Looking for detailed text description of whole woman posture and eBooks


I’m new to the site and I’m looking for text and ebooks to download, not videos. On several of the site pages I have found links to a detailed text description of the ww posture that either don’t work or link to the general FAQs that don’t or no longer contain the description, e.g. “The Whole Woman posture, which is described in detail at the end of the Frequently Asked Questions section of this site, ” — which is a broken link on the cystocele page. Has this description been put behind the paywall? Is it somewhere else?

Rectocele cystocele incontinence please HELP

Help!! I am so frustrated I feel like I can't function. I can deal with the heavy feeling, spot bleeds, uncomfortable, not being able to go to the toilet properly etc. what I can't handle is the constant leaking of urine!! Are there any tips/tricks to reduce this symptom? I am waiting for a consult to a urologist/gyno but it's 4 months away. I'm just not coping with this any more. I am 30 years old. The incontinence started at 22 after the birth of my first child. It has progressively gotten worse and two months ago everything just dropped. I am scared.

Elder program

Acid reflux & elevated bed - am I damaging myself?

Hello all,
I'm new to this website.

Sleeping postures

Just want to make sure that there are not any postures that are worse than others to keep the uterus and bladder where they should be while one sleeps. I am very comfortable sleeping on my stomach with a couple short stints of sleeping on my side each night. I usually wake up in the morning and my prolapse is very happy after sleeping mainly on my stomach.

Then when I rest for a time during the day laying down on my stomach is the best. I'd just like to make sure that this is good for the uterus and bladder. Seems to be but I guess I am looking for some reassurance.


The Whole Woman posture helped my prolapse right away. I have been amazed and so grateful that I discovered it and purchased the program. After a few months of just feeling absolutely great, my symptoms came back. I'm so disappointed. I'll look at the videos again and be more careful about my posture. I just wonder why this has happened. Has this happened to anyone else? Could you share what you did about it?

Mild Prolapse- SO many questions!!

Hi All-

Sea sponge tampons cleansing

Is it safe to cleanse sea sponge tampon with ph balanced summers eve vaginal soap? I have already done this and am about to start my period but I want to make sure before I use the tampons they are safe. I hope I haven't ruined my tampons. Is there any way to restore them to their natural state?

Healed cystocele

I developed cystocele during my last weeks of pregnancy due to baby being very low in my womb, I believe.

I had a vagina home birth with no issues.

To my surprise, the cystocele went back by itself (didnt do anything) 2 weeks postpartum.

There is to say I am a little underweight.


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