Bladder Prolapse

HI Everyone,
My problem started last year. I had a small heaviness coming through my vagina one night. I could feel it was a small lump stuck at the bottom of my vagina and went to the doctor to check it out.

My doctor recommended kegel exercises or surgery. But I found out about Christine Hunt website and as well as spoke to her on the phone regarding my issues. I have purchased her entire package and I am have been working on my posture and her suggested 10 mins workout.

support garments for prolapse

A few weeks ago I read something about prolapse support garments on this forum. Before that I didn't even know they existed! The two I read about were called the V2 and the Hideaway. I can't say anything about the V2 but I trialled the Hideaway for my uterine prolapse which I guess is a stage 3. The Hideaway is designed primarily for bladder prolapse but I have to say I've found it very helpful. It's not in any way a substitute for working with posture but an additional help. I don't wear it all the time.

colonoscopy and rectocele

I'm due for a colonoscopy in a few weeks and I'm concerned on how they deal with this process when someone has rectocele, any info in this matter will be appreciated, thanks. Dysa.

pregnant with cystocele

hi 23 pregnant in my second baby im 6 months pregy worried about my cystocele.what is the best posture for me??what are the best exercise?


Does anyone have SIBO? If so, how are you dealing with it? I am a male and in the last year my bloating and distention had become unbearable. Had the breath test and tested positive for SIBO. Looking for ideas. Still dealing with colon pain and evacuation problems. GI doc is having my swallow a pill camera next week to look at my small bowel (possible Chrons). Who knows. Ugh.

Whole woman posture


From the wholewoman newsletter, for those who don't receive it. Such an important reminder. Thank you Christine.

"Whole Woman Posture

Perhaps it is just following the line of least resistance, but I find consistently that women tend to focus on the exercises I teach in the various Whole Woman products. Maybe it’s just a cultural thing, because we tend to be so exercise obsessed in the west.

But the real work of prolapse, incontinence, and chronic hip pain management comes from mastering and living in the Whole Woman Posture.

account access

how can I access my Destination Prolapse Free account
I purchased this a while ago
I have tried sending emails but the keep being returned

Feeling alone and anxious

Really I need to know I'm not alone, and that I'm not going to literally fall apart!

Great pix on the FB page!

Hey all - some cool photos on the WW Facebook page if you have not checked it out lately:

Lanny! When are we going to have links to Facebook and YouTube here on the WW site? Just wondering. - Surviving

Anal Sphincter

I am concerned and would appreciate advice... I have days where I need to wipe my bottom a lot. I've been attempting to isolate the anal sphincter (not that easy) and squeeze and tighten while being aware of prolapse bladder. At one point I felt there was partial collapse of the lower bowel which was possibly due to being under weight and loss of supporting fat. I've since gained weight and and feel that has changed. Your input would be appreciated..Thank you:)


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