When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
Technology never sleeps, however, and we have better tools today for controlling spam than we did just a few years ago. So I am very excited and pleased to bring the forum back online.
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Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
May 16, 2014 - 11:02am
I too wish you all the best with this, and since you are no longer considering having your mom's vagina "stitched up", I vote that we retire this thread! Every time that subject line comes back up to the top, I get the creeps all over again. Hope you understand! - Surviving
Aging gracefully
May 16, 2014 - 11:05am
I am with you on that,
I am with you on that, surviving!! Agree completely!!
May 16, 2014 - 5:01pm
the pessary and preventing sore spots
HI there...I am looking for a protocol to keep the vagina lubricated and not get fussy about it.
I posted a question on another forum here in the hopes to find someone that has a protocol for what to use to keep the vagina and the ring well lubricated so as to prevent sore spots and infections. I just don't know what the formula is yet. I got a health coach to input on vitamins and it seems that good fats is where it's at to get her nutrition up....But i need to know as much as possible to strengthen the collagen.
ON the other post i said i think she might need to use;
- a light vinegar douche once a week when she uses the sitz bath to wash her bottom which she does daily herself,
- a probiotic 2 times a week that takes the place of the trimosan when she lays down for bed that the caregiver helps her with (i am sooooo blessed to find her)
- and sesame or coconut oil inserted into the vagina with the applicator originally used for the trimosan. (which one is better the sesame or the trimosan?
Anything else to add here? Or to swap out? I will eliminate and lessen these things as the spotting decreases.
The goal is to remove it to take a break...but now it is respite for her so she can sleep during the night.
May 16, 2014 - 5:45pm
the creeps about colpocleisis
But consider this...my mom was so obsessed with this protruding prolapse that she threatened to take a pair of scissors to it. .......and cut it off. Now that REALLY gives me the creeps. Imagine my eyebrows hitting the ceiling after she said that like for the 6th time....
She can still sew and is not ready to cast her sewing tools aside yet and pull up a chair to spend the last years of her life being idol watching Idol.
She took a scizzor to a small cyst under her arm pit when i was a baby and it would not stop bleeding until the doctor cauterized it.
I have read about women in the USA that have done this who have chosen to NOT be sexually active and they feel such relief after getting this 15 min procedure. I am not saying that i am going to give my mom a Lefort colpocleisis, but i am open to it if i read that longevity studies report a high satisfaction rate.
Aging gracefully
May 16, 2014 - 5:51pm
We haven't had a lot of
We haven't had a lot of pessary users on the forum lately, so you may have to do some research on your own. Christine did approve a ring type pessary, I think for short term use, otherwise, most of the issues resolved here are encouraged to be done with posture work. I know your mom is not in a place to do this, but, I'm sorry, I don't agree with you on the surgery idea. It would take a lot of research and many more successful examples of this type of surgery to convince me otherwise.
I really do hope everything works out for the best for your mom, that she has some comfort finally.
May 16, 2014 - 6:53pm
Chickenfeet, I do understand,
Chickenfeet, I do understand, honest I do, that you have been operating in crisis mode with your mom for some time, and haven't had any time to actually read and study Christine's work, or even the answers we've given you to the questions you posted. But I would have thought that a few things might have sunk in anyway. I'm truly dismayed to hear that you are still even remotely considering having your confused elderly mother's vagina shown shut. I still want to give you the benefit of the doubt when it comes to you wanting what is best for her. But I really fear for her well-being. I'm sorry if I'm getting too personal, but what we say here doesn't seem to matter anyway. - Surviving
May 17, 2014 - 11:14am
My last word
Chickenfeet, something is telling me that this is probably my last post to you. I don't think that you have Christine's book, but if you did, I would direct you to pages 149-150 for the story of the elderly woman whose colpocleisis failed. Or to her glossary description of the procedure, in which she notes the high incidence of urinary incontinence which results. I am concerned that your mom right now is totally at the mercy of the decisions that you make for her, and this is making me uncomfortable and afraid I might offend you further. - Surviving
Aging gracefully
May 17, 2014 - 4:08pm
I for one thank you for
I for one thank you for researching this and bringing it up, surviving. Of course Christine's extensive research covers everything surgical and the adverse effects of the different kinds of procedures, or should I say experiments done on women throughout history. We all know she didn't go into this lightly! These things aren't as simple as a little stitch here and there. I understand your feeling of being uncomfortable talking to chickenfeet about these issues because of her mom, but on the other hand, they should also be brought forward as you have done for others reading this information and wondering about the out come of some of these supposed simple procedures.
Thank you for always being so diligent and faithful. It's exactly what we need here on this forum.
May 28, 2014 - 2:25am
No one is stitching up anything....
Thank you Surviving and Aging Gracefully. Your continual support and input is like golden nuggets to me. Yes I know the Lefort Colpocleisis does NOT stop incontinence. I admit that I jumped around in the book only because things were falling apart and I lose the ability to follow up. Not all families have good life and time management skills or grew up with sanity. Some are still struggling to get it all done.
My parents have a language barrier and can't help themselves for some years now. My bro had PTSD resulting in addiction issues requiring my intervention since he was living with my Mom when she was fiercely independent, but he was no help for quite a while...
I could not focus on just that book in my life. I also have kids. That is why I found a practitioner to help me. Anyway, everyone has care now as well as my disabled uncle. Everyone is doing well and my Mom is sleeping better without needing to pee and cause her REM cycle to get interrupted. That puts strain on the elderly with dementia. . .. thank you...And yes! I practice the posture... ; )
AND I THINK I HAVE 3 copies of Christine's book. You might ask them to verify. I know I definitely ordered 2 sets because after the flood, everything got packed up.
May 28, 2014 - 4:25am
OK, I think I understand, maybe. Your posts are not easy to follow, but the very last sentence of your very last post indicated you were still considering colpocleisis if you could find "longevity studies" that were favorable. Hence my alarm and my concern for your mom, especially given the fact that incontinence was her biggest issue. You certainly keep our heads spinning! Hang in there. - Surviving