Christines book

Where do I send for Christines book? I can't seem to find where to send for it on the website. Sorry for being so thick

Looking for specific info on how to improve

Greetings, I am new to this style of communication so forgive my errors. After my 4th baby in Oct/06 I noticed the vaginal bulge, spoke to my midwife about it a couple times (I knew I had a uterine prolapse but I never really "knew" about it) and did not get a diagnosis from her. She checked me laying down and kept feeling the position of my uterus and letting me know it wasn't too bad. When I spoke to my physician she mentioned a pessary but that it was for "little old ladies" and then asked if I would consider surgery? I said I needed to do some research. Thank God for the librarian that ordered Christine's book.


Hi i'm sooo glad I found this forum, Ive had a prolapse for 7 years bladder was the worse and I have a ball just inside my vagina also this week I have began to feel pressure on my back passage and find it hard to empty my bowels ugh! anyway it feels pretty uncomfortable but i don't want to come under the knife and i'm trying sooo hard to keep up
Idon't urinate a lot so sometimes my ankles swell but found that a little kegel excercise helps and i go more (which is good for me)
sometimes the bulge from my bladder burns a bit (maybe) or gets very uncomfortable as the day goes on.
Also this pressure has started and yesterday I cried because I felt sooo down.

Vulva Cancer - my experience

Hello to all on this site.

Someone has recommended this site for me to share my story. Although I dont have pelvic floor problems I need to be more aware of what may lie ahead for me.

13 years ago I had 6 weeks radiation to my pelvic area after the removal of my clitoris vulva and lymph glands. I know of many others who have also experienced this very very sensitive cancer. Many of these women also end up with pelvic floor conditions.

I hope everyone is ok about me discussing this and no I am not a spammer you can find more about me as I am the Founder of GAIN Inc. Gynecological Awareness Information network

Where'd my rectocele go ????????

Ok so I go to a new gyno today, for a second opinion on the diagnosis my gyno (who I have been seeing for the last 15 years) gave me 2 weeks ago, which was a rectocele grade 2 and maybe a enterocele.
I was having pain with intercourse and problems with having a bm.

I see a women gyno today, who I REALLY LIKED! She is knowledgeable and she is a women! She has a vagina and knows stuff about it!

She shares our philosophy of NO surgery and is very frank on this. I told her all about this site and the posture, exercise and diet aspects. She even asked for this web site. How awesome is this!

is swimming safe?

I have a very prolapsed uterus and was wondering if it was safe for me to swim in our chlorinated
pool this summer? It doesn't seem like a good idea because of the chemicals and all. I do love to swim with my kids, but don't want to take any chances as my prolapse is always bulging all the way outside of me. Also, I worry that the chemicals in the water would not be good if I became pregnant. Thank you for any thoughts or opinions out there.

Trying to Make Sense of All This

I have been sifting through hours of back posts on prolapse. I have to say I'm so glad to have found this and it's giving me the confidence to think about baby number two.

I'm about to order Christine's book/DVD as soon as the credit card's clear (thank God for hubby's overtime). Can't wait. I've already started to use the postures on the website and have to say it's already made a difference. I've sat through a movie three times without having to stop it to go to the loo - I can't tell you what a difference these small things make! But I'm sure you ladies all know what I mean.

Tell me if I'm asking questions covered in the book but I feel I don't even really know what's going on with my own body. I first went back to my obstetrician and told him how I felt heavy etc a few months after the birth. He said I had nerve damage from carrying the baby low in my pelvis and further damage was caused from delivering her. He said I could have surgery now and then have a caeser for baby number two or just go to physio now and worry about that later (I definitely didn't want to have option one). He never said the word prolapse.


At least one generation of women in the United States is aging into the reality of having had the bulky, elastic core of their pelvic organ support system severely compromised by perineal laceration. Our mothers, damaged in just the same way, never became fully conscious of the connections between their hospital births and later hysterectomies, sphincterplasties, and incontinence procedures.

Primary pelvic organ support derives from the shape of the spine and the integrity of soft tissue connections to the skeletal frame. The pelvic diaphragm provides primary muscular support and is made up of a group of paired muscles that include the levator ani and coccygeus muscles. The levator ani are composed of horseshoe-shaped bands of muscle that span from pubic bone to coccyx. The inner most band is called the puborectalis, which surrounds the vagina and rectum like a sling. The puborectalis muscles maintain continence of solid stool by pulling sharply forward and creating an acute angle between the anus and rectum. This mechanism forces stool back up into the rectum where it is stored until evacuation.

I feel awful...

I am 18 weeks pregnant and as you may have read I am feeling more and more heavy down below. I am even getting the trapped air that I had right after the birth which went away once my uterus went up. I am so uncomfortable. From the minute I stand I have so much pressure. Even after laying down all night I wake up to pressure. The thing that has me really depressed is that for a little bit there I was feeling good and I thought it was because I didn't have a lot of meat when I had bad morning sickness. Well this week I have really made a good effort to eat no meat at all for the first time and eat lots of veggies and fruit and less junk.

Alternatives to Kegels?

I know that Kegels are bad. Or that more than a few of them per day can be harmful. But apart from being in posture and waiting for the 'stocking to go back to its original shape' what can one do to tighten one's vagina?

Mine is in a pretty bad shape in this regard. I think that my prolapses are not that bad (and every doctor I saw agreed on this) but I still feel like a brick is falling out of me every time I am on my feet. When I lie down and my prolapses are out of the way my vagina is wide open. I can put in a finger without touching anything. The same happens in water. When doing firebreathing the air gushes in every time my organs are lifted. I feel that my prolapses cannot improve unless some tightening happens because they are there to fill up the space.


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