Rejoice with me, ladies...

Since my last baby was born, I've been too afraid to poke around down there too much. I was just too disgusted with my body. Which was heartbreaking, because I've always been very connected spiritually and intuitively to my body. I listen to it and it tells me what it needs, it leads me where it needs me to go. And yet, for the past 5 months or so, I've felt betrayed by my body, like it has let me down (much as I did after my first birth 7 years ago), like I wasn't whole, wasn't complete. For the first time in years, I had no idea what was going on with my body, and I was scared.

I've had a slight rectocele since after my first birth (hospital episiotomy/forceps fiasco), but it never caused an issue until a few months after I had my third baby (my second and third births were *perfect* homebirths, unassisted, less than 3 hour labors with no pushing, I was upright the whole time, no tears, etc, etc), at which point I could tell the rectocele was getting bigger, and I was sure everything else was trying to fall out as well. I had the typical egg/golf ball in the vagina sensation, where I felt the need to keep my legs crossed all the time.

prolapse and plantar fasciitis


I recently developed plantar fasciitis and a heel spur, It's both painfull and right now a nuiscance but at the beginning quite knocked me out.. You're very limited with what you can do when walking is painfull

Anyway, i know that osteopath's connect the foot and the pelvis and i think reflexologists too.. for me the connection is weak connecive tissue and kidney energy from a trad chinese medicine perspective..

Anyway while i'm glad whatever weakness was occuring for me went there instead of to my genital's :) i am curious to hear whether anyone else has had this and any tip's they may have when dealing with it

Off Topic: Chronic Headaches

I know this is totally off the subject here, but figured headaches/hormones/pelvic health all kind of linked together. In the past 6 solid months, I have had a constant headache varying in levels of pain. Nothing makes it go away. It is by far, the worse thing I have ever had in my life. I thought the discovery of the prolapse was bad, but this is unbelievable!!!!

Does anyone else have this too??? If so, how have you managed??

Thanks for listening!

firebreathing postpartum question

I tried the firebreathing last week and the PP bleeding started again. not heavy, just spotting. I figured it was a fluke as I had just stopped bleeding only days before. so I stopped the firebreathing. bleeding stopped. I tried the FB again yesterday and today I'm bleeding again.
should I hold off on the FB?

Would the Diet book be worth it for me? More...

My dietary history is that I've been a whole foods vegan for almost 7 years. I've recently been converting to a raw foods diet (I've been about 80% raw on average for a little over a month)with the only cooked foods being beans or green vegetables. No (or almost no) starchy veggies or bread (even though I make 8 loaves of the best homemade whole wheat bread you'll ever taste every single week for my family). Is the Whole Woman diet something drastically different than this type of dietary lifestyle to where it'd be worth the money to buy, or would my money be better spent getting the exercise dvd? I have Saving the Whole Woman, but I was thinking that the dvd would make it easier for me to understand the postures by seeing them in action.

Sore hips

Hello all.
I have been practicing Christine's posture for a few weeks now. While the positive results regarding my prolapsed uterus are already evident, I have been experienceing mild nagging pain in my hips that began a few days after starting the posture.
I was just wondering if anyone else out there has experienced this? Will it stop eventually?
All in all, I would trade the cervix peeking and all the joy that goes with it, for sore hips any time!

Applying Christine's posture

Just a quick question. With regard to the posture should you try and keep your butt tucked under or leave it relaxed? The rest seems to make sense to me, but I wasn't sure on this one and wanted to make sure I was doing it correctly.

Varying BMs

I'm wondering if anyone can help me with my question. I am trying to get my BMs regular but at the moment I seem to fluctuate between them being too soft and too hard. I can't seem to get a good balance. I'm not sure why this is happening as my diet is reasonably regular. I'm taking a teaspoon of psyllium each day on my physio's advice. I've also cut out grains as she suggested and peel my apples. I have vegies with dinner every night and eat two or three pieces of fruit a day (at least one apple) and sometimes prunes. I do eat a lot of breads, cereals, pasta and rice. I'm a vegetarian but I do eat a lot of cheese and I have eggs.

Birth control?

Hi all,
wondering if anyone has thoughts on birth control. I REALLY do not want to get pregnant again, but feel now with my myriad of prolapses that birth control options are rather limited.

I wouldn't feel safe with Natural Family Planning anymore (especially as still breastfeeding and will be for years to come...), & not a fan of hormonal methods, especially as I worry about how they could effect my body now.
I'd planned to get an IUD, but now don't think it's a good idea as I don't want to add any weight to my uterus--have had mixed thoughts on that from doctors I have asked, some saying it's fine and another saying not a great idea as I need to lessen the weight not add...

Sea Sponge testimonial :)

So, since the birth of my son almost a year ago, I have been unable to use tampons. The things just go right past my cervix and then work their way out easily. This is a small tragedy to me since pads are gross and uncomfortable and I'm always self-conscious that they are visible. I had pretty much resigned myself to having to wear pads until my gleefully anticipated menopause, but today I tried the Sea Pearls sea sponge for the first time with awesome results! I couldn't believe how effective they were, no leakage whatsoever! Once it started to get a little 'full' (I guess) I could sort of feel it more. But it was very easy to rinse out and replace...I'm feeling pretty good about being ecologically correct, too.


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