V2 supporter - or something better?


Hi all. I've been working on my WW posture and exercises for several months now. I've had a setback after coughing for 3 weeks through a cold and a secondary infection that also included a cough. I have a stage III uterine prolapse and started cupping my hand against the vaginal opening hoping that would help during the coughing. Of course, I couldn't do this in public and sometimes couldn't get to it before the coughing came. I accidentally found an old thread here about the v2 supporter.

Is this something that might help the next time I get a bad cough? Or is there another product that might help?

Thanks so much for any suggestions you might have!

Hi Blue Indigo,
I wear a V2 on my walks for just for a little extra confidence. Sometimes we ladies with the more severe prolapse need a little help. Another good thing to do when the uterus is misbehaving is to do some jiggling and firebreathing throughout the day.
Christine is also designing a supporter of her own that should be coming out soon.

Thank you for your response, Aging Gracefully! I will wait to see what Christine is coming out with!

What is jiggling?

Hi Blue Indigo,
Jiggling is simply bending over touching the floor, chair, back of tub, etc. and then bouncing or jiggling you pelvic organs into the lower belly. I find this especially helpful having the more severe uterine prolapse, as I get better placement for a good round of firebreathing right after.

Ah! Thank you. I'm going to try that right now! I read about something called 'belly toss.' Is that the same thing?

That was actually kind of fun! I would never have thought of doing that! :-)

Hi Blue Indigo,
The belly toss is actually one of the breathing techniques in one of Christine's videos.
Jiggling was created by one of our long term members, Louise. It is fun and can be a great help with stubborn pelvic organs.
All of these tips and techniques are meant to help us along in getting the pelvic organs moving into the lower belly and out of the vaginal space. They compliment the posture work very well, I think!

Thank you, Aging Gracefully, for answering my questions! I appreciate your help!

I will look for the belly toss and enjoy my jiggling!

The belly toss is in The Whole Woman Solutions to pelvic organ prolapse video, I believe. There is a 10 minute daily work out that includes this technique.

Found it! You saved me a lot of time looking for the belly toss movement! You're right. It's in Module 4 (Prolapse-free in 10 minutes a day) of that video. Thank you, again, for all your help!

So glad! The belly toss is awesome, and you can really feel those pelvic organs moving!

Hi Aging gracefully, I read your explanation of jiggling in response to Blue Indigo's question. Could you expand more on how to do the jiggling? When you say you bend and bounce is it more like a small jump? Thank you for expanding more on this!

Hi northernmimi18,
I like to do little jumps or even big jumps, but you don't have to. Just jiggle and shake however it is comfortable for you.

I’m sorry to post too much but I want to be able to save this thread for my future use. Very good information here.

I've been doing the belly toss, and I like it as much (maybe a bit more) than the fire breathing.

Thank you for your help Aging Gracefully!

I salute you ladies! I am admitting right here on this forum that i have not yet perfected Belly Toss. It is on my perpetual to-do list. This weekend maybe! - Surviving

Does anyone know when Christine's supporter will come out? I have found that when I wear my jeggings that it helps me as they are rather tight in the crotch but the waist is elastic so its not pushing in my tummy. Its been a real struggle not holding in my belly I have to really let go and thing about it.. 61 years of holding it in is a bit to deprogram..

I'm still working on locating reliable sources (they are all in China) for the special materials I need for the support belt. It is much more challenging than I ever imagined. I've met many sales people at this point who will promise you the moon but then not follow through. Very sorry it's taking so long!

Any more word on when the WW supporter will be in production? If not soon I'm considering getting the femicushion for the time being. Do you have an opinion about this product other than that it's way too expensive with the CAD exchange? LOL :)

Hi Sylvia - I have not heard anything about the supporter for quite some time now, but I will try to get an update for you. Meanwhile, if you feel the need for a supporter, you probably should just start trying them. I did a search on this forum for the Femicushion and did not find any comments. Best of luck to you. - Surviving