How to Communicate with Patriarchal Paradigm MD, create Healing Team


Right now, Medicare & Medicaid are my only forms of health insurance. I experience Medicare and Medicaid MD's and their assistants to often be very unimaginative, sexist, ageist, ableist, patriarchal-paradigm people, behind the times, non-motivated to provide the best health care they could while often charging very high prices, in my opinion. I am working on creating ways to transition off of this system, which I went on to heal more in-depth from the trauma of being targeted for severe, prolonged violence as a female in this culture, only to find out it is often very oppressive-towards-women "assistance." I have education, talents, and motivation to start a business, & even though I am now in my 70's, I am trying to create alternatives to meet my needs/wants the way I want them met, and to transition into using my talents, education, life experience, etc., to get free of this oppressive public assistance system, and contribute to my community. I have also healed enough, emotionally, that I intend to find myself a good man to be close with, including sexually intimate with [which Nora Coffey at the HERS (Hysterectomy Education & Resource Services, I think it means) says is a very effective way to heal POP!]

Meanwhile, I am getting a lot of pressure from these Medicare/Medicaid doctors to have a hysterectomy and reconstructive surgery for my prolapsed bladder; possibly my colon & ovaries are prolapsed, too. My POP is very severe. I'm often in pain, lately, maybe partly from the emotional distress of being pressured to have this surgery when I don't want to, with few apparent alternatives and dealing with episodes of urinary incontinence. [I want to keep this offered surgery in mind as a very last resort, though, if all else fails, I guess.]

The system is set up so it appears there are very few alternatives to what these doctors are trying to get me to do. Doctors in Anchorage, AK, where I recently moved, to be near grandkids and other extended family members, appear to think they have a monopoly, and they charge extremely high prices for their services, which seems greedy, to me. People are starting to take social action to bring the prices down to reasonable levels, which had been in the news, lately. I have met many people where I live in senior and disabled housing who have had botched surgeries done by Anchorage traditional western doctors, and are each taking a large number of meds with possible side effects.

I have repeatedly insisted that I do not want this invasive surgical treatment. I have spoken openly to my current doctor at my public clinic about feeling this is a surgery that seems like violence towards women to me, only to have this doctor treat me as if I were an isolated case of a lone woman refusing to have a hysterectomy because I am not noticing that these surgeons want to help me [which ignores the many women who want to be helped by NOT having invasive, high risk drastic surgery with possible serious side effects, which amputates one's uterus, instead.] I have complained about the previous doctor I saw there, who, after only a few minutes after I first met her, told me in a dictatorial way, the ONLY treatment for POP was surgery/hysterectomy without mentioning to me any possible side effects. I also plan to change to a clinic many of my neighbors go to and are satisfied with.

Somehow, I hope to communicate with this doctor that I need him to work with me as a team member, rather than him assuming what I need and want. I also need to persuade a physical therapist he is referring me to for reconditioning my muscles and strengthening my joints including improving my posture by doing pool physical therapy to allow me to aim for Whole Woman posture.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to persuade my current MD & PT to work with me to achieve Whole Woman goals?

I also would appreciate any recommendations, information, experience with water-tight Adult Incontinence Swim Briefs that I could buy & wear in the pool while doing physical therapy to protect my exposed uterus, which hangs below my perineum/vulvae by about 2-3 inches [If it needs protection. Maybe my uterus would be safe from germs & infection even if I didn't use such diaper? A previous doctor suggested I should swim a lot, without mentioning the need for a swim brief.] [I feel somewhat confident I could be aware of when I need to pee or otherwise use the restroom to most likely be able to quickly get out of the pool and hurry to the bathroom. Some of the Adult Incontinence Briefs I've seen advertised online assure the would-be buyer that it would contain any urine or poop that happened.]


Hi WWL - I can't tell from your post whether or not you have actually begun the Whole Woman work, which would start you on that journey to get your uterus and everything else to stay just inside. With a relatively profound prolapse you will need all the tools.....especially firebreathing, jiggling, nauli, diligent attention to posture throughout the waking hours.....proper toileting position, safe lifting and carrying, safe exercise. There is a lot to cover. You haven't said where you are with any of this.

