How do I get my Uterus Position correct

The following diagram is what my prolapse look like at the moment.

How long till it works!?

My cervix is 1cm out of vaginal entrance. If I follow your workout 3 times a week and wholewoman posture to the letter how long before I expect to see improvement? What sort of improvement can I expect? Feeling discouraged :(


Hey all,

sorry I've been away- this 2 child lifestyle is kind of kicking my tush!! Not sure how anyone manages more than 2... Granolamom, tips on the multi child lifestyle??


I am using a pessary and have been for 2 years. I constantly have white discharge and the doctor has sent specimen to lab and it is not a yeast infection. It is pretty bad, has anyone else ever have this problem. I would appreciate a reply. Thank You

newbie: practicing posture and rectum pain

Suffering from rectocele and cystocele (sp?)

I have been practicing posture for about a week now. The last two days I've felt an achey pain when standing, lifting, and walking. Particularly lifting my 23 pound 10 month old. It felt almost generalized to my vaginal vault area but I have since isolated it as rectal pain. No pain when sitting or lying.

Is rectal pain common with rectocele? Could this be from correcting posture and muscle/ligaments and such becoming sore? Have others expereinced this upon beginning this program?

Walking massages your lymph system?

A friend told me today that the rhythm of walking somehow massages your lymph system. Possibly something about intraabdominal pressure pressing up under the diaphragm. Has anybody ever heard this before? Any websites?



I walk for health reasons but I find it makes my uterine prolapse worse even though I am in the wholewoman posture. Any suggestions?

Hi - I'm new...

Hi everyone!

I am SO upset! After a night of intense sexual activity with my husband I awoke in the middle of the night thinking "oh no! A bladder infection" - I had the usual sensation of "fullness" but never the horrid pain upon urination. The next morning I discovered a prolapse, or prolapses. Researching surgical procedures left me terrified as I have had a spinal surgery that went wrong leaving me disabled. So I searched for alternatives and found this site/forum/etc.

a small mutiny

Through the majority opinion of the WW staff, this topic has been deleted. Thank you all for your most appreciated comments. Christine

cyctocele and pressure over public bone

hello everyone.

Just after delivery i had this feeling of pressure over public bone. Did not pay too much attention to it, thought it is normal considering that just given birth. But now, 8 weeks pp the pressure is back. Did anyone else have it? Could this be related to cyctocele that i have? I am scared that it is and that maybe my bladder is slipping down more and more, hence having this pain.... :(

Many thanks,



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