any advice for a picky eater? other picky eaters out there?

Ok, I have to confess, I am really down about this diet thing. I live in the southern US, and grew up eating fried chicken, cornbread, biscuits, etc. I have always been an EXTREMELY picky eater. I didn't eat cheese at all until after I grew up - as I teenager I would order a "cheese pizza with no cheese!"

I dislike ALL FISH. I can't stand that taste. Shellfish as well. I'd just as soon be trying to chew up a rubber tire as to attempt once more to eat shrimp.

Fund Raiser for Christine and Whole Woman

This idea has been on my heart so much of late, I am tossing it out to see how many kindred hearts it attaches itself to.

I, like so many, have received invaluable, life-changing support, education, guidance and genuine care and empathy from the lovely contributors to this site, both past and present, and from Christine--the one who made it all possible. I am in awe of Christine's efforts, her family's efforts...the endless dedication it takes to facilitate this truly ground-breaking work truly humbles me.

Recovering from pregnancy and delivery

I wanted to share my first week out (that is so hard to believe that its been a whole week and that this time last week my body was preparing for labor!)

book, dvd,baton?

Apparantly the baton ? is no longer available?
does th book come with a dvd or do I have to get the first aid one too?
thanks, Jodi
PS Christine, how about a package deal, One of every thing and a bliss balm for less!! ;-)


Hello ladies,

Those of you who use the Balms can you let me know if they are good at helping with that irritating feeling of bulges pressing at the opening. I am beginning to feel a bit sore with all the pressure there. Nothing is actually bulding outside but it all feels tender and I am not sure how to help ease the discomfort.

Any tips greatly appreciated.


Just had an ....

...interesting conversation with my mum. Turns out she has quite a few symptoms which could point to prolapse. She has the air bubble thing from time to time and has voiding issues (both bowel and bladder) but only in the mornings after waking. She said she also gets that heavy feeling in her bottom but said it has been there for so long and came on gradually that she has become used to it and takes no notice. She said if she does a kegel and feels everything lifting, when she lets go its like "letting go of a half a pound of mincemeat!".

Pulling sensation

Another new sensation I have just developed is a pulling feeling in the front of my abdomen. Is this because the prolapses are worsening and pulling on all the fascia etc? I can feel it just whilst sitting here.

went in to be checked out - got the bottom line

God bless my nurse-practitioner. She worked for years at the OB clinic I've gone to all my life and now she does general practice. I went in and told her everything that was going on. She's just wonderful and very understanding. She did a pelvic and it appears as if things might not be as bad as I had feared. She told me that it probably feels worse than it actually is - my husband put it this way - kind of like when you get an eyelash behind a contact - it FEELS awful, but it's not life-threatening!

Need to vent

I am so sorry ladies but my heart is breaking over all this again. I have a new sensation down below which just doesn't seem to be easing up and so I have checked myself again. As I suspected my back wall is just crumbling and is one big mess of saggy baggy skin and lumps and bumps and feels nothing like it ever did before. Gone is my smooth skin and whats left is just broken and damaged.



I see you are online and just wanted to ask how things are going?



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