I'm not on Medicare yet (old enough, but still working full-time with HMO through my employer). I am wondering why you are feeling so pressured to have hyst. If I go to a doctor (which is rare), prolapse is not a topic I will even discuss. It's something I manage for myself. Are you worried about jeopardizing a particular doctor-patient relationship by not going along? Is it too far past the point where you could just end that dialogue? - Surviving

I first learned of SWW about a year or so ago, but instead of going into depth with it, I went off on another holistic healing path, learning & doing qigong [traditional chinese medicine powerfully self-healing exercises. Some are supposed to heal POP by balancing the Spleen, an organ which enables all the other organs to stay in their rightful places.]

But, as Lanny at SWW reminds me, POP is more a mechanical problem than an energetic one.
[Qigong is more an energetic type of healing, whereas SWW is more mechanical-oriented.]

I live on disability as the result of being the survivor of extreme, long-term domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault, including being the target of sexual violence as a young girl-child. I have felt more liberated and empowered as a strong, resilient survivor as a younger woman, before I went on disability. I feel especially dis-empowered by the Medicaid & Medicare system's ageist, abelist, classist, discriminatory-against-complementary & alternative medicine, patriarchal medicine, in the states I have lived in, while on disability, which often triggers me back into feeling re-intimidated & re-traumatized, which I then have to reprocess to where these are again minimized and managed.

I have earned an education, am considered as very gifted and talented in many ways, and I am a very capable, self-reliant, intelligent woman, but I feel a great deal of oppression from this public-assistance system, especially the Medicaid and Medicare systems.

My POP is a very severe Stage 4 one, I am told: my uterus has gradually turned inside out & hangs down below my perineum about 3"+ It is getting gradually more painful,[gravity is pulling on my ovaries, small & large intestines, it seems, and I have to pee & poop very frequently, especially because one M.D. I see put me on a diuretic!!

I still strongly prefer to commit myself to learning & doing all that is available to do via SWW, as soon as possible.

I am brainstorming how to raise money to pay for complementary & alternative medicine, including coming to a SWW conference, myself, with the help of others, despite being told by some public assistance bureaucrat that if I raised money for the kind of care I feel is best for me, I would have to "pay it back" to the public assistance agencies, even though they have discriminated against me regarding the very limited kind of patriarchal western medicine they provide.

I am going to see a very talented female ob-gyn surgeon, later today. I have been referred to this surgeon by one of my male primary care doctors, because he thinks "all I need is to find a surgeon I can trust," after I told him I have a lot of difficulty with the idea of "going under the knife" with an ob-gyn surgeon, [having heard many stories of such doctors deciding to remove healthy ovaries without a woman's consent while she was unconscious but justifying doing that as an "emergency/preventative" strategy to prevent theoretical nonexistent cancer of the ovaries] where I would have to give up all control over my body. He trusts this colleague of his, so he thinks I will trust her, too, my reservations about having a hysterectomy will be solved. I do want to see her, get more information, while reserving the right to say "No" to the surgery, but having it as a back-up, if I decide the pain and discomfort I am in gets to be "too much." [On the other hand, it still seems to me it would be more effective to self-heal this POP vs thinking this surgery would solve it permanently.]

One of the many primary care doctors,about 1/3 of my age, I have recently seen about this, who is not a psychologist or psychiatrist, has now declared I am refusing to have a hysterectomy because I am "choosing to relive my original traumas," whereas I know I am refusing to have a hysterectomy in large part because I perceive it's an ultimate form of medical sexual abuse that I want to avoid, in my opinion, as well as in Nora Coffey's opinion at the H.E.R.S. Foundation [An international women's health education organization. HERS provides information about alternatives to hysterectomy and the aftereffects of the surgery.] & it could ADD to my sense of being traumatized. This M.D. says she is going to get together with the clinic's social worker I see as a therapist, who is also not a psychologist or psychiatrist, I guess to agree upon this young doctor's theory that I am "just reliving trauma!"

Even if I were to be "choosing to relive my traumas," that is not a reason to have a hysterectomy, to avoid being labeled with some psychiatric mumbo jumbo by this M.D. & S.W.

I originally survived domestic violence, stalking, & sexual assault by no longer allowing myself to internalize other people's judgemental sexist opinions of me, even of "more powerful than me" patriarchal doctors! I am coaching myself on once again listening to my own intuition, feelings, values, thoughts, etc., here.

