvenience, time and discomfort that one of these &%*$$^ tests has cost you.

I have never had a UTI spontaneously go away. I have been able to lessen the symptoms with urine alkalisers etc but the symptoms always come back with avengence. Maybe I am not persistent enough? Perhaps harass them until the culture comes back, then see the doctor again for antibiotics and ask about the test results at the same time.

I haven't had a UTI for a long while now. I have figured out pretty well how to do a complete empty nearly every time. That's probably why. It is a skill worth having.

BTW, the thrush idea is worth pursuing too. I have mistaken a yeast infection for a UTI before, or had both at the same time. I have always found that a month of a good quality oral probiotic is a good move after antibiotics. Good luck.


I do plan on calling the office again tomorrow. I want to know what the latest urine culture shows. I have had bilateral knee replacements and have
to be on antibiotics for any dental work that I have done so it is possible
that I could have a fungal infection.
I had a CAT scan done about three years ago that showed a problem with one of
my kidneys(don't remember which one). I went through the renal US, and an
IVP test that showed the imcomplete emptying of the kidney and bladder. I
saw a urologist for that and he could't give me a reason for the problem. Just said it was the way my body is built. Obviously, the problelm was going
on then.
I am also going to make an appt. with my gyno to get an official diagnosis
and any options that I might have short of surgery. Do you know anything about estrogen therapy?
I will also look into a probiotic.
One of the very helpful tips that I learned from this site was how to make
sure that I am emptying my bladder completely. I am being very deligent about that now.
Thanks for your help. It is good to have someone to talk to about this.

Mary K

Hi Mary

With all the antibiotics, it may well have set you up for an UTI and/or thrush, especially as you haven't been able to empty bladder properly. Even if you are now able to empty properly there is always a little bit left, which may carry enough bacteria to perpetuate the infection. I think once you can get rid of the infection/s and repopulate your system with good bacteria you won't have the problem because your body will have its own arsenal of bad germ fighters.

I think the urologist should know that POP is the most common cause of incomplete emptying. It is not rocket surgery. If you get to the end of this current process and still can't empty properly I would ask to be referred to a urogynaecologist, but I doubt that it will come to that. I am pretty confident (in my non-medical opinion) that if you use all the different means that are suggested on these forums you should be able to 'fully' empty.

The ones I can think of are:-
* All fours
* half squatting, feet well apare and bracing abdominal muscles
* have a pee then standing up, walking around a bit and sitting on the toilet again to empty a bit more
* straddling the pan.

Can anyone think of any others Mary can try?

I was fortunate enough to get an appt with my gyno Tuesday and also spoke with
my regular doctor(actually, his nurse) on Monday. At this point, I'm feeling
more satisfied with how he is treating the situation. His nurse explained that the reason for not prescribing more antibiotics is because he thinks that
the infection is because of contamination because of the type of bacteria it
is. I have been taking steps to make sure that I empty bladder completely
(thanks to one of the tips I learned here.) I also am taking the d-mannose
supplement along with diluted pure cranberry juice. I also am on a good
probiotic. My regular doctor's office faxed all the recent tests and lab work
to my gyno, so she is aware of everything.
I was also satisfied with the way she presented all the options that I have to
help with he prolapse. She diagnosed it as a 3rd degree cystocele. Options
are: pessary, medication to help with bladder incontinence, estrogen cream
(choice of 4 different types, and of course, surgery, which I might add was very low key and not elaborated on to any degree. I have another visit coming
up this coming January and so I will make a decision, whatever it may be, at
that time. I am starting to feel better physically(less burning and urgency.)
I'm trying to remember to stay in the WW posture but am having a little trouble due to lower extremety arthritis pain.
I guess in the grand scheme of things this is just one more bump along life's
pathway. At any rate I'm feeling a little less overwhelmed with the whole
thing. I'm finding so much helpful and inspiring info on this site and I'm
so thankful to have found it. Looking forward to receiving Christine's book.

Mary K

Good news Mary. Going without knickers might stop the contamination, or at least change them frequently. Contamination is usually from e coli, which is in stool. Little faecal stains on your knickers are an invitation for contamination, and you don't even have to see them for them to be there, cunning little blighters that they are! Always wipe backwards, etc. When your tissues are less inflamed there will be less opportunity for the bacteria to invade too. No knickers equals no chafing equals no inflammation.



just to add after you go, put your head to your knees, bum in the air (elegant eh?) so that your bladder falls forward, and then try again. or if you can't relax, sit back down and try again. rejigging the bladder around is often all it takes...

glad you are having progress with this!

If you lift the bladder manually, you can make sure that all the urine flows out.

This is untidy, yes, as you get urine on your hand. I’ve found ways to keep the process clean, including keeping a wet bathcloth in a ziploc bag in my purse.

My bladder sometimes causes an external bulge, so it is hanging quite low then. When it is in this position, the flow, if I don’t lift it, is very slow to none, so not lifting seems to be not an option for me. Also, when it is very low, it can get pushed farther out during a bowel movement, so it is better to lift and hold it forward while the stool passes out.
