Giving up!!!

Christine, It's me again, and after fighting with this for almost 2 years now, I am just too tired to keep it up! Both my daughters have already had a hysterectomy with really no complaints! I hate the discomfort and starting to sit is so weird feeling! It is so far out now, I can see the dimple with a mirror! I also am depressed about having to give up my job, because I know I probably won't be able to do any lifting as they say! You all have helped me a lot the past 2 years, but I'm getting older and weaker! It's uncomfortable to walk anymore!



Hi Granolamom, I was looking at old posts and I believe it was one of yours that talked about how Christine suggests walking to firm up the buttocks. Can you explain it to me please? Thanks so much, Kit

Aha! Babywearing

I just spent money that I don't have on a new didymos baby wrap, but I am so excited! This woven wrap is WAY more supportive than my stretchy one. I also figured out that having the baby face outward on my front is comfier. This way he's not pressing into my tummy and pushing everything out the bottom. Now I just need to learn a good high back carry....

Another side effect?

I have been having a very embarassing bodily function lately, and was getting worried about it so of course I googled it, and read that it's a symptom of prolapse (of course!)
Does anyone else have air escaping from their vagina often? I feel it a lot, especially after exercising (lots of walking)
It's so embarassing, and annoying. I see my gyno soon, for my annual check up, and I don't even want to bother asking about it. They completely blew me off when I was scared when I first noticed my rectocele...they told me over the phone it was nothing!

I'm in pain

Hello ladies,

Dealing with Uterine Prolapse

Hi, I have a 2 year old daughter, and six months ago I've been told that I have a uterine prolapse.
The first gyno. told me that my bladder dropped down 'slightly' and nothing can be done for that, and that my uterus has not dropped down, but it was tipped backward.
As much as I was relieved to hear that I was not convinced since I still didn't feel well, with all the pelvic pressure and achy pains in my pelvic area as well as in my lower back.

It rears it's ugly head again... Cystocele

For a very very long time I had not a symptom - I had all but forgotton about this really (Bar posting here) My life was fab and I felt freed

Then I had one day of Constripation

Now..... The Cystocele is peeking once again and its depressing ya know

I have not given in - Not in any way - It is trying to find out how to get this thing back to as it once was that is being a tricky thing

for Sybille

Hi Sybille,

I saw your post, too, when I was sick and could not respond at that time.

Thanks so much for coming back to say HI and tell us of your progress.

Just want to tell the others that Sybille was one of my very first supporters. Both she and I were on another forum where I tried to tell the members that prolapse is primarily a postural problem in women…and Sybille helped me through the BRAWL that ensued! In spite of all the “bad press” she tried the posture anyway and for many months (years?) afterward came on this forum to help other women understand the truth of it.

ww covergirl

Hi Alemama,

I was so moved when I read your earlier post about how your mom had taken photos of you when you were playing and in every one you were in perfect posture. My husband asked me why I was crying!

To say the least, it has been difficult to teach this through words only (and one dvd), but even without ever having seen you, I would have to say that you have “graduated” from the whole woman program!

I just wanted to tell you that if you want to send me one of those pictures we would put it up (maybe even replacing those tired ones in the FAQs) as our Whole Woman Covergirl!

Exercise when standing up

I got the book which explained that you want to stay away from positions in which you are at an oblique angle (like the boat position in yoga). Crunches and sit-ups also appear to be a bad idea. As for sitting, leaning back doesn't seem to be a good idea. I have tested these out and can see that this is the case.


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