I also feel pressured by very old memories of being aware of my mother and other women her age docilely accepting having hysterectomies and patriarchal-dominated birth experiences without question,
only to find themselves very emotionally distressed as a result of these experiences., pressure to follow in my mother's footsteps, even if she is dead,now...I am so grateful to my college sisters for forming a women's movement that stood up to those patriarchal doctors back then, asserting that they wanted their female bodies and experiences treated with freedom, dignity and respect. I need to remember "we have come a long way" as women in this society.

Thanks, Survivng, for your perspective. I can now more easily picture myself taking care of this POP with SWW ways, and not letting these doctors dominate my thoughts and decision-making, not even bringing it up with them...

I think I learned of "GreenSurance" through the SWW info, which provides holistic health insurance, founded by a cancer survivor, and I am looking into whether that would work for me. I am looking into other alternative health insurance, also.

Then, I could start a business, have the holistic health insurance, and perhaps get completely off of this often harmful, in my opinion, public assistance system.

I did meet with the talented ob-gyn doctor that one of my primary care doctors referred me to,this afternoon, thinking that because he has worked with her & trusts her, I would, too: she was very kind & respectful, & did not pressure me to have a hysterectomy. She did not bring up the idea of a hysterectomy at all. She feels the "gellhorn" pessary may work better for me. [I was fitted with an "inflatable donut" pessary about a year ago. It was a pessary that was likely to work with a severe POP, it was thought. But it slid right back out within minutes of my inserting it.] This gellhorn pessary may be more effective than the "donut." I hope so. This doctor suggests that I not do pool physical therapy until, with her help, we are able to get my uterus [+bladder & colon, I think] to stay back inside my body.

She gave me some estrogen cream to regularly put on my exposed inside-out uterus, because it has been scratched a lot, she said,[maybe scratched by the very dry incontinence disposable paper panty liners I now regularly wear..?] & is irritated, has little sores & some bleeding all over it...I am not sure if there are any harmful side effects with this hormone cream or not, but for the moment, I like the idea of applying it to my exposed uterine tissue, feeling desperate to be treating it more gently & effectively. [I was spreading coconut butter across the surface of the liners, to be less drying & irritating to my skin, but I was often too tired or busy to do this, and so then, I used just the dry liners as is, without the coconut oil often.]

I can now focus my attention, on learning the WW way much more seriously & in depth, making it a habit. I already have some of Christine's DVDs, which I will start to learn from more in depth tomorrow. There are many exercises I can be doing, especially SWW ones, until I am managing my POP with the gellhorn pessary well enough to start the pool PT, as well.

I am glad that a degree of my own trauma-generated negative stereotypes about "patriarchal, modern western medicine doctors" were somewhat dispelled by meeting this respectful western medicine doctor, too. Maybe I was able to empower myself in my own mind, more, than in times before, because of sharing support on this forum, & not feeling like I had to deal with this POP completely alone.

Thanks for reading this & sharing your support!

We certainly cannot tell any woman not to take the advice of her doctors. I especially would not suggest for you to change your course of treatment, since you seem to be very dependent on the medical system.

I can state that all gynecologic treatments for prolapse and incontinence are misguided and risky at best.

Shelf pessaries, such as the gelhorn, hold the vagina open to intraabdominal pressure. While these may give immediate relief, it has long been recognized that they worsen prolapse symptoms over time.

The only females who should take supplemental estradiol are those who were castrated during their reproductive years and have severe endocrine symptoms as a result. Even the FDA states, “the smallest amount for the shortest time possible” because of the highly toxic nature of exogenous estrogen.

Every bit of vaginal estrogen is absorbed into the bloodstream, placing older women at risk for many diseases, including dementia. The metabolites are then peed out into the world’s waterways where they are estrogenizing all of nature, including human males.

Many studies have confirmed that supplemental estrogen also causes worsening or new-onset urinary incontinence, for reasons that are not fully understood.

I want to be very clear that “stage 4” prolapse is responsive to the WW work. How much result any particular woman will see depends on many factors, not the least of which is her dedication to self-care.

