New Kegels and Cystocele

Hello, I'm new to site and have been trying to perform the "new Kegels". I am post menopausal with no complaint of any pain upon having sex or any current UTI's. My question is do your abdominal muscles feel tightened up after doing the new Kegels? Mine feel tight after doing them. Am I doing these correctly? Also how many repetitions are you supposed to do as well as, how many time a day should you do these? I purchased the Whole Woman Fundamentals streaming video and it has been helpful. My doctor has said I have a cystocele but I have not checked to see what stage it is.


I can see my cervix at the opening of my vagina. I haven't gone to a DR. I'm certain I have all three. Do I have to go to Dr? Can this program help me? I'm 51 post menopause any tips at all?? I ordered the first aid video...

Pain during sex years after rectocele repair

Hi, I had rectocele surgery five years ago and still cannot have sex without horrible pain. I have tried estrogen tablet suppositories and all the lube in the world does not help. I'm going to switch my gynecologist to a woman who I think may be more understanding and just not fluff me off. Has anyone else had this problem? I know things are shaped differently now and I have heard that there is a surgery to try and fix the problem. Help!!

Differing diagnosis, Cystocele?

I'm hoping to get some wisdom from you ladies to understand if I do have a cystocele, as I have three differing diagnosis from three different doctors in the past two months. I live in Sarajevo, and am having a hard time finding a good Gyn. I had felt that my tampon was not inserted correctly and when I checked it, I felt a bulge at the opening of my vagina which was not there previously.

rectocele and left lower quatrant pain

I'm so glad I found this site! I'm just learning how to navigate here, but briefly, I have had left lower quadrant to mid-abd. pain for about 2-3 months. I found out 2 weeks ago I have a large rectocele and have problems evacuating my bowels. My pain is still there, intermittently. Does anybody else have left lower quadrant pain with a rectocele? I'm wondering if it's because of my pooping difficulties.


Just saying Hello as new to forum and testing how it's works

mild prolapse is nearly gone...yay!

I signed up for the forum almost a year after purchasing several videos and reading the literature and stories on this web site.
I wanted to share a few things:

Am i too young to have a cystocele?

I just turned 16. Ive had a bulge on the¨roof¨ of my vagina for as long as I can remember and I thought it was normal. I realized its not normal to feel like you cant ever fully empty your bladder and started looking for reasons why thats always happened to me. A bladder prolapse best fits my symptoms but ive never even had sex. I dont understand and am too embarrassed to tell anyone. I would appreciate any advice or knowledge anyone is willing to share.

Thanks in advance,

sloshing organs

When I was recently postpartum I had a feeling like an organ was sloshing around in my upper belly whenever I ran. That feeling only went away several months postpartum. I was wondering what exactly this phenomenon is and if there's anything that we can do to make it go away quicker?

Vulva itching

Hello -

I've recently been experiencing a lot of itching "down there." I was just at my gyno for my annual exam and there was no mention of a yeast infection. A friend told me it's probably just dryness, and this may be the case. She suggested I try a cream called Emuaid and the ingredients are listed below. Just wondering if anyone as used this and if it's safe or recommended.


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