shoes !

I am new at this ste, and newly diagnosed. I wonder what types of shoes are recomended and what are problematic. Is even slightly higher heel a bad choice?

I need reassurance.....

I am 4 weeks pp and I am having a bad day. I knew about my prolapse going in to this delivery unlike with my first daughter. I didn't find this site until 9 months after her birth and was walking around with the bowling ball feeling. So this time I tried to do everything right. I had a completely natural childbirth. I came and rested a lot. I have been walking in the posture when I am on my feet and sitting in the posture and yet I feel so heavy. Right after the birth I felt great as the head pushed everything out of the way! Then gradually I felt worse and worse. It seems like my cystocele is getting lower and lower and it is right at the opening.

Anyone from the UK?

Hello its me yet again!

I wondered if there were any ladies on here from the UK that have ordered the whole package from the Whole Woman store? I only ask as I wanted to know if it was stopped for import duties and whether the charges were really high?

Sorry if I shouldn't have asked this here but I am keen to get started on the programme to prevent my prolapse getting any worse but know those import duties can hurt!


Nausea, lethargy, feeling really lousy

I am curious to know how many experience nausea, lethargy, food tasting really off, no appetite, just feeling really lousy when their prolapse first became intrusively evident. For me, things really worsened after a bad head cold followed by lots of coughing. But it's been weeks since I've been over the cold and the symptoms I mention are not going away. My urethacele (sp?) is terribly inflamed and burns at the touch. This seems to come and go, though mainly here to stay in the last few days. I am past menopause so dryness could be a great contributing factor.

I know I could get to feeling a lot better if I could get my appetite back and this nausea to go away. Anyone else experience this? Any solutions as to the cause or remedies to feel better?


Sorry this is not a particularly nice subject but I have to ask.

My periods are very heavy for a couple of days and I always have to use the largest tampon plus sanitry towel. My worry is when changing a tampon after my period slows down even when changing to a smaller one they can drag and feel like they are pulling my insides out. I am worried about what effect this might have on prolapses.

Does anybody use Sea Sponges which I have seen mentioned a few times on this forum and do they work as well as tampons?

Again sorry about the topic but you don't know unless you ask!

Many thanks.


I am still waiting to receive my copy of Christine’s book albeit the yellow version which is currently the only one available in the UK. I will purchase the Blue cover but am saving up to buy the whole package at once.

I have just been doing some light housework but wanted to know how to keep posture when doing things like picking up the kids toys off the floor, picking up clothes etc.

What is the best way to bend down and or over?

Pick things up?

Get off the floor when you have knelt down?

Get up from a sitting position?

I can only hope that lots of my questions will be answered in the yellow book which will have to do until I get my hands on the blue cover version.

Newly married...very much confused

Dear All,
I am married since September 2007. I got my cheery broken, and i got some drops of blood due to that. it was very painful and my openning got swollen. i was not acle to sit properly for 5 o 6 days...
Due to this swelling we did not had coitus for that week fully. but till now there is a bump or tumor like thing near the virginal openning...but i cannot feel the bump inside my virgina.
when i touch it, i feel as if there is a lymph node. but it is aching when i press it.... plzz clearify whether this is a abnormal or what...from 14 th September i am having this...

Thanks and regards,

4 months postpartum - cystocele - stage 2 or 3 - surgery now? too soon?

Well after 9 months, he was born in June. No complications - total of 6 hours - pushed for 2. He was 9.5 at delivery and I had a 2nd degree tear. No big deal. The 6 week check up - no problems. The 8th week - packing to move, nursing (no estrogen) and a strain in the bathroom - welcome Mr. bulge! Now at 4 months PP, the doctor says it's a vaginal muscle tear and I tore open the episiotomy too - great work huh? Anyway, at this point I have some options - but first some about me. I am (was) a very active 39 y.o professional. We would like to have another child - maybe 2. I am in shape (135 at 5'10"), a non-smoker (although right about now I am considering starting)...

should I try a pessery

am so grateful to have discovered this site and feel a lot less frightened and more prepared to learn how to take care of myself. I am going to just learn what I might do, and follow the guidance offered in the book,including the posture, diet changes and lifestyle changes. I have since talked to a friend who waited ten years and then finally had the surgery when she was experiencing pain during intercourse. I decided to wait on the pessery fitting for a month,and see if things are improved. i do not have any pain during intercourse. I am unsure what stage proplase I have, or if it even matters.

Can't stop crying!

Gosh I feel so depressed. I have a real distorted image of myself at the moment and can only see the disfigurement on the inside and not the person I am. I feel so lost and do not know how I am ever going to cope with this. My life has changed forever and I am finding this so hard to accept. I can't just pick my daughter up and twirl her around like I used to just incase I do further damage. Even if I did give in a risk the surgery my life would still not be the same as you have to be just as careful after and that's if its successful!

This all sounds so dramatic but I am locked in a very dark place emotionally at the moment and can't find my way out. My husband has not lent me any support whatsoever and knows I have been crying a lot but not once has he put his arm round me to comfort me or even ask what is bothering me.


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