pregnacy belly support


We are expecting twins! We have 6 children already, so I am busy doing lots of stuff. As I grow larger, I see that I might be needing some sort of pregnancy belt to help support these two growing babies. What do you recommend in light of me having a history of a prolapsed uterus post partum? I wonder about the tight clothing thing... would it be good to find a belt that hangs from the shoulders?

Thank you so much for your support. I am doing the whole woman workout about once a week.... hoping to do it more often once school starts :)

Congratulations, Joanne!

Well, first I would make sure you understand how and why the uterus falls back from the abdominal wall and how it is anteverted into or toward its proper position. This should alleviate fear as you sit up into WW posture with a babe at each breast (experiencing some envy here - how invincible that must feel!) You will be in control of your uterus postpartum!

Also remember that your body is built to carry twins without additional support. If you think an external support garment would put your mind at ease, then by all means find one that supports your spine in its natural configuration (shoulders down, etc). The folks at are the experts in pregnancy support garments, although I'm having trouble bringing up that site atm (maybe it's down for maintenance). I think a garment that wraps around the shoulders would give the greatest support, but make sure it's not pulling you out of natural posture.

Many blessings! I marvel at big families and the women who create them.

:) Christine

Thank you for your encouraging reply. I tried the website as well and it just turns up blue. If you get an updated website, please let me know.

Which chapters should I review again from Saving the Whole Woman to help me better understand the causes of the prolapse?

I am trying not to lift heavy things.... Do you also agree with that as helpful with prolapse? nothing over 25 lbs?

Many blessings to you for the gift you give all of us women!

Try this site in Australia. .
