more progress

I just wanted to report more of my progress if nothing else to encourage all of you out there!

I am now 19 months after my post partum prolapse. I am doing really well and feel great. I have never had any symptoms as such from the rectocele and cystocele, but feel that things have improved even more. My prolapse presents as bulges, mostly at the back when I bear down, and less at the front. Well the front seems to bulge even less these days when I bear down so that there is really minimal movement at all. I still have the rectocele bulge though when bearing down and this is largely unchanged since the improvement I saw several months post partum. I am guessing that this will be the most stubborn prolapse, but as I don't notice it, well it really doesn't matter. :)

Feeling great!

I just wanted to share that (this week at least!) I am feeling great!
I've had whole days when I don't notice anything at all. Yes, everything is still there...but day to day walking around, no notice...
We even went on a holiday that involved a lot of driving which I was very nervous about and I was fine.
It really comes down to keeping my digestion working well. Unfortunately at the moment that seems reliant on a few canned prunes a day, which I really really feel like I shouldn't have to have...I just can't quite figure that one out. I might go see a nutritionalist to see if they have any thoughts.

Replacing Trimo-San

What product is available instead of Trimo-San for use with a pessary????

Exercise That Does Not Put Pressure on Pelvic Area

I am 55, 20 lbs overweight with prolapse and a large cystocele. My female GP diagnosed it --although I pretty much knew what it was when I went to see her. She is sending me to a Gyn I am trying to do conservative things to make it (the cystocele) better or not get worse. One of them is to lose weight, which really can only be done with diet and exercise. Trouble is that I cant do a lot of walking, dancing, jogging right now because of the cystocele. I know sit up type excercises are not good. Would riding a bike and lifting weights while lying down be OK? I don't have access to a swimming pool.


Hi All,

Just want to add to the earlier discussion about holding and carrying infants. Actually, we are beginning to learn about how to create video on the website and it’s *possible* that we may be able to put up a little demo on this subject in the near future.

This is a subject close to my heart because (1) I believe all mothers who can need to hold and carry their babies and (2) I have a very big six month old grandchild (and a very severe prolapse) that I lift, hold, and carry all the time with no problem.

If you think about it, many women have no prolapse issues during pregnancy, right? And they are carrying 20 and 30 extra pounds out front of baby, fluid, and placenta. The idea that “the weight of the pregnancy caused my prolapse” is erroneous in normal anatomy because the weight of the gravid uterus is at right angles to the flattened vaginal walls.

thanks louise and granola mom.

your words and sense of humor are so helpful. i guess we must have a sense of humor while trying to hold a billiard ball up in our vaginas. well, thats my feeling. i do make jokes and my friends don't really know how upset i am. this was suppose to be this great time with my newborn, and yes i am enjoying much of it. but he is 11 pounds and growing and i can already tell it isn't good to hold him for long periods while standing. what am i going to do???? hold my lovely baby and perhaps worsen my prolapse, or work on myself while not fully experiencing motherhood for myself and my little one.


Hi Louise, Bridi, and Everyone!

We have two beautiful new brochures!

It will take a while to have them uploaded to the Resources section of the website but I wanted to post them so you could have access to them now.

They are tri-folds and can be printed in color and duplex.

Pass them around!!

:-) Christine

i just want to give granola mom a big huge hug!!!

hello all, i just want to tell you that i check into this site every now and then for the past 2.5 years. i check to make sure i am not the only one constantly thinking about my vagina! i live an active life and have even gone on a couple of recent jogs! i do have those days where i want to hang around upside down just to defy what gravity has done to my pelvic region! then i stop myself because after even downward dog there is a major outward movement of air that makes a sound i would rather not share (comments on how to avoid/work on this would be great!). i have to say that i scan through the posts to see what granola mom has to say. i really appreciate your input and support on this site and look forward to your comments and suggestions! yeah granola mom, love and light to you and yours! mel

need support

hi. i have been browsing this site for a few weeks. i am 41, 10 weeks postpartum and have a bladder prolapse (not told stage, but is not falling out of vagina, but hanging at opening). i don't know if there are stages of coping with this/ i am not generally an angry person, but i am terribly angry and depressed that this has happened. my baby is an IVF there was quite a stressful period prior to pregnancy. then at 7 months pregnant i was walking across a sidewalk and hit by a taxi. i suffered a fractured knee and was homebound and dependent on others for my entire third trimester. i only now am starting to walk. i was excited to finally become almost normal when i discovered this prolapse. i have seen a specialist and i am undergoing biofeedback/physical therapy. it was an induced labor and forceps delivery. i feel like we are not warned that this could happen. i could have had a csection because of my leg injury, and would have done it if i knew there was a chance this would happen.

Does anyone else get this?

Hi, I haven't posted for a while, think the gremlins are prompting me that it's time, but I've been reading everything that has been going on. Thing is, I seem to have a mild to moderate prolapse but at different times. I mean when it's "mild" I don't have any symptoms at all, not even a bulge, but when it's "moderate" I know things have dropped cos I do get a bulge although not a big one. The times it drops I notice are when I get up in the morning but after I've been upright and moving around for a while it goes again. Then if I put my feet up, lying or sitting back, it comes again when I get up. Then goes again after a while. If I walk and it is there to start with, it goes after a few minutes, so I like to walk for that reason. Thing is, it seems that I have to live with this situation, that is, I think it is as good as it is going to get. If it doesn't get any worse I think I could live with it for the rest of my life. It's just that the up and down thing is a bit disconcerting - I try not to obsess, but I keep thinking, why doesn't it stay up all the time??? Why does it go up and down all the time??? Oh well, perhaps I have to be happy when it's up, and annoyed when it's down. Great fun!!!


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