Waiting for a pessary with burning pain


I cannot see my doctor for another week to fit a pessary since I'm going on a cruise next week. The doctor said to use a large tampon to separate the prolapsed bladder and rectal area. This has relieved some of the pressure but I am still sore. Does this make sense? Does anyone have advise? I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago and this just started to cause burning about 3 weeks ago. Wow, what a shock to my emotional and physical system!

Thank you, Surviving 60, for your welcome and encouragement; reading some of the past links you seem an active voice over the years for WW.
Yes, I've checked out Christine's hip project, and find the exercises in "Saving the Whole Woman" beneficial are beneficial for joint mobility generally - makes the effort worth -while for actually getting the posture as good as I can, really thinking into each part of the different exercises.
I've snorted with laughter reading some of the replies Louise inspired some time ago ...Lo-Po. It's especially freeing to me, being of the generation where bodily functions were not referred to by name, "Having a Bathroom" being the way we skirted around the subject, Gotta laugh!

I think we can get so bogged down in the serious side of managing POP. Having a laugh at myself does help me to not take myself or my troubles too seriously.

