
oh ladies, like I didn't have enough on my plate already...



Hi All

On Saturday 29 March I attended Vulva Awareness Day, a pelvic pain seminar organised by GAIN, the Gynaecological Awareness Information Service, www.gain.org.au , in Perth, Western Australia.

The speakers were:-

-Dr Tim Pavy, an anaesthetist specialising in treatment of pelvic pain at King Edward Memorial Hospital in Perth who is using local anaesthetics to relieve pain and trick the brain into not generating previous pain in the future. Sounds wierd, I know.

baby wearing

i did a search but couldn't find any past threads... what pressure or added strain am i putting on my pelvis by using slings daily. i use varies slings for the occassion but overall i would use a back carrier and mai tei the most so there is that restrictions around my waist, i do not want to not use slings

post patum prolapse

HI this is my first post here. this forum is set very different to what i am use to, so bare with me as i learn to navigate around here.

Postpartum Prolapse Improvement!!

Just had to share....

I had my 6 week pp checkup and things haven't gotten worse - yay!!!!!!!!!!! - and my OB/Gyn thinks there may have been some improvement...I think so too!

So, for those new people here, there is definitely hope!

Which type of yoga is best?

I know there's heaps of posts about yoga and I did a search on it and read through some of the posts and saw hatha yoga and iyengar yoga mentioned....just wondering which type of yoga is best to do when you have a prolapse?

Prolapse Treatment Alternatives - Menstrual Alternatives

SEA Pearls are completely natural sea sponge tampons, free of Dioxin or synthetic fibers. Sustainably harvested and reusable for 6 months or more, Sea Pearls are comfortable, easy to use, economical and earth friendly. They can be used for Menstruation, Urinary Incontinence, Uterine Prolapse or Birth Control with a spermacide.The average woman will use over 17,000 disposable items in her lifetime. Why be an average woman?

love and marriage

Deep sigh. I’d like to write down a few random thoughts since really, Stella’s plea brings up so very much for all of us.

Pro-lapse and Trimo-san cream

I just came back from the dr. and was given Trimo-San as a cream to use with my pessary. I have never used a pessary before. I was a bit weary about wearing the pessary as well as of using this cream. However, the dr. wanted me to use estrogen which scared me even more. I asked for something else and he suggested this cream. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to use other than Trimo-san?

A turning point w/severe uterine prolapse - do enzymes help???

I need to make a new decision re my prolapse & hope some of you may help. After managing my uterine prolapse with little discomfort for 2+ years, a prolonged severe cough several months back changed everything. My prolapse now is very severe (out of my body) and I suspect I may have a rectocele too. It's scary to see this low big bulge hanging & makes even walking uncomfortable. It has drastically changed my lifestyle so that I was actually thinking it may be foolish not to think about surgery, something I thought I would never consider, or perhaps it's time for a pessary.


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