Birth Control Again

I know it's been brought up before, but I was just wondering what everyone else does about it. I saw "Yaz" ad in a magazine today and it got me thinking about it.

urethral swelling

Hi all

I am at the end of my tether and scared, a couple of months ago I noticed my vagina getting very dry so started to lubricate which did help slightly, but started to realise something didnt feel right and decided to have a look .
My urethra was swollen with a little red lump protruding from the opening , as you can immagine I panicked.
I dont have any pain when I wee , but do get a sight burning feeling sometimes , I am symptom free for a few days altho the swelling is still there it doesnt bother me, then all of a sudden it flares up and cause me great discomfort.
I am very scared and wont go to the doctor { Im not good with anything gynae. freaks me out }

recent surgery/2nd time

I recently had cystocele repair surgery [3 weeks ago]. The first time I had this I was 25 years old. Now at 50, I have had the procedure done again. I participated in a study that allows the procedure to be not as extreme as it was back in 1982. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what type of exercises are appropriate after having this surgery. I was walking and working out 3-5 times weekly and lost 16lbs prior to the surgery but haven't worked out since. I am currently back to work as an addicitons counselor [sitting at a desk] and don't move around alot at my job. The doctor has given me permission to walk but not do any lifting that would involve anything more than 20 lbs. I wanted to know if anyone has any suggestions on some exercises? Prayers to all of you that have experienced this condition!

Prolapse Uterus

Iam new to all this..I am into health and fitness, Igave birth to my son 39 years ago and have never been to a doctor since well I went four and half weeks ago and I was so scaredI could feel I had something in my vagina which I thought was a cancer growth and after packing up a 4 bedroomed home and moving then unpacking it had come down futher so I really had to go to the doctor who then sent me to a gyno. I am telling you this because I was very stressed and scared I never knew anything about womens health prolapses and things that go wrong down there, I think this is something that should be bought out in the open and talked about.I now know many women know about it but there must be others like me.

Our baby girl has arrived!

Our baby girl arrived last week and I had a wonderful birth experience this time around. Everything was much faster and there were no interventions, all natural. I was going to "breath" the baby out but my body had other plans. After my water broke my body just started to push. I was on my side and I have never felt anything that powerful in all my life! My body pushed her out in under 10 minutes. Very intense but amazing experience. I tore but not as bad as last time. There has been no change in the prolapse department (lots of pressure) but I am waiting several weeks to heal and then begin the exercises etc.

Pregnant with prolapse - thanks Christine and forum users

I just wanted to sign on to say that I have prolapse and I am now about four weeks pregnant. It's early days yet, but I thought it was important to provide feedback on this site and Christine's wonderful work. And also to provide encouragement for other ladies out there with POP.

It took me a while to decide to have another baby (my daughter is now 2 and a half). I felt so awful with the prolapse affecting my life that I really doubted I could 'go again.' As some of you have seen I understood very little about POP, and thought I could never have more kids, or if I did that I'd just get so much worse that it wouldn't be worth it.

Chronic Yeast Infections

I am 48 years old and I think perimenopausal. I have irregular periods, not a heavy flow, like I used to have, but a lot of spotting before and after, making the "period" last for 10-12 days. For the past few years, I have been getting a yeast infection, at least once a month, sometimes 2 or more which makes a continous infection lasting the whole month, right into the next "period", which the infection seems to follow the end of the "period". I am not taking any HRT at this point, but I do have a saliva test later this month to find out what the hormone levels are. A few weeks ago, I had my annual pap test done and at that appt. my dr. said "she didn't see anything". No yeast, no good bacteria, no bad bacteria. Not the "normal" flora that it should have. This is not the first time. I do take probiotics, but I don't understand why my body does not "make" the good bacteria that it should. The way I understand it, there should be good bacteria and yeast, in the vagina, to be in balance. I can use the over the counter medicines to get rid of the yeast, but without the good bacteria present, the yeast will have nothing to stop it from growing again. I was wondering if I went on HRT, (which, I think I am low in those hormones) will that correct the problem? Will the proper amount of estrogen allow the good bacteria to return? I have also used the "live culture" yogurt, vaginally, at the same time as the monistat, which seems to work for a short time, but then I am back in the same cycle, of not producing the good bacteria on my own. I have chronic sinus/allergy problems and have been on sudafed for at least 5 years. If I don't take a 12 hour pill every morning and every evening, I will be bedridden, and will not be able to function on a daily basis. (Can you tell I have tried to get off the stuff?) LOL.

yoga for prolapse

I just wanted to post information for those of you who are trying out yoga to assist in your overall health or are trying to address a prolapse issue. Many of Christine's exercises are yoga poses. These ARE very good to do if done correctly. I just wanted to air a brief warning before some of you head of to do "yoga". There are many different kinds of yoga, and as an instructor, I feel that some of these could be potentially damaging for students with prolapse. I recommend avoiding poses that involve deep twists or any pose that would cause vulsalva (pushing down, or contracting the pelvic floor) unless you have experience strengthening and using your pelvic floor correctly.

Small fluid collection Posterolateral to the Urethra


I have been having back pain that ranges from a 1 to a 10 on the grade scale where my left kideneys is located. 3 months ago I had a unrinary tract infection. My doctor thought maybe I was having kidney stones and sent me to get a Cat Scan. The CT discovered that I have an 11mm small fluid collection posterolateral on the urethra. This suggest that it may be a small Uretheral diverticulum.
This Monday I am scheduled to see my obgyn who will probably send me for an MRI and to see a uerologist.
The ironic thing is that I was diagnosed with diverticulosis by a gastroentologists after having diareha forever and a day last year. I also have major pain down by the rectum just before my menstral cycle starts. I attributed that to a hemorhoid. Now I am so confused I don't know if I have 3 different things going on or if it is all related to this possible diagnosis of Uretheral diverticulum?

Help, please? Possible Prolapse.

I am 5 weeks post-partum (seond baby) and have noticed a blockage of sorts in my vaginal opening. I am fairly certain it is my cervix, although it seems as though there might be something more around it. I called my OB's office and they said that it is normal and "should" move back up. I have a couple drops of urine that will leak out when I stand up after using the bathroom and there have been a few times when it feels like there is still something there after I have a bowel movement.

Overall, I feel really good and would like to resume sexual relations with my husband. I won't be able to see my dr for at least another week or two and would like some opinions on rather we should continue to wait. My body feels ready, however I have been somewhat scared about whether or not this is something that is going to "go away" or if I could do more damage by having sex without having an actual diagnosis. This might sound silly but I am worried my parts could fall out, and I don't know if that is a rational thought or not.


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