The post-menopausal vagina needs the only natural prebiotic and substitute for our reproductive-age vaginal glycogen, raw-local-honey.

In extreme cases a bit of honey can be applied to a natural sea sponge ( and placed high in the vagina for several hours at a time. All symptoms will be instantly ameliorated. The organs will be pushed into their natural positions, which is a significant benefit when combined with WW posture. The problem is removing the sponge, which can be painful and difficult. However, it is another tool in our toolbox. I have used the sponge in the past when my cervix seemed intractable, and it does have lasting benefit until the outer musculoskeletal structure (posture) can once again keep the organs pulled forward.

Whole Women, I cannot be emphatic enough about the importance of maintaining our natural human female alignment as we work and move throughout the day. Please know that I too struggle with the need sometimes to spend long hours in bed or on the couch. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have my very own body as the perfect vehicle for moving me out of energy-valleys and onto my path again. We are mind-body-spirit beings and how wonderful that the emotional-body will follow the lead of the physical body. Constantly pulling up into WW posture is the best mindfulness training I have ever known (and I’ve studied many!)

Older women need the phytoestrogens nature has already provided for us, found in all sorts of beans and legumes, red clover tea, and whole wheat (yes, ww is changed in the gut to important phytoestrogens that keep us healthy in many ways). Big Pharma is playing with the lives of countless older women by feeding them artificial phytoestrogens, all of which come with disastrous side-effects.

Trust your body. Trust Nature.


Thanks, Christine, for your information, while not telling any woman to not take the advice of her doctors, & not suggesting I not change my course of treatment.

I greatly appreciate the information you give in the comment above, without any pressure to decide anything one way or another. I seek information from many sources to then make up my own mind.

I feel encouraged by how the information in your above comment supports me, without pressuring me, in feeling more & more confident in committing myself to consistently learning & doing WW practices over the long-term. I think I originally did not completely absorb the WW information, having been so inculcated by the sexist nature of our culture, as a girl and young woman, to believe much of what the patriarchal doctors of the day dictated, including about posture & options if one's pelvic organs prolapse.

I was raised as the only daughter in a career military family, where feminine values and perceptions were severely punished and suppressed. My mother, my role model, depended on military doctors for her care, including when giving birth to my brothers. I remember her crying as she talked about the memory of having to lie on a hard table while in labor, while surrounded by non-empathetic, non-attentive military doctors. My father parented by using brain-washing techniques he learned in boot-camp.

I often must work intensively with the resulting early-childhood conditioning I received, to get to where I feel I am following my own inner wisdom as a woman. I believe what has allowed me to survive much adversity IS always going back to listening to my own intuition and natural wisdom as a woman, as my feminist sisters and therapists have supported me in doing.

There was a period of time before I went on disability where I had healed enough that I felt relatively more confident in my creative, capable self, after doing much therapy and self-healing.

But I felt it hard to find work, due, both from past trauma, as well as having a a very wide range of gifts, interests, and talents not traditionally recognized or valued by the dominant-white-male workplace.

I had been told by various helpers, that state-sponsored vocational rehabilitation could help me.

I went on disability assistance, to have more time to heal more in depth from layers of trauma & re-traumatization, to go through vocational rehabilitation, and to have affordable housing.

I then discovered myself submerged in yet another very oppressive environment, in my opinion, that I was very financially dependent on, including subsidized housing for senior and disabled people that included sexual assault & harassment of the grandmothers and other older women living in this housing by older male residents. [Google: Stop bullying elderly people in HUD-subsidized housing"]

While counting on this public assistance I have experienced similar conditions that contribute to feeling brainwashed, where one is kept in an artificial scarcity, due to the very low fixed income, in which one's sources of getting every of one's basic needs met are constantly threatening to take them away. My daily schedule is so disrupted & consumed by the ongoing artificially created crises of running out of food, running to emergency food pantries, dealing with utility bill shut-off notices, bureaucratic red tape that requires hours per day of phone calls and trips to agencies, and involves reams of bureaucratic paperwork, that I have developed a sleep disorder, & there has been little time for further in-depth healing. I must be especially clear what my priorities are to use my energy effectively for healing & self-care, under these conditions.

When I went through vocational rehabilitation, I discovered, once again, ageism, and inadequate resources for helping an intelligent, many-gifted-and-talented, creative, independent-thinking woman.

