Ready to try firebreathing - question granolamom

Granolamom I just read a post of yours called 2 month update and it really helped me today because it sounds exactly how I feel today at 2 months pp. The cystocele is getting really uncomfortable and before the birth it was my rectocele that bothered me. Right now the rectocele is in hiding and the cystocele seems to be getting worse. I have not done any exercises or anything yet because everytime I tried something my bleeding would come back. Now I would like to try the firebreathing and exercises. Christine says to aim for 5-10 minutes twice a day for the breathing.

Poo Questions

Does anybody have suggestions to make it a clean and easy time?? What does everyone do to make sure you have a completely finished poo? It seems like if I eat enough fiber, water, etc. that it justs get too soft and it's hard to "finish". What are you all doing about it??

Fall down stairs

Hi all

I fell down the stairs on Friday minutes before we were to go on holiday. Very bad timing and we subsequently came back a day earlier as I haven't been able to do much as have been in pain and have been either lying on my side or crawling around on all fours. it is getting better every day but would love some advice.

Feeling so sad :o(

I need to rant and get things off my chest. The emotion is building inside me again that I feel I could explode.

This sucks sucks sucks!

I hate everything about POP – there is nothing to like.

I think about it 24/7, I wake in the morning wanting to throw up from the fear and I shake with the anxiety of it all and I don’t want to ever get out of bed again. My kids deserve a better mum and my husband deserves a better wife. I am so miserable I can barely breath.

tummy tuck surgery

I am 34 years old. I have two children, one was a forcep delivery. I was diagnosed with rectocele about one week ago after a trip to the ER. Yes, I freaked out. Even had a neighbor drive me to hospital on a Friday night. I am no longer shy about discussing my vagina with anybody. My question is urgent.



I know you are busy with your family but you mentioned in a post the other day "we had some interesting breakthrough's with my dd's chronic yeast infections/constipation recently" and was going to get back to me.

Would love to hear any tips/advice.



Senna Tea

Recently my gyno suggested that I try senna tea to help with my constipation. I did drink the tea the past 2 nights and it has helped tremendously. I don't know very much about this tea other then that it is natural. Here are my questions. Is it safe to use every day? Will it cause my colon to get lazy?

Your input would be greatly appreciated.

OT: if I were kit...

if I were kit I'd be writing something deeply moving.

right now I am feeling so blessed with the awesome responsibility and privilege of being alive.
my dds best friend lost her mom yesterday. dd is 8 years old. the mom had a brain tumor removed a year ago and it was pretty much downhill from there. she leaves behind parents, siblings, a dh and four children ages 8 - 20.
this hit me so hard. 8 years old is too young to be without a mom. the 20 year old dd is going to grow up so fast too, she already came home from her first year in college when the mom was diagnosed last year.

Can you believe this??????

I have only been on this board for such a short time. Have been diagnosed with 2 prolapses and a 'yummy' fistula (recently) but in all of might say "wow, sucks to be you".

Oh and can I add that I am 42 with my 1st child of 5 months and ohhhhhhh how absolutely in love I am with him......I mentioned last night that......
"I could have another one".
My DH looked at me like I was on crack. With all the emotions, trauma, upsets, health concerns of late and here I am still thinking....more???
I said it.

What is the appearance of prolapsed bladder or urethra???

I have developed a soft bulge at the entrance of the vagina.
Have been to the gyno who saw nothing abnormal.
I realize now it is probably visable only when standing.
I find I am more comfortable especially at the end of the day when I am off my feet. I wonder if this sounds like bladder prolapse although I know no one can diagnose it. I am curious about symptoms?? Can the urethra prolopse as well?


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