Sea Sponge


So I ordered sea sponge tampons as an alternative to regular tampons (wearing them "dry" makes me worry about TSS) to wear for support when I need a extra boost for the day. I have to say, I was surprised by how big they are!! Then I saw on the brochure that they sell a prolapse-specific size which is even bigger! :-0! Be like putting an english muffin up there, I think! They do squish down a bit to go in . . . we'll see how it goes as a workable solution. Anybody use them? Did you trim them down?

You do not insert them dry - Always wet them and squeeze excess out - Then they will be so much easier to 'work with'
If you are keeping them clean with Tea Tree oil - TSS should not be a problem...

I trimmed mine down tonssssssss as it seemed HUGE - And the size it is now is about just over half of its original size (Trim round the endge do not just cut in half)

Trime off a bit - try it - If still not working for you - Trim again and test again until it feels right (IN that you are feeling like it isnt there really)

Mine (Havent used it in ages now) I would wet - Kind of roll up liie a tampon - insert - Walk around a bit and sometimes you need to move it a bit (I found to push it forward made it stay in place and feel better for me)

Hope that help a little

Sometimes youre holding someone else's heart in your hands. You can drop that heart & bruise it. You can squash that heart & hurt it. Or you can stomp on it & totally annihalate it. You stomp on that heart or bruise it. It can forever be changed ♥

For the input! (by dry I meant without blood, for the conventional tampons). Does go in at the huge size, but I may trim as you have done. Thanks for the instructions!!

Where did you order the sea sponges from? The link from here is longer available. Thanks for any help. Connie

The glad rags company. The exact web address escapes me at the moment, but if you google it, it will come up. Not sure I really like these though. The test drive didn't live up to my expectations. . . .

Now there's a scary thought!!!

What did or didn't you like about the sponge? I can't think I will ever get the hang of taking it out without a string! I have a cystocele too with what looks like a small rectocele now, do you think it will work for me? I am needing some relief from this bulge so I don't feel it 24/7. Thanks, Connie

Yeah . . . it's a little weird to have to go spelunking for the sponge . . . and it does feel like vaginal tissue, so I did pinch myself once! They say you can sew dental floss to it if you need a string.

I tried again today, as I walked to church and back wearing my baby. I trimmed it, and it was better. Things I do like: less drying than conventional tampons, reusable, less risk of TSS, feels pretty comfortable. I do wish it were a longer shape like a conventional tampon, though. My cystocele is, I think, like Alemama described hers: tissue is visible at the entrance, and it is more like a U shape all the way up than a localized bulge. The shorter shape of the sponge dose not seem to be as efficient at holding back my junk, but maybe it will for you. I think you will only know if it works for you if you try. I think they were about $15 with shipping, but if you don't like them, you can disinfect them and have some nice facial sponges. . . .

I will say, that I love being able to use something that makes me feel more normal and confident. I am still a posturing maniac during use, and I try to limit how long I wear something each day, but man, it's sooo nice to tame the bulge!

I used them without trimming and they did ok at holding my rectocele in place. The problem for me was in getting them out. The first time I actually tore the sponge trying to remove it. It felt a bit like digging for treasure trying to locate it in the mess that is my female parts. I'm not sure I would recommend them.

Hi bad_mirror,

I had no luck with my Sea Sponge, but many people think they are wonderful. On my first try with the sponge it got lost somewhere up there in my body. It tore in pieces as I tried to get it out when I did locate it.

Louise suggested I sew a string to the next one, which I did. That kept it from getting lost, but it hurt when I pulled it out and I ended up bleeding from it. I gave up. I have two beauiful Sea Sponges in my drawer of failed prolapse paraphernalia. Someone suggested using them as facial sponges..maybe I'll try that.

Good luck with yours. I sincerely hope it works for you.

BTW, I also have a drawer full of wonderful and sucessful prolapse paraphernalia...WholeWoman balms, Replens, KY and jars of Vitamin C!



Thanks all for the tips. I just found a bunch of old posts on the subject (smacks forehead) that would have answered my questions. Some quite entertaining . . . ;-)

Anyhoo, sponge seems to be an ok go-to for now . . .

For getting the sponge out....
do not do this sitting on the toilet or standing in the bathroom-
depending on your 'cele go into either hands and knees or flat on your back- so if you have a primary cystocele hands and knees would be best- this position will allow your bladder to fall forward and out of the way- letting you reach right in and get it- and if it is a rectocele flat on your back will work.
with either position it helps to take a few deep breaths first.
If lubrication is a problem- try lubricating your vagina before insertion- olive oil works well for a tampon- I don't know if oil is a problem for the seasponge but I guess probably not-
If you can't lube before- lube for removal- run your lubed finger all around the sponge while it is still inside- then pull it out.