I think depending on this public assistance, as well as my childhood first impressions, has helped me feel more dependent on this kind of patriarchal-origin health care, helped me to feel fearful of some kind of negative reprisal if I don't submit to the ways the Medicare & Medicaid doctors say I can heal. I thought I would be able to pick & chose what they suggested I do, but there seems to be some unspoken agreement among a majority of these doctors to treat older disabled women in a more dictatorial ageist way, as if we are little children who have no wisdom, insight, choice, or healing ability of our own, that is pervasive, and has been harder and harder to resist, as my life-energy feels more and more depleted by these ongoing public assistance living conditions.

If I can create my own alternative safety net and social network, find or create holistic healthcare, and self-care that further supports me in healing vs being treated like I'm hopeless & to be treated only with multiple medications often with multiple side effects & surgeries to manage my hopeless, in their opinion, life until I die, if I can summon more courage & confidence to start my own business or pursue my own career, listen to my own intuition once again,and if I can somehow move forward towards my dreams & life's purpose, despite the financial ruin and the disability assistance detour, I will be back on track.

Healing my financial condition as well as my POP & other health issues seem to go hand in hand.

In Norway, they have a very strong social safety net. They encourage their citizens to dream big, start businesses based on those dreams, & if they fail, their safety net takes care of them without letting them sink into shame, financial ruin, and homelessness, so they can try again, with their society's support, until they succeed.

In Norway, here is no stigma to being on public assistance, but here, in the USA, there is a lot. Norwegian citizens have a yearly income almost double that of a US. citizen, despite having a strong, inclusive, supported whole-heartedly by their society, non-demonized safety net. Whereas, our politicians mistakenly keep stating our safety net is a drain upon our society, threatening to take it away.

The other thing I am going to focus on now, is how to create the conditions to transition off of this government "assistance," without becoming homeless, which happened to me a number of times while escaping domestic violence, which is a big fear that has kept me depending on this "assistance." This is a challenge because there appears to be little support for going off this "assistance" once on it. If I give up my government housing I may never again in my lifetime be able to get it back.

Or, perhaps I can teach myself to be more resistant to the oppressiveness of this situation, if it is not feaseable for me to let it go...

I'm taking it one step at a time. My first step is to focus, more laser-like, on learning and making habits of our WW healing information.

Thanks, again!

Thank you for sharing your story with us. I have already sent up my prayers that you find greater peace and stability in your life. Keep focusing on what you want, rather than how hard it all is, and hopefully things will begin to change. I pray that all women have a safe and secure place to call home!

I have been working on a menopause program and have found myself shaken by the unquestionably sinister treatment of older women by the pharmaceutical industry.

To all women: Make sure you understand the actions and side effects of every pill they are giving you, and always use your very best judgment and intuition.


I rinsed my POP with raw honey solution from the northwest region last night at bedtime. Very soothing!
My POP today feels very calmed down, comfortable.

I am glad to have avoided the use of the estradiol vaginal cream!

I'm focusing mostly on the present and future, now, having identified old childhood memories subconsciously influencing my decision-making re my POP.

If I want to remember a more healing, empowering childhood memory, I can remember my grandmother, who took us kids hiking up mountains, teaching us about healing herbs along the way. She cooked on a wood burning stove, having killed a chicken herself, plucked it, and roasting it in the wood burning stove oven, stored her foods in a cool earthen-smelling pantry carved out of the side of a mountain, who gathered fresh eggs from her chickens, and milked the family cow, made her own clothes, churned her own butter, welcomed people from all over the mountains to her generous and hospitable kitchen table.

I can be mindful in the present moment, and get on with moving forward, including doing the WW work...

A positive that came out of my childhood is travelling many places and meeting loving people wherever I went, manifesting in me a desire to "be of service to humanity." I experience that "we all are One." I value peace, non-violent communication, win-win negotiation....

We have the same grandma! Unfortunately, I didn’t get to spend a lot of time with her and she died when I was sixteen, but my eyes must’ve been wide open when I was romping around her garden as a young child because that whole scene is all I have ever wanted - and still want! She was big and sweet and loving and had the softest cheeks in the whole world.

