Rectal prolapse as result of rectocele...

Hi all,
on another thread there's talk of rectal prolapse versus rectocele.
it leads me to something i often (in my worried mind!) wonder.
does a rectocele make a rectal prolapse (ie the bowel slipping out through the anus) more likely?
something i worry about sometimes, especially when i have days of feeling pressure in the rectal area.

should i be worried?
or can i go back to enjoying how well my body is otherwise doing...???


Estrace cream

Are there any reports on the safety of using Estrace cream?

Walking with prolapse


Still a bit green here, but I might as well take advantage of the expertise of "my sisters". I'm not sure if this is a lifestyle or bodywork post, but... I'm 51, have a stage 2 cystocele and uterine prolapses... tried a pessary last week to aide in helping me completely empty my bladdar. Very minor stress incontinence, but only if my bladder if very full.

I was very heavy much of my life... three years ago, I changed my diet completely eliminating processed foods, caffine, dairy and meat. I lost over 60 pounds in 18 months and have maintained the loss... joined a gym to tone and lose about 25 more pounds. I am now a size 14 and try to exercise daily (walk 3-4 miles, light weight machines, yoga, etc.) Since my weight loss, I developed the prolapse (perhaps my fat was helping hold things in place :-)

27, no pregnancies...yet I end up with a prolapse?! What about sex?

I don't quite understand how I ended up with a prolapse, but I did. I'm 27 and I've never been pregnant or had a child. My muscles must have been weak, and on Friday I was moving some stuff around that was WAY too heavy for me. Later that afternoon I noticed a weird feeling, like something was falling out. I took a hand-mirror to see, and what should appear cervix! Or what I think is my cervix anyways. My immediate reaction was to freak out, but I'm doing a little better. I ordered Christine's book, and am looking forward to getting some exercises to start doing immediately.

Pessary type, long vagina...

Hello All...
I've been reading these forums for a while, but decided to join. I have Christine's book and DVD and found them both very helpful. I will continue to do the exercises, but work very long hours (some having to sit in a chair not so conducive to the posture. I have Stage 2 uterine prolapse and Stage 2 cystocele. I have minor stress incontinence, but the main issue is that my bladder doesn't empty completely. I had urodynamic testing done and was fitted for a pessary last week. They tried several sizes of the ring pessary with support, and I left the office after having been able to completely empty my bladder with the pessary in. I have a long vagina and had GREAT difficulty reaching the pessary. When I was able to reach it (in a horrendous state of angst...) I struggled to get it out. It took so much pressure that the silicone next to the ring had a tear in it. After it was out, I felt as if my prolapse worsened. I could feel the prolapse before, but not see it. When I looked after the removal, I could actually see my cervix. It was still inside me, but I believe that the pessary was too big and caused more damage. I called my urogyn the next day and will be seen on Friday. When I explained what I thought happened, I was told that pessaries wouldn't cause this to happen, but perhaps I was bearing down so hard that I caused it??? They will try smaller sizes and a Shaatz pessary.


thank you all for all the info for 2 years i had the bladder prolape never knew what it was or what to do about it i would have checkups every year and bring it up that things were not right Dr. said didnt see anything wrong was sent this summer to a urology Dr. who works with women he laughed and said you were in the stirrups at the time i said yes they should ask whats it feel like when you stand or carry heavy things bingo he was right you look normal when laying down for checkups but your not iam a 2to3 with a pessary now and feel so normal i do lifting all day and it is ok now. need to know how long will a pessary last till you have get another one mind i remove avery night hoping to put of surgery as long as i can.


It just gets more and more surreal. You mean the vagina doesn't form scars? Or that it really doesn't matter because it is ONLY the hidden, mysterious, impossible-to-fix, anxiety-producing, guilt-entrenched, betrayed and exploited vagina!

click here


I am a 53 year old who is suffering from rectal prolapse. I had my first daughter in 1988 via c-section at age 34. Following it, I never had an inkling of a problem. Then, 4 years later, in 1992, I delivered my second daughter vaginally. It was the biggest mistake I ever made. I requested to have a subsequent c-section because with it, I had 22 hours of labor with 2 hours of pushing, only to have an emergency c-section. You see, I couldn't dialate enough to deliver her. I have a very small pelvis (I was and am 5', 95lbs). I was told by a gynecologist when I was 18 that I should have c-sections because of my small pelvis. Well, after my first daughter, I knew that the doctor I had at 18 was right.


Under goldfinch1's thread: "PLEASE help with pessary choice", someone submitted a testimonial about colpexin (see This product sounds almost too good to be true. Just curious - has anyone here had any experience with it?


trying to find where to get book i go to and it wont come up is there some place i should go im new at this


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