Messages from the body

I am very interested in the subject of Psychoneuroimmunology, mind body connection. The condition of prolapse in it's various forms reads as these:
Pelvic floor dysfunction; unable and/ or unwilling to let go of hurts. Needs approval from an authority figure who withholds it. Living life without a routine or schedule, and using it as an excuse to escape responsibility.
Pelvic floor prolapse:
Bladder; (Anterior prolapse or cystocele)- not knowing when to hold onto or when to let go of emotional baggage and unable to stop thinking about it.

Vitamin C

Have just started high dose vitamin c as have researched it can help collagen production which can help ligament support. Going to try for a month and see if improvement. Anyone tried vitamin c as part of their management for prolapse?

Thank You Christine!!


My story.....I'm 54 and I noticed I had a uterine prolapse about 4 1/2 years ago. It didn't really get any worse until this past year when I increased my walking in an effort to loose weight. On the plus side I have lost between 30 and 35 pounds!! On the negative side my prolapse got worse..... a lot worse. I knew I didn't want surgery so I began searching the internet. I found Whole Woman.

Rectocele toileting

I have seen the toileting video but I am unsure of the angle and whether it would get all the poop out of the rectocele so that nothing is left in there. Any other rectocele people have toileting advice? Currently I use a squatty potty but on troublesome days I have to do a real squat down to get it out otherwise it pools in the rectocele

I just dont see how everything would work the way Christine shows, seems like it would be hard to relax the bottom muscles? I have tried it peeing but that is a different thing than when poop is coming out

Tilted uterus

HI all,

question about the fundamentals video


I recently purchased the first aid video, the workout is great- a lot of challenging dance moves, but I was a little disappointed that the lifestyle section didn't answer all my questions- I'm still wondering about whole woman toileting and what the best way is to pick up my Baby from the floor? would be very grateful for any advice & insights.
Is it worth it to purchase the fundamentals video if I have the first aid one already? How long is the video? Does it give more insight into the whole woman posture than the first aid video?

Please Help! My problem gets worse daily

For some reason lately my rectal muscles are really tight and this causes poo to pool into my rectocele. Recently tried saline enema and splinted, my concerns are

1. Can you push back too much when splinting? I put my finger in there pretty far to make sure everything was out.

2. What do you do about tight rectal muscles? I already used a wand inside to try to get them to relax but it’s not helping.

Sex, vaginal tightness, birth scars

I am currently seeing a PT, besides prolapse my biggest concern is being able to have sex with my partner. I had 2nd degree tearing and of course stiches. So my vaginal muscles are so tight my partner first almost cant get in and if he does he cant move. Besides the muscle tightess i have a scar from stiches in the muscle on one side that is really the part that keeps us from doing anything, I can feel it and it feels likes its stretching uncomfortably and is tight enough to retare.

Rectocele woes, impressa, stuck stool, mg

This is my first time posting and I have read a lot of the other posts but I would like to explain my personal battle and see if anyone has had a similar experience or advice.

Rectocele relief

Hi all,


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