I am reminded of Immanuel Swedenborg’s concept of “usefulness”, by which he meant being useful to other people. Swedenborg was a brilliant scientist from the 1700s who became very adept at out-of-body traveling to what he knew to be the heavenly realm. He said the most prevalent characteristic there was “usefulness”, and if you couldn’t find a way to be useful to others, you basically couldn’t stay. Somehow that rang powerfully true for me.

We place a bit of honey high inside the vagina every morning where it is cultured by beneficial bacterial species, keeping the vagina moist, comfortable and disease-free. Some women use it morning and night.

I have stage 4 prolapse. Also have severe spinal stenosis, bulging discs and spurs all along my spine, making whole woman posture almost impossible for me. I have tried the exercises, bought books, purchased the pelvic belt and am anxiously waiting for the debut of the new Whole Woman Supporter. Several weeks ago I developed much pain in rectal and uterus areas. I couldn't sit or stand without pain, couldn't get my bladder back into place and just generally felt terrible. My OB-GYN sent me to a Uro-gynecologist. He has fitted me for the Gelhorn pessary. I've previously worn the do-nut type pessary but it wouldn't stay in place and caused rectal pain when I sat. I was also sent to a Colo-Rectal surgeon to check and make sure I have no fissures, etc. Good news was - no rectal prolapse or anything in that area that needs to be addressed. I do have a serious UTI, the first one I've ever had. Now I'm looking at taking Cipro for the infection. I'm allergic to six antibiotics and really don't want to take this stuff. When I read these posts and listen to what Christine and others have to say, I still have so much hope that I, too can one day find relief with the whole woman posture. I can hardly wait for the new Whole Woman Supporter to be on the market to us. The belt has been no help to me, only because of the serious stenosis and nerves involved throughout my back, hips and legs. Anywhere the belt rests causes me pain. How did I get to be such at mess at 70 years old!!??? You ladies here encourage me to keep trying. I love the information on the use of honey instead of the estrogens prescribed by all my doctors. My OB doc wants to do a laser treatment called the Mona Lisa to remove the lining of my uterus so that it rebuilds like new, no dryness, etc. Does this sound barbaric or what? Honey sounds sooo much better. Thank you for letting me vent and for the help you offer. A wealth of information.

Hi Dancin - Christine has commented several times on this forum about Cipro. Here is one:

We certainly aren't suggesting you go against your doctor's orders, and I don't know anything about allergies (i.e., why would this one be OK to try when you've had reactions to others?). It's a tough situation.....just be aware of the issues and proceed with caution. Good luck to you, hope you feel better soon. - Surviving

Thank you, Surviving60 for the link to Christine's information on Cipro. I don't want to take an antibiotic but am afraid to let this infection go unchecked. Doc says my numbers are high. Any information on what to do besides antibiotics to kill this bacteria in the bladder?

Hi Dancin,

You certainly do not want to court a kidney infection. A “serious UTI” needs immediate attention. I do not know whether you will be able to avoid the antibiotic. If you have abdominal pain, you should act without hesitation.

This is a very difficult position for us to be in because we cannot practice medicine and UTI is a serious condition.

Furthermore, women are not used to self-care and are generally very reliant on medical treatments.

In order to keep the bladder healthy, women should eat a natural, slightly salty and no-sugar diet. Whole grains and naturally fermented foods populate the gut with beneficial bacterial species.

The microorganisms causing your UTI have come from your rectum, which is the reservoir for microbial life in the post-menopausal vagina and bladder. The bladder microbiome mirrors the vaginal microbiome.

This is one of the major reasons we use vaginal honey, to keep the vagina and bladder cultured with lactobacillus and other beneficial microbes. These microorganisms feed on the mucus membrane covering the bladder wall, without destroying it. Pathogenic species feed on the mucus membrane too, but literally burn holes in the bladder wall, causing the symptoms of UTI, and eventually chronic bladder pain syndrome, or interstitial cystitis.

However, you cannot treat a bladder infection by suddenly using vaginal honey. These things take time, which you do not have if you have a raging UTI.

Talk to your doctor about one of high strength D-mannose products, which cause *all* bacteria to be unable to adhere to the bladder wall. This is why they should not be taken all the time to prevent UTI, but rather used as emergency medicine.

