Wow... Touching film of picture

Tries again...

It really touches you are shows you that there is so much in that short 'dash'

vagina or vulva?

Hi Louise and All,

As some of you know, I’ve been struggling with a condition called Lichen Sclerosis. It is purported by gynecology to be a “rare” condition, but in reality affects a huge percentage of menopausal women. Almost every woman in her fifties that I bring this subject up with has some level of symptoms.

joint and muscle pain

Hi fellow-women
I am still menstruating @ 55, so getting closer to menopause by the day, but not holding my breath.
I have had a really sore body for several weeks now, starting a week or so before the last period, but it has not let up. During that time almost all our family have experienced some sort of mysterious wog that produced a variety of odd symptoms. It may have come at the same time as a cold, as it had a respiratory component.

Hard BM in 3 year old

Hi ladies,

Just Thanks!


After searching for a couple of months off and on, I've finally found this wonderful site!
And finally answers to all of my questions. I'm 55 and have been surprised with what I think is a uterine and/or bladder prolapse. I am very disheartened and sceptical of modern medicine, am reluctant to go to a doctor for confirmation (but I will). I am
heavily into homeopathics and herbal remedies and am using these to help... BUT the best

The Daffodil Principle

A rea dof this really touched me...
Will it touch you as it did me I wonder?

The Daffodil Principle

Several times my daughter had telephoned to say, "Mother, you must come to see the daffodils before they are over." I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead "I will come next Tuesday", I promised a little reluctantly on her third call.

Newbie needs support!

Hi everyone! I stumbled on the forum today after coming home from my 6 week post partum OB check up today. I told the OB that I noticed a bulge at the opening of my vagina when I sat on the toilet. However, when I stand, it goes away. I don't have any discomfort and so far no incontinence issues. She said it looked like my bladder "fell." She didn't tell me to what degree it had fallen. She cleared me for sex, but honestly, I don't know how that's possible. I am so very upset.

Back from PT

Went to PT. She had a look at the WW book but didn't say much (more fool her)

Basically she said I read too much (lol) And I obscess too much - lmao. I know this to be a fact! Yes I may fall apart - But once I get my head around things - I ALWAYS come out of it a stronger woman and far far more knowing and understanding towards others.

Internal pressures and cavities opened or closed...

Last night - I was lying in bed (Goodness knows why these questions come to me) I was thinking to myself...


Male to female - A cavity is formed - Does this new cavity then start to get the same or similar Internal Pressures to a womans?

Female to male - The Uterus is removed - The cavity is closed somehow and a penis is then made out of arm skin (see I watch documentaries lolol) - Does the closed off cavity prolapse? Or do the pressures as thhere is no longer an Introitis - Just stop there?

The quest for user-friendly ground flax seed continues ...

Hello all you crazy, foodie scientists out there!

I currently grind my morning flax seed in a relatively carbon-friendly granite mortar and pestle. This is nice and quiet but hard on my arms, because a lot of downward pressure needs to be used to crush the slippery little b$*%*@%s.

Enter my Braun food mill that is powered by my Braun food wand. The slippery little b$*%*@%s didn't even blink, still whole.


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