Estrogen levels vs. time

Just curious, do you ladies think the healing that occurs over the first year is due to increasing estrogen levels, time, or both?

I am no longer breastfeeding (for reasons completely unrelated to prolapse) and hoping there is still healing ahead even though my estrogen levels should be close to normal again (although I've not yet had a period). What has been your collective experience? Has it continued to get better after weaning?

Thanks, as always, for your wisdom.

Falling further?

I think my bladder has fallen further back. Sometimes when I urinate, the stream shoots out ahead from the anterior of my body, kind of like it sometimes did when I was pregnant so long ago. Most times it's much more normal.

eat right for your type??

This may have been brought up before but with all this talk about diet lately I was wondering if anyone here has tried the "eat right for your type diet" is basically based on your blood type. My blood type is A+ so a vegetarian diet would suit me well according to this research....people who have blood type O could eat mostly meat and would really benefit from it....I haven't stuck to this diet religiously but the days that I have I feel unbelievable!

WW is so ahead of its time (aka peeing in the shower)

Just had to share...Brazil is running a campaign to encourage people to pee in the shower to save water from flushing the toilet.
And Christine you've been advocating this for ages! Good for the body and the earth...
(they just seem to miss out on the all fours bit....)

cute add here (sorry, can't remember how to imbed....)


Lifting my baby

Hello all

Sorry if this is a repeat question. I do remember it being discussed previously but can't seem to find the relevant post.

What is the best way to pickup my 1 yo (about 9kgs) up off the floor? He's getting increasinly heavy and I"m wondering if this is the reason for the recent worsening of my prolapse.

I vaguely remember someone saying that it's best to bend your knees (briefly) in a squat position and lift using the strength of your legs. Is this right?

Any other tips?

Many thanks to you all in advance


diet and prolapse

As i mentioned on Christine's original post about prolapse and inflammation, i said i would following a more anti inflammatory diet as Christine is finding to be so crucial, and see where it takes me.

Running with a prolapse

My little boy is now 8months old and I was diagnosed with prolapses(front and back). I think it was caused by the dreaded constipation as I need to eat a silly amount of fibre all the time and it happened when we were away from home and our normal diet.

How does fascia recover?

I've been wondering why a bout of extra intraabdominal pressure, eg from shifting house or a nasty cold with lots of coughing can bring back symptoms, ie a 'setback', but symptoms disappear again within a week or so, with subsequent TLC.

On the other hand, we can do inversion exercises, firebreathing, nauli etc to give temporary relief of symptoms, which some Members find is permanent, or longer lasting.

Even after the enormous stretching of pregnancy and birthing the endopelvic fascia will revert back to 'almost' original size.

Need a good doctor in New York

I am new to the forum and just bought the book and DVd today. I have self diagnosed Prolapsed Uterus. I would like to find an alternative doctor, maybe doctor of Osteopathy who is female and specializes in gynecology to see me and do a proper diagnosis. Does any one know of a person in NY City. I have insurance but having a difficult time finding a good doctor in New York City.

I can get to any of the 5 boroughs of New York. If I can't get a Doctor of Osteopathy, then I will just take a good female Doctor who is a gynecologist in NYC.

weight lifting & zumba

I started lifting again and wanted to mention it here.
It is going well.
I am taking it pretty slow- I am 4 months postpartum. But so far no problems for my prolapse. I breathe well and use free weights- I encourage anyone who has been considering lifting to go for it.

and if anyone has wondered about zumba and prolapse- it isn't a problem for me- (but I also don't do the jumping).


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