Perhaps you will need to take the antibiotic, I have no way of knowing.

What I do know is that the only way to long term bladder health is to keep the bladder wall cultured with beneficial bacteria. Studies have shown that these bacteria must come from the vagina. The only way to get them into the post-menopausal vagina is to use nature’s perfect prebiotic, raw-local-honey.

Uterine ablation is a highly misconceived, yet aggressively marketed treatment for vaginal dryness. It has been known for almost a century that estradiol is the only signaling molecule that prompts cells of the vaginal wall to store glycogen, the carbohydrate that attracts beneficial bacteria from the environment. Neither estrone, progesterone, or testosterone will increase glycogen storage.

Furthermore, we no longer have the 28-cell-layer-thick vaginal wall of our reproductive years. Our vaginal cells are now “keratinized”, which means that instead of there being living bodies in the cell, such as a nucleus, they are filled with a protein called keratin. In other words, the cells of the older vaginal wall are dead - just like our hair and nails. Burning them off with a laser is not going to change these biological facts.

I wish you could come to the Whole Woman Spa, where you would be fed truly nutritious food, treated with natural medicines, deeply massaged to soften stenosed tissue, and placed gently in WW posture throughout the day. Unfortunately, this is a dream far into the future.

The moderators and myself have tried our very best to bring the WW vision of health to women, but the rest is really up to you.


Christine, thank you so much for your caring, compassion and knowledge and your willingness to share it with us. I am not giving up on me. I don't use medicines, usually herbs, oils and such, I do eat my own fermented foods, but I do eat too much sugar. This is a major problem with me. I also wish I could come to the Whole Woman Spa! What a joy that would be, but for now, I'll just create my own spa. Thank you for sharing about the vaginal cells. This answers a lot of questions for me. It does seem doctors are constantly coming up with ways to make money, not necessarily to benefit their patients. The information about using honey is amazing! I keep raw, local honey here for digestive issues and will use it now for my feminine issues. Whether or not I decide to take the Cipro, I really appreciate your help. Sometimes I forget the wealth of knowledge that is on this site and in your literature. Still keeping on, and grateful for the help....

Everyone has the right to be treated with respect. Doctors we trust the most valuable, that we have this life and health, and they behave like louts and rascals. Do not consider it necessary to listen to the patient's opinion and look for several ways out of the situation instead of one - the surgery. I would like to know more about various herbs and oils. I was recommended to the bearberry because it has antiseptic action and it is good for inflammation in the vagina, especially during menopause. I read about progesterone oil here - [link removed]. Has anyone tried how fast it helps with a low level of progesterone and does it hurt if I have prolapse risk? It is very difficult to understand whether the doctor makes the right decision if he has this attitude. They even hard to judge because they cover each other.

Because I am still depending on government disability for medical care, I asserted with a bureaucratic agency that is supposed to help Medicaid recipients actually get the services and products they need to heal, that I needed waterproof adult swim briefs to wear in the pool to protect my POP, to get pool physical therapy that was prescribed for me, by one of my doctors, that Medicaid refused to pay for. It's taken me many months [while this agency insisted they would be able to help me, & tried very hard to, over about 4 months,] to learn that there is no way to get the adult adult swim briefs to wear in the pool to be able to use the prescription for pool physical therapy[with the wise, 30-yrs.-experienced female physical therapist.] [I felt I needed the swim briefs to protect my Level 4+ POP in a germ-filled pool.]

So, now, many months later, I am due to start regular [non-pool] PT, soon, without the swim briefs. [It seems like almost all of my muscles, including ones that maintain one's posture, are now out-of-shape..due to the time-consuming nature of living way below the poverty line, which forces me to live from crisis to crisis, I haven't gotten past 'step 1{Inserting my Jade & Pearls Sea Sponge I've disinfected in 100% white vinegar, & shaped into a pelvic organ-supporting shape, & attached a dental floss string to, & rinsed out} with learning how to do the SWW First Aid For Prolapse For Elders exercises {which I hope to coordinate with my new physical therapist's exercises, if possible....}being "Step 2."

[If my likely patriarchal, possibly holistic, PT cannot relate to SWW, I will just do it on my own, secretly, alongside it, & later discard any non-helpful patriarchal PT exercises.]

