How to get better posture when reading in bed


I tend to read in bed each night for about an hour, before going to sleep. We keep our house very cold at night (to save money) and I like to wrap up in my many blankets. I find I have a very hard time maintaining a proper WW sitting position. I frequently find myself sliding down into a bad position where I can feel stress in my neck and my tummy bulge more. I prop with two pillows but am wondering if there is something better I can do to stay in position. Will anyone share what works for them? Thank you!


I like to lie on my side when I am reading in bed, or I'll lie on my back and hold my book above me me. I kind of switch back and forth between those positions. I was never one to prop up on pillows to read in bed, but if you do start propped up and then slide down, go a head and try reading on your back with the book above you. Experiment with positions that would be comfortable to you.

Boy, I hear ya on this one, Lilium - this is my absolute downfall when it comes to maintaining posture. I like AG's suggestions, and another thing you can do is stick something behind you into the small of your back, for a little added support to the curvature. How much that actually helps, when you are in such an otherwise bad position, I really couldn't say. But at least I feel righteous when I do it! - Surviving

Thank you for your comments! I did try lying on my back to read last night. I don't know why I didn't think of that before!

I always read on my side. Can't sit propped up comfortably. Hope you get a good reading position.