firebreathing and sitting


hello again, I like to sit at night and relax in my recliner and watch TV is that a no no. Also fire-breathing
is it like panting like a dog,I got the new kegels down and still working on my posture. My bladder and urethra I can see inside my vagina . Will all this put my urethra and bladder back more where it's supposed
to be in time. Thank you all so much


Hi, I am in a hurry but I thought I would give a quick response in case no one gets to your post soon and you would like a short answer. I recently found out that a recliner is NOT good for us. I spent many hours watching TV in one and so last week I gave it up and now sit in WWposture on the sofa.

Fire breathing is not like panting. Put the words fire breathing in the search bar to the left of this and you should fin a post by Christine writtien January 17, 2013, telling you how to do it.


Hi Zena. The best way to learn firebreathing is from the book and DVD First Aid for Prolapse. The book has an excellent description with pictures. The DVD has a demonstration along with a detailed description provided by Christine in the Dictionary of Movements section. Other places to see it are the first, and especially the third, Yoga DVDs. The breathing sequence is really critical to firebreathing, so you want to make sure you are getting it right.

Osmari is correct, slumping in recliners is not the best for prolapse as it flattens lumbar curvature and puts the wrong kind of pressure on the organs. That being said, you can improve upon this by placing something behind the small of your back to help protect that curvature. I have been doing this for almost 3 years and I won't lie, I still have my moments of slumping. I allow this because I have learned to stay in posture and I know what the pitfalls are, and how to minimize the effects. None of us can avoid getting into the "wrong" positions from time to time, it's just a part of life. When posture has become a habit, and all the do's and don't's of WW work are firmly in your brain, then if you must fall out of perfect posture from time to tiime, that's not the end of the world. That being said, the less cheating you do, the better your prolapse is stabilized. - Surviving

thanks for the comments they sure do help. hope you all have a great day.