My POP has felt excruciatingly more & more non-stop painful, with my inverted uterus/vagina's membranes becoming very irritated each time I stand up or sit down, with my uterus/vagina/cervix slipping in & out of my vaginal opening. My vaginal/uterine membranes have peeled off an external layer of cells, on each side of its grapefruit? cantelope? size & shape, as it slides in & out of my bony vaginal opening. So it is very brightly dark red, raw & sensitive, & at the same time, dry & leathery, & often it oozes a pinkish-beigeish thick mucus-like secretion, which lately has become a more alarming dark red blood, apparently due to ongoing irritation. [At any rate, I am clear my pelvic organs have reached their limit of tolerance for being exposed outside of my body, with a strong pull of gravity upon them.]

Often, when I poop, the poop gets stuck in the crevice between my POP & my anus, so I am often having to get into the shower at any time, day or night, to thoroughly wash all poop out of all crevices between POP/surrounding vagina, & anus, & off of my often-ballooning POP, which can be exhausting, especially if this occurs several times just minutes apart [I also have irritable bowel syndrome, which for me manifests as frequent diarrhea, at times, when under stress, as part of having PTSD/the flight or flight response I developed while being stalked for almost a decade by my violent ex-husband.] I've started taking Imodium to control the frequency of my bowel movements to reduce the number of times I have to do the full shower routine.

As a result, I am so looking forward to getting my pelvic organs to stay inside my pelvic cavity, again!!!

I have often questioned/doubted my decision to not have a hysterectomy, due to the degree of pain & distress I am in, in my POP region, & how long it is taking to get physical therapy in place, another priority I've had, concomitant to dealing with the POP. I guess because I feel so brainwashed by still-patriarchal medicine [despite decades of feminist social action], the sense of lack of choice by depending on Medicaid & Medicare due to being on disability.

I haven't felt comfortable going to an emergency room alone about my very irritated exposed POP, as I thought maybe I could do, to soothe the pain, due to fearing I'd be pressured to have a hysterectomy, along with being harshly judged by medical staff for condition of my POP. [-Maybe I can find an advocate to go along with me, if necessary, in the future, {even though the local womens safe-house & rape crisis organizations don't consider pressure to have a hysterectomy & the hysterectomy itself to be part of their mission,to advocate for women about, although it is clear to me these ARE forms of medical sexual abuse of women, especially older women.}

Nonetheless, despite this self-doubt, I still am not at all convinced that the only thing these patriarchal Medicare/Medicaid doctors offer me, a hysterectomy, would solve my POP problem.

I am very grateful for Saving the Whole Woman emotional & informational support!

This evening, I will make my second attempt to insert my new J & P Sea Sponge into my vagina, which I assume will be held inside my body by the sponge.

During my 1st attempt, a few days ago, I found the diameter of my POP is so huge I could not stuff the POP with its now-leathery membrane of inverted vagina/uterus back inside my body, with my hands, even while lying down, to then be able to insert the sea sponge pessary.

This time, I am going to use my dildo to gently insert itself inside my vaginal opening, along the side of the POP, to create on open space to slide my pessary into, alongside the dildo.

I hope this works!

[I KNOW that when I sit down, the pressure upon the POP outside my body DOES force my pelvic organs back inside my bony vaginal walls, into my pelvic cavity, so it HAS to be possible that my sea sponge pessary could be inserted, there, too.....]

I will soak my pessary in a raw local honey solution, this time, before I insert it, to hopefully soothe my formerly raw/leathery exposed vaginal/uterine membranes.

Are there any other options for helping these raw membranes to regenerate to their pre-POP state, as well?

[I'm thinking a mixture of coconut or extra virgin olive oil and dilute tea tree oil [which is antibacterial, antiviral, & anti-fungal] applied to my sponge pessary might also be healing...]


P.S.-A TIP [Sorry for any gross-out factor]: I learned a way to prevent toilet water from splashing back up out of toilet onto my POP, when poop drops into that water, which was a problem: Place a layer of tissue toilet seat cover or toilet paper onto the surface of the toilet water before you sit down to pee or poop. Maybe this will help others with severe POP like mine, especially when using a public toilet...
[You Tube has videos demonstrating how to do this...]