

Thank you so much for your bookand research! I am 71 years old, in great shape-have tried to do all I can to be healthy.
Question - Can I strengthen my pelvic floor by exercises even though I had a hysterectomy in 1977? I have a rectocele. My surgeon advised no surgery now (that's how we got on internet and found your book).
Question 2 - Will my regular exercises I've done for years aggravate the rectocele? The rectocele protruded out my vagina after new exercises fo strengthen my back to have better posture.
Thank you for all you are doing to help!

Welcome MKL,

These are the toughest questions for me. I don't want to discourage you because I believe the posture will alleviate pressure from your back vaginal wall, thus helping the rectocele, while improving your health overall. The problem is that with the uterus goes the major support system of the pelvis, and postural changes become much less effective and predictable.

We so need to hear from women like you, however, who are willing to do the work for a period of time and see what effect it has. I thank you very much for writing and hope you will check back in with any question or comment you have.

Wishing you well,
