wanted - rectocele information


Does anyone out there that suffers with a rectocele have any suggestions for ways to get relief from it?

Hi dlou - Have you read up on Whole Woman posture? Important to note that you are post-hysterectomy and that your potential results will be affected by this. Nevertheless, WW posture can benefit every woman, as it is not just about prolapse management but also the overall health and well-being of the hips and spine. In a post-hyst woman there can sometimes be other skeletal issues caused by the shifting that takes place especially over time. But working on moving the remaining organs forward is still your best bet. There really isn't anything else. Pessary is not generally indicated for rectocele anyway.

I suggest learning this posture, taking it slowly at first. - Surviving

Hi dlouroberts,
Thank you for your question - and I'm so glad you found the WW website.
Not surprisingly this is a topic that has had many many posts before. If you type in 'rectocele' and any other key words you're particularly interested in, into the query box - no doubt you'll find a lot of info from previous posts there.
Best wishes,