Structural question regarding bladder/intestine location

Hi all, I was hoping someone here could answer an anatomy question for me. (You'd think I would be able to find more detailed pelvic diagrams online, but no dice!) I know that the bladder is supposed to be sitting over the pubic bone, but is instead hanging backward against the vaginal wall in someone with a cystocele. In this situation, is it possible for another organ (bowel loop, whatever) to be pressing forward over the pubic bone, where the bladder is supposed to be?

question about best way to "encourage" bowels

I have a rectocele and cystocele. I recently had a colonoscopy to rule out issues before the surgery I didn't have and I have "melanosis" which my gastro believes is due to my using herbs to go. I have thyroid issues and take meds which contribute to constipation along with the rectocele. Anyway - the formula I use has some cascara sagrada in it but a lot of other good stuff and I also use magnesium for a stool softener which I need anyway. He wants me to use Miralax and I don't like the bowels it produces. My diet isn't perfect, but I eat a pretty dang high fiber diet.

hooked up to machine

Well I'm back and I now have a used laptop.I thought when the PT department had Christine's book for4 months,and seemed to agree, my situation would be understood.

Another recruit intro

Dear Whole Women,

Prolapse after miscarriage


I am new here and have almost finished Christine's book.

As my username indicates, I am Mummy to seven children. The youngest being 17 months old. I am not quite 39 years old.

I learned of my prolapsed cervix three weeks ago after experiencing my fifth miscarriage four days prior. I have not gone to my doctor as I wanted to research any natural alternatives first. This website and Christine's book have given me hope. Now I need to get the dvd, so I can actually see how the exercises are done.

Return of Menstrual Cycle and Prolapse

Just looking for some advice or thoughts on this... I know I've seen other posts on it before. I am 5 1/2 months pp and have a cystocele and a really low cervix and some days it feels like I also have a rectocele. I just got my menstrual cycle back (not a welcome surprise since I hoped it would hold off longer since I am exclusively breast feeding). Anyway, this wek my symptoms have been MUCH worse. Is this common? Is this likely to pass when my period ends? I'm pretty frustrated because it seemed like things were getting better and now it is worse.



I am new and have only gotten to watch the DVD once, but I have a question. I believe it is called Nauli when you try to make your stomach muscles go in a circle. Does is matter if you start on your right or your left side? I am determined to get better. Would someone please help?

vaginal elasticity

This is an odd or different situation likely. I am married and only ever active with my hubby. We did not have premarital sex (not that it would've mattered) but found out (he warned me - just didn't understand) that he had had a repair as a baby that left him with problems. He has only ever orgasmed inside me when we tried to get pregnant no more than maybe 15 times in our marriage. I've wondered about the effects over the years and apparently sperm is a strengthening agent for the walls. I read where someone was given a script for estrogen tablets for the vag.


Hello, Please don't take this as criticism or oppositional, but the only thing on here that bugs me (or on the DVD so far) is that there is reference to evolving to an upright position. I don't believe Eve came from apes. I think women came like they are...(Only in more perfect, stronger, longer lasting form originally!!!). I just want to make that statement cause it bugs me. You've proven our "science" wrong with your findings on this so not sure why the reference to science there?

exercises--how soon?


I am 2 weeks pp after my second child and it seems I have a severe prolapsed uterus and a possible rectocele. I have been advised to do lots of Kegels and stay off of my feet to allow the natural swelling of the uterus to subside. I was wondering when it is appropiate to begin the wholewoman exercises. Should I give my body time to heal through the 6 weeks postpartum? Or are the exercises helpful during this time of healing?

One other question. Has anyone experienced a vaginal cyst? If so, what treatments have been helpful?



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