new here....21 weeks pregnant and cystocele

I am 21 weeks pregnant and at the beginning of this week found a strange bulge at the opening of my vagina.
So I called the OB nurse who had me come in to see the ARNP.
She didn't see the bulge.. but of course I was lying down... but did say that my bladder was in front of my cervix and that is what the bulge was.
She also said that after baby I might need to have surgery to "tack it up."

I took this as no big deal and left the office.

Immediately started doing some reading on cyctocele and was freaked out when I read a that if it is serious enough they recommmend cesarean.

Question about yoga

Is there anything wrong prolapse-wise with the poses that have you face down on the ground with your head and legs lifted? (Sorry I am so new to yoga, I don't know the names of the poses yet.)

Thank you to Christine

Thank you so much for this web site! 8 months ago when I first discovered this issue I was afraid to leave my house. I thought my active life was over for ever. I didn't even like to go grocery shopping and I couldn't walk my kids to the park about a mile away. Today I took my four younger ones on a field trip (I home school) where we had to climb up and down several flights of steep stairs. I was a bit nervous, but I doned my v2 suporter and eaded out LOL. I wore a 27 lb. baby on one hip in a sling and the kids backpack with water bottles and supplies on the other. It wasn't fun, but I did it and am no worse for the experience.

A Surprise!

My best friend, age 66, discovered a bladder prolapse a few weeks ago and told "our doctor." Our doctor sent her to a gyn. We talked a lot about what this "guy" would probably do and not do, and we also talked about the flight plan and how quickly she could get out of his office once he started talking about cut and paste. We were very depressed yesterday figuring this would be another huge battle.

Surprisingly, he said she should do exactly what she is doing - nothing. Just leave it alone or she could do some real damage. That's what surgery does, he said - a whole lot of damage. He said that bladder surgery often causes incontinence and pain.

Rectocele Repair

I just wanted to say that I am not quite 2 weeks out from a vaginal hysterectomy (I kept my ovaries) and rectocele repair. So far so good on the healing process, the repair stitches are reminiscent of an episiotomy-just more stitches. I also think I have focused more on the discomfort because of not having a precious baby to nurture while I recover. I am a 34 year old mother of 3. The hysterectomy was due to non stop bleeding even on oral contraceptives of a variety and changing dosage every 2-3 months for the last 2-3 years. The bleeding and rectocele were becoming more than I could deal with as a busy mom and elementary teacher. You have 20 little bodies in the hall waiting on you while you attempt a difficult void in the bathroom. Pain, privacy and ultimately pride led me to the decision to go ahead with the surgery. Originally a bladder sling was in the surgical plan, but we were able to put that off because I have been without symptoms for 1 year. We hope (and I pray) that the bladder will be better without the pressure of the uterus. I am optimistic about sex- my husband is already ready to go and I have and feel the 4-5 inches of stitches-so... we have taken a different approach to intimacy. However, the anticipation is exciting. I know we are entering a new phase and although I am concerned about sex in general after the surgery I think new can be good. He may appreciate what I went through more later and goodness knows I won't miss those pesky never ending cyles.

first check up

had my first check up to see if pessary was working an not hurting anything Dr. said doing great told him i was able to go without 2 days a week he thought that was great also told him about whole woman site were i learned so much any got so many good pointers on using pessary whitch i never heard of befor. I dont have to go back now for6 months also showed him the bliss balm he said go for it looks ok to him . Dr said i was 1 out 5 he just had in and 4 would have nothing to do with pessary he said it was to bad they will have surgery instead they were afraid to bad i feel so normal with it at work i dont even think about it any more not pushing anything back in anymore or in tears from being so misable all day from bladder hanging down just hope it keeps working.

just wanted to share this.....

my name is Denise and i first posted here about 3 months ago. i was due any day at the time and dealing with what appears to be rectocele and cystocele and i was really afraid all my insides were going to come out during my sons birth. well, he's now 2 months old and everything went well. the birth was my most difficult but everything stayed inside and even seems a little less then when i was pregnant. what i wanted to share was and i hope noone minds me posting this because this isnt a christian website but i am a christian and when i first discovered my prolapse i was freaking out and i really found nothing good nor any encouragement other then this website.

Fear vs. Hope

I'm 39 yrs. old and have been recently "diagnosed" with a Cystocele - which I have been(somewhat secretly) dealing with since the birth of my son 12 years ago.
I say this because the ravages of naturally birthing a 11'10 oz. baby seemed minimal to the cesarean alternative, and who would expect to be the same... However
I learned to be careful when laughing or coughing. To prepare. But this June I was trying to pull start a lawn-mower and got stubborn, I finally gave up and went to
take a shower - bent over to shave my legs and felt the prolapse. Horror of horrors, I was so upset, the pride and ego of a woman.

vaginal irritation, EcoVaj

Hi All

I just discovered in my googlings a product called EcoVag which looks like a probiotic for vaginal use, capsules to be inserted into the vagina for eight nights runnning. Assists in the re-establishment of good bacteria in the vagina. May be good for thrush or other bugs??? See

Has anybody used it, or similar types of products?



Having a good day! It does get better.

I promised myself that i would post when feeling good.
Many times when feeling very down and hopeless i visit this site and to look for hope.
Sometimes I feel worse when i read posts about others feeling bad.
It ocurred to me that many of us come here when we are feeling down and out, and those that are feeling better probably move on or do other things because suddenly POP is not their obsession, so we may see a lot of posts about feeling bad, sad, fearful, scared and uncomfortable, which we should feel welcome to share at liberty. But let's also acknowledge glimmers of hope.


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