1983 Surgery Disaster

My friend pointed me to the Whole Woman website, and I cancelled my appointment with a urologist to see about my cystocele because of what information I have found here.

In 1983, I went in for a routine PAP smear to my gynecologist. I was 33, had 4 children and was not going to have any more. He suggested that I have a bladder repair, a cystocele and a rectocele repair. He also offered to do thigh tucks while I was under anesthesia ( Grrrr)! I stupidly agreed to the pelvic repairs.

UTI symptoms with negative test

I've been fussing with UTI symptoms for about 3 weeks - burning, urgency to go. So, I pushed the water, cranberry extract pills, and lemon water. It would clear up and I would have no symptoms for about 48 hours. Then, it returns again with a vengence. I went to the doctor yesterday. I had puss in my urine, but when the cultured it, no sign of a UTI. Hmmm.... they put me on an antibiotic, which the doctor now says is doing me no good. Although the burning is nearly gone today. Just the urgency is still present.



So I have been going to a PT just to try - and she hasn’t pushed kegels surprisingly and also talked about lifting the tailbone even. She is recommending biofeedback now though, as she thinks my “muscles are in shock from delivery and can’t relax” she is talking about the puborectalis muscle and believes the sling is not relaxing. What is the whole woman view on biofeedback? It’s going to be expensive as my insurance isn’t covering it and part of me is sure it won’t help, but another part of me is saying I should at least try...

Update and question

Hello ladies. I am plugging away working on my posture daily during my work as a housekeeper and my daily hikes and walks. It has turned cold and snowy here already and so it's been hard somedays to get out there but I do it anyway because it helps my POP so much!

Success for all?

I have been very happy to follow the Wholewoman posture and lifestyle for over three years now and to spread the word where ever I can. I have been asked by a friend how she can ensure keeping her prolapse problems at bay and I wanted to check with u please.

Running post surgery but with another prolapse


I had surgery 16 months ago due to a severe rectocele that became very problematic. I found whole woman before the surgery but found myself unable to live with the symptoms.

All went well (for now I guess) but have developed a cyctocele which I am managing with WW posture and lifestyle changes.

I have been a bit of a runner in my life and found the lack of running (couldn’t run with rectocele at all) for the last years very dis-satisfying and challenging emotionally.

Squatting while cleaning bathroom aggravates prolapse

I am symptom-free from prolapse most of the time thanks to WW posture, except every week after I clean our bathrooms. I am hyper-flexible and feel no stretch doing a complete squat and do much of my low bathroom cleaning work in this position. My body is not in an obtuse angle--quite the opposite, it is extremely acute--but it seems working in this position aggravates prolapse. I thought squatting was a healthy, normal human posture, but being hyper-flexible maybe I am going too far.

correct toe spacers


I just read a article about correct toe spacers in the WW library and I was so pleased. I believe in this product a cause I have been using them for 3 yrs. I had double bunions removed nearly 40 years ago. I have never worn bad shoes. I do disagree with some foot doctors that don't believe it is genetic. I feel it does have to do with many factors including what we are born with when it comes to genes. My grandmother , mother, myself and already one of my children had them also. Anyway, my bunions came back slowly over the years and I started having ankle issues, and knee issues.


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